Thursday, April 07, 2011

Cornstarch spills, lemon-lime meringue pie, Mom's real birthday, and Shaw cutting off

While Teunis was telling me an interesting story about how the truckers up north all conspired to get Gordon Campbell to build them a new safer highway (every 30 seconds, have rigs pass him on hairpin turns!), the cornstarch spilled! Apparently, I shouldn't wash my clothes without brushing them off first, which is fine; just don't wash egg white with hot water since it turns to rock-hard consistency! The pie ingredients should be okay, he says - oh good. (he also made potatoes and carrots for dinner) He ended up having to take the dinner on the road, so of course he could borrow one of the glass Pyrex bowls for that purpose! Said he'd clean up when he got back, but I did the dishes anyway. (also discussed Boer meat pancakes and what he'd do for his birthday - probably not spend it all in this apartment, no!)

Noticed that Harmony called me - three hours later - so returned that call. Jon said that she was calling me to ask about Mom's birthday: it is definitely not April 6, although her Facebook profile lists it as such. I said it was probably the lunar calendar (her real birthday is May 14), which is what HE told her. Passed along Dave He's greetings, as well as the news that La Casa Gelato has durian ice cream now. Then I said that we'd gone to Chinatown and the gelato place; in response to a "bus?" inquiry, I said that Teunis can't really TAKE the bus because of his sensitivities to chemicals and perfume! Jon wondered about his "lady friend" - she is GONE now.

When Teunis got back, he said that he had to organize things since he was given even more books he has to read - hahaha, fair enough! At around midnight, the Internet cut off for some strange reason - he did various tech support things, and even connected to the Internet from his cellphone (very expensive!) so we could get the Shaw phone number! By the time we got the number and he ran a weird command on my computer, we didn't need it anymore since the problem was fixed about an hour later. (interesting - the computer said that I had a good IP address, and he didn't!) Discussed lemons / lemon zest, poly, limes, the juicer, his being settled here (music / ads / prank calls), meringue, hat-wearing etiquette, fear / Christian love, STAR TREK vs. STAR WARS, celeb news, stalking, wrongful dismissal, prostitution, sourdough, life changes, royalty, gum, Tic-Tacs, inspiring books, and more.

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