BORING_PEOPLE Chat 6, Part 2 (08.14.10)
Cast of Characters, In Order of Appearance
Steve, AKA nyquilsteve317
Mikaela, AKA embryogirl
me, AKA glowing_dragon
AmethystBrackish, AKA Kat (brackishkitten)
Laura, AKA kitkatkrisp (LovelyXMissOreoX)
flaafytaffy, AKA breadsandwiches
Angel, AKA angelcerv25
[21:11:57] angelcerv21: i paid 30 to see my first HIM show, the second one was 40 and when i saw them in seattle it was well over 60
[21:12:05] lovelyXmissXoreo: i'm so pissed cuz lady gaga was playing in LA tonight and i wanted tickets, but when i saw how much they were i just said fuck it
[21:12:14] guaaaache: the prices seem to depend partly on the venue, from what I can tell
[21:12:17] angelcerv21: how much?
[21:12:20] guaaaache: some have higher rent costs or something
[21:12:21] angelcerv21: yeah, they do
[21:12:34] lovelyXmissXoreo: like over 130 and that was the cheap ones
[21:12:35] angelcerv21: the band also has to pay the venue
[21:12:38] guaaaache: what the fuck
[21:12:39] angelcerv21: whoa
[21:12:40] guaaaache: $130?
[21:12:47] angelcerv21: gaga kicks ass, but I'm surprised she's allowing that
[21:12:59] guaaaache: the venue might be huge and expensive?
[21:13:05] angelcerv21: HIM tried hard to keep it as low as possible
[21:13:13] angelcerv21: it is L.A. ...
[21:13:23] guaaaache: I don't know what you mean
[21:13:24] angelcerv21: one of the most expensive places in the country next to New York
[21:13:28] guaaaache: ah, okay
[21:13:44] angelcerv21: 130 bucks....
[21:13:46] angelcerv21: how sad
[21:13:53] angelcerv21: I'll never see her in concert, hahaha
[21:14:04] angelcerv21: did you see her Rolling Stone covers?
[21:14:08] lovelyXmissXoreo: YES
[21:14:13] guaaaache: Celine Dion was playing here last year (I think). I overheard someone talking about it on the bus... they paid $700 for 3 tickets
[21:14:16] angelcerv21: i love the one where she holds the rifles
[21:14:19] lovelyXmissXoreo: OMG, THOSE SHOES!
[21:14:28] angelcerv21: Celine Dion is good, but not worth that
[21:14:34] angelcerv21: her ass!
[21:14:36] guaaaache: I don't think she's good...
[21:14:36] angelcerv21: mmm
[21:14:52] lovelyXmissXoreo: OMG YES, I WANT HER ASS
[21:14:52] angelcerv21: i like her voice, it has talent unlike the Britneys and Brandys and Mariahs
[21:14:58] angelcerv21: hahahaha
[21:15:09] angelcerv21: i tried out for Spokane's Got Talent
[21:15:20] guaaaache: I haven't heard much of her in years. I don't like her songs, though
[21:15:23] angelcerv21: i was the only decent singer there that night, except for this chick who sang country
[21:15:26] guaaaache: it's just not my thing, I guess
[21:15:34] angelcerv21: yeah, not all her songs are that great
[21:15:37] angelcerv21: her older stuff is good
[21:15:53] angelcerv21: the Let's Talk About Love album was something i adored as a kid (sssshhh)
[21:15:58] guaaaache: so what happened with the contest?
[21:15:58] angelcerv21: and Backstreet Boys
[21:16:02] guaaaache: haha
[21:16:06] angelcerv21: don't know yet
[21:16:10] angelcerv21: tonight is the last audition
[21:16:15] angelcerv21: 20 get into the final show
[21:16:16] guaaaache: all right
[21:16:23] angelcerv21: around 300-odd people have auditioned
[21:16:54] angelcerv21: i would have done my firepole thing, but it was an indoor venue
[21:16:59] guaaaache: so what happens to the winner?
[21:17:17] angelcerv21: they get an all-expenses paid trip to be on America's Got Talent
[21:17:27] angelcerv21: and for that, I'm not sure I want to win
[21:17:30] guaaaache: then what?
[21:17:38] angelcerv21: i have school, and this fall, i've got to get in my apps for grad school
[21:17:44] lovelyXmissXoreo: lol
[21:17:51] angelcerv21: then... i'm not sure
[21:17:53] angelcerv21: you're on TV
[21:17:57] angelcerv21: and compete with the others
[21:18:01] guaaaache: hmm
[21:18:06] guaaaache: I haven't watched TV since Thursday
[21:18:08] angelcerv21: then i'd bust out my firepole, hahahaha
[21:18:15] angelcerv21: but i don't know if you can change talents like that
[21:18:21] angelcerv21: TV sucks
[21:18:27] angelcerv21: i watched it today at Mike's
[21:18:29] guaaaache: you can't be multi-talented? that sucks
[21:18:36] angelcerv21: all those channels... nothing worth watching
[21:18:44] guaaaache: I only watch one channel
[21:18:48] angelcerv21: a show about all the weaponry of the world, past and present
[21:18:53] guaaaache: especially for news
[21:19:02] angelcerv21: depressing - let's glorify the one great human talent: killing and maiming and torturing
[21:19:15] guaaaache: gross
[21:19:30] angelcerv21: lots of shows about cops and dumb criminals... wish people would just boycott that whole system
[21:19:45] angelcerv21: don't be a part of it, don't let your life become involved in that
[21:19:48] guaaaache: I don't even know what's on those other creepy channels
[21:19:56] guaaaache: I don't venture past the one channel
[21:20:02] guaaaache: well, the 2, but I mostly watch just one
[21:20:03] angelcerv21: they just keep growing and growing as we feed ourselves to them
[21:20:26] guaaaache: I'm subjected to the other channels when I'm downstairs and my housemates watch something
[21:20:34] guaaaache: can't believe some of the news they present is legal
[21:20:41] angelcerv21: what do you mean?
[21:20:57] guaaaache: there are these shows that are apparently 'news' or 'informative'
[21:21:03] guaaaache: but they blatantly lie about shit
[21:21:10] guaaaache: or encourage people to be racist, etc.
[21:21:19] angelcerv21: like Glen Beck of the US?
[21:21:25] guaaaache: I have no idea who that is
[21:21:29] angelcerv21: right wing radio = the voice of Satan
[21:21:40] angelcerv21: i think i know what you mean, though
[21:21:46] guaaaache: it's like 60 Minutes and shit, but then there are actually news reports that are no different
[21:22:11] angelcerv21: is Australia experiencing increased immigration?
[21:22:28] guaaaache: nothing that's abnormally high
[21:22:49] guaaaache: most of it's from New Zealand or the UK
[21:23:08] angelcerv21: it's getting nuts here with the immigration thing
[21:23:23] angelcerv21: they are fleeing AZ since they signed that anti-illegal law
[21:23:28] guaaaache: people keep complaining about "boat people"
[21:23:38] guaaaache: what's the anti-illegal law?
[21:23:55] angelcerv21: thousands are fleeing to New Mexico and here in my state, Washington, because in both those states, legal residency and citizenship are not required to get driver's licenses
[21:24:11] guaaaache: OH right, actually I did hear something about that on the news
[21:24:17] angelcerv21: it's a law that merely mirrors federal law against illegal immigration
[21:24:43] lovelyXmissXoreo: surprisingly, they're not coming to California as much as i thought they would.
[21:24:51] angelcerv21: but the federal government is fighting with AZ about it because states aren't supposed to mess around with federal law, but i don't see what the problem is because it's backing up federal law
[21:24:59] angelcerv21: Cali is already done for
[21:25:02] angelcerv21: that could be why
[21:25:07] lovelyXmissXoreo: *shrug*
[21:25:07] angelcerv21: more are leaving
[21:25:25] angelcerv21: when i lived there, you couldn't even get a job without being bilingual
[21:25:36] angelcerv21: that was when there were a few jobs left
[21:25:43] lovelyXmissXoreo: well, i have nothing to worry about... i'm legal. and so is my mom, so idc.
[21:25:58] angelcerv21: i'm Hispanic - my name is Angel Cervantes, for crying out loud
[21:26:04] angelcerv21: makes me a bit nervous
[21:26:06] angelcerv21: but i look white
[21:26:07] lovelyXmissXoreo: and the jobs thing... ugh
[21:26:08] guaaaache: actually, I thought I heard some story about people who were being forced to go back to Mexico because they'd been trying to get citizenship for like 15 years, and nothing was happening with their paperwork
[21:26:32] angelcerv21: that's common
[21:26:41] lovelyXmissXoreo: what? my mom got her citizenship in like 3 years
[21:26:50] lovelyXmissXoreo: or less idk
[21:26:53] angelcerv21: the institutional discrimination - a person from France can be a citizen in as little as 2 years
[21:26:54] guaaaache: I really don't know... it was some American news that I saw
[21:27:01] angelcerv21: if a Mexican is lucky, at least 10 years
[21:27:10] lovelyXmissXoreo: we're Mexican...
[21:27:14] angelcerv21: the person from France is white, already knows English, has skills...
[21:27:23] angelcerv21: i don't know what kind of Hispanic i am
[21:27:31] angelcerv21: i would have to have a DNA test for that
[21:27:35] lovelyXmissXoreo: you're probably Spanish
[21:27:48] angelcerv21: that's what people say, because of my pale skin and dark hair
[21:27:52] angelcerv21: i look Spanish
[21:28:00] guaaaache: I don't think I've seen a clear picture of you, so I couldn't guess
[21:28:09] angelcerv21: my icon is a three-year-old pic of me
[21:28:16] angelcerv21: and i really haven't changed much, hahahah
[21:28:21] guaaaache: one of my friends is Spanish, but she's blonde
[21:28:39] lovelyXmissXoreo: is it fair for me to feel like my bf is ignoring me for his friends?
[21:28:56] guaaaache: depends if he is or not
[21:28:57] angelcerv21: yeah, Spanish people don't look the traditional "Hispanic" ... lots of Mexicans in the southern part of the country are also light-skinned and blue-eyed
[21:29:02] lovelyXmissXoreo: like he's constantly playing World of Warcraft with them
[21:29:03] angelcerv21: sure, if he is
[21:29:07] angelcerv21: ew
[21:29:10] guaaaache: ew
[21:29:11] angelcerv21: hate video games...
[21:29:15] lovelyXmissXoreo: and when i tell him he's playing too much, he gets mad at me
[21:29:28] angelcerv21: when's the last time you saw him?
[21:29:28] guaaaache: people get addicted to that shit for some reason
[21:29:36] guaaaache: the Spanish friend i just mentioned is addicted to it
[21:29:46] angelcerv21: video games and TV are both just as addictive as coffee, cigarettes, crack....
[21:29:48] lovelyXmissXoreo: a couple of weeks ago, but it's a long-distance relationship
[21:30:05] guaaaache: i actually don't find those things addictive
[21:30:05] angelcerv21: oh, that's gotta be hard
[21:30:10] lovelyXmissXoreo: we live 6 hours from each other
[21:30:13] guaaaache: well, i haven't done crack
[21:30:16] angelcerv21: i don't, either... but i think it's because i find them so boring
[21:30:18] guaaaache: ouch, 6 hours
[21:30:19] lovelyXmissXoreo: met online
[21:30:21] angelcerv21: i've snorted coke
[21:30:27] angelcerv21: 200 dollars worth, all in one night
[21:30:31] lovelyXmissXoreo: Lady Gaga does coke
[21:30:34] guaaaache: coffee and cigarettes are not addictive for me
[21:30:36] angelcerv21: she said that?
[21:30:45] lovelyXmissXoreo: "occasionally"
[21:30:54] angelcerv21: i love me my cigarettes, but it isn't the nicotine, it's keeping my hands busy
[21:31:01] lovelyXmissXoreo: yeah, she said it in the Vanity Fair interview
[21:31:10] angelcerv21: i did coke that night, enjoyed it, but it wasn't as intense as snorting ecstasy
[21:31:12] lovelyXmissXoreo: you should knit. if it's to keep your hands busy.
[21:31:17] angelcerv21: i haven't had a desire to do it again
[21:31:25] angelcerv21: i've thought of that
[21:31:32] guaaaache: I quite like ecstasy
[21:31:42] guaaaache: but I worry about my brain
[21:31:43] angelcerv21: i make hemp jewelry for barter fairs, and started making bags too
[21:31:50] angelcerv21: yeah, it's the hardest on your brain
[21:31:59] guaaaache: and it doesn't affect me like it affects other people, for some reason
[21:32:01] angelcerv21: i don't do it anymore, but snorting it, holy shit! woooo!
[21:32:08] lovelyXmissXoreo: i smoked weed for a bit
[21:32:11] angelcerv21: every brain is different
[21:32:11] guaaaache: yeah, but it doesn't last as long that way
[21:32:14] angelcerv21: i miss weed
[21:32:19] lovelyXmissXoreo: that's like the only drug i've ever done
[21:32:23] angelcerv21: haven't smoked for almost 2 weeks
[21:32:31] angelcerv21: weed is not a drug!!!!
[21:32:36] lovelyXmissXoreo: i haven't smoked for almost.... 7
[21:32:38] guaaaache: most people on ecstasy get really personal and want to be close and happy, etc.
[21:32:44] guaaaache: apparently, I still seem pretty normal
[21:32:48] angelcerv21: thanks
[21:32:48] guaaaache: not that I ever seem like that
[21:32:51] lovelyXmissXoreo: lol
[21:32:53] guaaaache: I try
[21:33:01] angelcerv21: it takes more intensive drug use to be "cracked out," i guess
[21:33:04] lovelyXmissXoreo: you're welcome
[21:33:12] angelcerv21: i've done plenty of experimenting, but i always kept it in perspective
[21:33:15] angelcerv21: i love acid
[21:33:16] guaaaache: I took two pills the last time...
[21:33:35] angelcerv21: yeah, i ate three once
[21:33:39] angelcerv21: snorted more the same night
[21:33:46] lovelyXmissXoreo: wow, it seems like i need to catch up on the high wagon
[21:33:48] angelcerv21: you totally e-tarded
[21:33:53] angelcerv21: hahahahaha
[21:33:57] angelcerv21: high wagon hhahahahahahaah
[21:34:16] lovelyXmissXoreo: lol! seriously though!
[21:34:16] guaaaache: I'd rather do them alone. other people on drugs freak me out or just annoy me
[21:34:28] angelcerv21: some people do suck to do drugs with
[21:34:34] guaaaache: especially on X
[21:34:41] guaaaache: people become really weird
[21:34:45] angelcerv21: pick drug buddies carefully, they're more important than fuck buddies
[21:34:55] lovelyXmissXoreo: oh man, i remember being REALLY high with my ex, and calling my bf, and i was like "duuuuuude, i'm so stoned right now... i need some pizza"
[21:34:57] guaaaache: people want to become fuck buddies on X
[21:35:03] angelcerv21: i had pizza today
[21:35:11] angelcerv21: hahahahaha
[21:35:15] lovelyXmissXoreo: omg, i want some Costco pizza.
[21:35:19] lovelyXmissXoreo: it's so good.
[21:35:25] guaaaache: i'm lost
[21:35:30] angelcerv21: i have always wanted to fuck on X, but i'm afraid it'll be so good, that while sober, i'm like... this is boring....
[21:35:34] guaaaache: Costco?
[21:35:40] lovelyXmissXoreo: it's a warehouse store.
[21:35:46] angelcerv21: it's this wholesale store
[21:35:50] guaaaache: I don't want to fuck people just because we're on X
[21:35:51] angelcerv21: you have a membership
[21:36:00] angelcerv21: but it would be amazing!
[21:36:13] guaaaache: but if I wouldn't do it sober, I don't see the point
[21:36:16] angelcerv21: especially since i have a penis and a vagina....
[21:36:33] guaaaache: see, "too normal" on X example for you
[21:36:39] lovelyXmissXoreo: my mom does... i want one just so i can go in there and buy a butt-ton of socks. cuz it seems like i'm always losing my socks
[21:36:57] angelcerv21: don't buy white socks
[21:37:03] lovelyXmissXoreo: ew, no
[21:37:08] lovelyXmissXoreo: i only wear dark socks
[21:37:10] angelcerv21: they're cheap, and never look the same after the first wear
[21:37:10] guaaaache: butt-tons... interesting imagery you just thrust into my brain there
[21:37:13] angelcerv21: me too
[21:37:15] lovelyXmissXoreo: LOL
[21:37:17] angelcerv21: hahahahahaha
[21:37:18] lovelyXmissXoreo: sorry
[21:37:33] guaaaache: slightly better than shitload, omg
[21:37:37] angelcerv21: i am well-stocked on socks right now... i guess i should be happy
[21:37:38] lovelyXmissXoreo: EW
[21:37:44] angelcerv21: haven't done my laundry in ages, though
[21:37:57] angelcerv21: i haven't been wearing that many clothes
[21:38:00] angelcerv21: keeps costs low
[21:38:18] guaaaache: my arms are cold, but too hot with my cardigan
[21:38:28] angelcerv21: what is the temp there?
[21:38:54] guaaaache: um, I couldn't say the exact temperature, but it's supposed to range between 11 and 17C today
[21:39:25] guaaaache: the weather is crazy. it was sunny and warm this morning, then 2 hours ago it was raining and freezing... now it's clear again
[21:39:27] angelcerv21: oh crap, i'm a damn American who's not sure how to convert to Fahrenheit....
[21:39:36] guaaaache: I have no idea, either
[21:39:42] guaaaache: I'll find a website and get back to you
[21:39:47] lovelyXmissXoreo: where in Australia do you live?
[21:39:48] angelcerv21: i think that would be around 40 or 50
[21:39:56] guaaaache: Sydney
[21:40:14] angelcerv21: is that the capital, or is it Brisbane?
[21:40:20] angelcerv21: or neither?
[21:40:26] guaaaache: Canberra is the capital
[21:40:39] lovelyXmissXoreo: it's 61 degrees F
[21:40:40] angelcerv21: i used to be so good at capitals...
[21:40:45] angelcerv21: ah, i was close
[21:40:54] guaaaache: not to worry, everyone gets is wrong because Canberra sucks
[21:41:00] angelcerv21: hahaha, why?
[21:41:03] guaaaache: and forgets it exists
[21:41:11] guaaaache: it's just really boring there
[21:41:21] angelcerv21: how big is Sydney?
[21:41:32] angelcerv21: (Sydney is a popular name for American girls)
[21:41:39] guaaaache: hahaha, weird
[21:41:43] guaaaache: um, i'm not sure
[21:41:45] angelcerv21: i know a Syd
[21:41:50] guaaaache: you mean the radius?
[21:41:55] guaaaache: or how many people live here?
[21:41:57] angelcerv21: how many people?
[21:42:26] angelcerv21: it's a big city if it's more than a million, i think
[21:42:43] guaaaache: it would be well over a million
[21:42:47] guaaaache: I have to look it up, though
[21:42:52] angelcerv21: yeah, that's big
[21:42:56] angelcerv21: my city is medium
[21:43:01] guaaaache: 4.5 million
[21:43:08] angelcerv21: and there are a lot more chicks than guys here
[21:43:19] angelcerv21: damn
[21:43:26] angelcerv21: that's like New York, almost
[21:43:45] angelcerv21: big cities scare me except for Seattle
[21:43:50] angelcerv21: that place is fun
[21:44:10] guaaaache: I don't know what they're including in that figure, though
[21:44:17] guaaaache: there is the city, then there are all the outer suburbs
[21:44:23] lovelyXmissXoreo: there are over 300,000 people here
[21:44:32] angelcerv21: in LA?
[21:44:38] angelcerv21: i thought LA was a lot bigger
[21:44:39] lovelyXmissXoreo: Bakersfield
[21:44:41] angelcerv21: oh
[21:44:47] lovelyXmissXoreo: i live in Bakersfield :3
[21:44:53] angelcerv21: that's where that shitty band Korn is from
[21:45:00] guaaaache: HAHA, that's what I said the first time!
[21:45:05] angelcerv21: hahahahaha
[21:45:05] guaaaache: when you weren't here
[21:45:10] angelcerv21: funny
[21:45:24] angelcerv21: Charles Manson's mother is buried here
[21:45:29] lovelyXmissXoreo: lol!
[21:45:30] guaaaache: then we talked about how they're all whiny bitches because it's too hot there
[21:45:31] angelcerv21: and Father's Day started here
[21:45:39] lovelyXmissXoreo: ew, is she really??
[21:45:42] guaaaache: even though I wouldn't have a clue
[21:45:43] angelcerv21: yeah
[21:45:44] guaaaache: that's gross
[21:46:20] angelcerv21: Cali is hella hot, in the polluted grimy way. At least that's what i remember, i was living in Visalia, an hour south of Fresno
[21:46:32] lovelyXmissXoreo: yeah, i hate the air here.
[21:46:38] AlenaBrolxFlami: ugh, that sounds hot
[21:46:51] lovelyXmissXoreo: it was..... 98 here?
[21:46:57] angelcerv21: i read something somewhere that said the air quality is equivalent to smoking a pack a day
[21:47:00] guaaaache: Henry Rollins talks about the pollution in LA all the time
[21:47:07] lovelyXmissXoreo: right now, it's 84.
[21:47:08] angelcerv21: who's that?
[21:47:16] angelcerv21: it's like, 70 maybe here
[21:47:24] angelcerv21: even in the summer, gets chilly at night
[21:47:37] guaaaache: he said you can't see anything from the plane when it's about to land in LA
[21:47:39] guaaaache: I'll show you a Youtube video?
[21:47:45] angelcerv21: k
[21:47:46] guaaaache: he's kind of a stand-up comedian
[21:47:52] angelcerv21: oh, cool
[21:47:57] guaaaache: but not always the humorous kind.... if that makes sense
[21:47:59] angelcerv21: love good comedians
[21:48:10] AlenaBrolxFlami: GASP! You don't know who Henry Rollins is?! Let her educate you. :D
[21:48:16] angelcerv21: Marilyn Martinez is hilarious
[21:48:37] guaaaache: yeah, I was kind of surprised
[21:48:39] AlenaBrolxFlami: you should go to Beijing... the air quality there is REALLY BAD
[21:48:45] angelcerv21: ew ew, no China for me
[21:48:51] angelcerv21: in fact, i hate traveling
[21:49:08] AlenaBrolxFlami: I've never been there... but my sister's old co-worker went, and she had this hacking cough for WEEKS afterward
[21:49:11] angelcerv21: but i will do it when the time comes to leave this country, give up my American citizenship, and beg Canada for citizenship
[21:49:16] lovelyXmissXoreo: you know, i've always wanted to go to Tokyo...
[21:49:20] guaaaache: Henry Rollins hates dating
[21:49:30] AlenaBrolxFlami: it's like.... the air quality there is like smoking SEVEN packs a day
[21:50:11] angelcerv21: wow
[21:50:19] guaaaache: I saw on the news about the most polluted city in the world
[21:50:24] guaaaache: it was in South China
[21:50:33] angelcerv21: they burn so much coal....
[21:50:34] AlenaBrolxFlami: wouldn't be surprised
[21:50:34] guaaaache: it looked like there was this huge fog everywhere, but it was just pollution
[21:51:22] angelcerv21: this guy is kinda funny
[21:51:33] angelcerv21: hahaha, Nickelback... get the fuck out of my car!!
[21:51:44] angelcerv21: yeah, fuck Nickelback
[21:51:50] lovelyXmissXoreo: xD
[21:51:56] guaaaache: the Harry Potter bit is better
[21:52:02] angelcerv21: same vid?
[21:52:13] lovelyXmissXoreo: WHAT?
[21:52:17] lovelyXmissXoreo: SEND ME THE LINK TO THAT
[21:52:23] angelcerv21: yeah!
[21:52:33] lovelyXmissXoreo: I <3 HARRY POTTER :-D
[21:52:43] guaaaache: yep
[21:52:45] lovelyXmissXoreo: and i love seeing people make fun of it.
[21:52:48] guaaaache: it's the same video
[21:52:49] angelcerv21: yeah, Harry Potter was pretty sweet reading
[21:53:03] angelcerv21: i recall using that as an escape while in the group homes
[21:53:13] guaaaache: "I'm not much of a reader -"
[21:53:18] angelcerv21: wow!
[21:53:23] guaaaache: "Well, I'M NOT MUCH OF A DINNER BUYER, GET OUT!"
[21:53:26] angelcerv21: i don't know what I would do without books
[21:53:40] guaaaache: neither
[21:54:50] lovelyXmissXoreo: *dead*
[21:55:06] angelcerv21: "I have refined my jackoff technique"
[21:55:09] angelcerv21: hahahaha
[21:55:34] angelcerv21: a crash helmet, oh my God....
[21:56:09] guaaaache: haha, oh yeah... is that when he says he passed out on the driveway in the helmet?
[21:56:17] angelcerv21: hahaha, yeah
[21:56:21] guaaaache: I can't tell if that one is serious or a total joke
[21:56:37] angelcerv21: good comedians make it hard to tell
[21:56:50] angelcerv21: i totally relate to this guy
[21:56:54] angelcerv21: "lonely and starved"
[21:56:57] guaaaache: yeah. it's just that he alternates between joking and telling serious stories
[21:57:06] guaaaache: so sometimes I'm not sure
[21:57:22] angelcerv21: he looks so serious the whole time
[21:57:27] angelcerv21: ernest
[21:57:36] AlenaBrolxFlami: earnest
[21:57:41] angelcerv21: thank you
[21:57:47] AlenaBrolxFlami: you're welcome
[21:58:03] AlenaBrolxFlami: sorry if that might have seemed rude... you may or may not have picked up that I do this sort of thing ALL THE TIME
[21:58:11] angelcerv21: i do, too
[21:58:20] angelcerv21: it's natural to me
[21:58:23] angelcerv21: reflex
[21:58:52] guaaaache: I prefer for people to correct me, to be honest
[21:59:04] angelcerv21: yeah, you learn more
[21:59:20] guaaaache: people get really pissed off, though
[21:59:25] angelcerv21: but there's a fine line between correcting and being a pretentious ass
[21:59:47] guaaaache: being a pretentious ass is going into unnecessary detail on the grammar and structure, I believe
[22:00:07] guaaaache: my sister thinks I'm being a pretentious ass... but she seriously can't spell for shit
[22:00:27] guaaaache: she always writes like "I'm going to take some photo's"
[22:00:28] angelcerv21: she probably knows it, so she gets mad cuz she's defensive
[22:00:33] angelcerv21: oh, i hate that!
[22:00:39] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, that's true... I am not a pretentious ass about it most of the time
[22:00:44] angelcerv21: apostrophes where they're not needed
[22:00:52] guaaaache: and I write "photo's what?"
[22:00:52] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh, I hate that too
[22:01:05] AlenaBrolxFlami: or... "what do the photos own?"
[22:01:07] guaaaache: she replies "um, do you mean what am I going to take photos of?"
[22:01:12] angelcerv21: hahahaha
[22:01:19] angelcerv21: and the words there, they're, and their
[22:01:23] angelcerv21: people just cannot get it right
[22:01:43] angelcerv21: i'll have what there having and some potato's on the side
[22:01:52] guaaaache: people who write "defiantly" when they mean "definitely", oh man...
[22:01:57] angelcerv21: hahahahahaha
[22:02:08] angelcerv21: people who think nonplussed means calm
[22:02:20] guaaaache: or "excepted" when they mean "accepted"
[22:02:31] guaaaache: they NEED to have this shit pointed out to them, seriously
[22:02:34] angelcerv21: yeah, that one gets me
[22:02:50] guaaaache: if their intention is to be understood, that is.
[22:02:53] guaaaache: which I'm pretty sure it is
[22:03:05] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha, I'm pretty sure about that too
[22:03:11] angelcerv21: your education system is ranked higher than ours
[22:03:27] guaaaache: but we weren't taught about grammar
[22:03:34] angelcerv21: what do you mean?
[22:03:37] guaaaache: not when I went to school, anyway
[22:03:53] guaaaache: the introduced it again when they realised how many adults had no idea how to construct a sentence
[22:03:59] angelcerv21: my 4th grade teacher was hardcore about grammar
[22:04:09] guaaaache: we never had any specific lessons on how grammar works
[22:04:17] guaaaache: like how to use a full stop, apostrophe, etc.
[22:04:27] angelcerv21: wow
[22:04:33] *** lovelyXmissXoreo has left the chat.
[22:04:34] angelcerv21: i guess it depends on teachers, too
[22:04:37] guaaaache: yeah, it was a pretty bad idea to cut it out
[22:04:49] guaaaache: it just wasn't in the curriculum
[22:04:59] AlenaBrolxFlami: wow, really?
[22:05:03] angelcerv21: i think cuss words deserve equal standing with other words
[22:05:17] guaaaache: then they wouldn't be cuss words
[22:05:22] angelcerv21: they make special points and accentuations that no other words can
[22:05:25] angelcerv21: but they would be
[22:05:27] angelcerv21: they're special
[22:05:32] guaaaache: I believe they should be more acceptable, yes
[22:05:35] angelcerv21: and have a place in literary circles, at least
[22:05:52] angelcerv21: like the word fuck... can be a noun, verb, adjective
[22:05:57] guaaaache: but some people use them too much because their vocabularies are so lacking
[22:06:10] angelcerv21: i cuss a lot when i get agitated
[22:06:17] guaaaache: it's so annoying when someone is telling a story that takes forever because they insist on saying "fuck" 50 times
[22:06:23] AlenaBrolxFlami: hahaha... I know what you mean
[22:06:35] guaaaache: or when people say "fucken" instead of "umm"
[22:06:41] guaaaache: really hard to deal with, lol
[22:06:45] angelcerv21: yeah, that's weird
[22:06:46] AlenaBrolxFlami: for emphasis and if you're angry, yeah... but NOT ALL THE TIME
[22:07:05] angelcerv21: when i was in the hospital, i was dropping f-bombs every other word
[22:07:12] AlenaBrolxFlami: Angel, I have heard something that goes into all the ways FUCK can be used
[22:07:23] angelcerv21: a lot of the time going "fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, get the fuck off me, don't fucking touch me"
[22:07:24] guaaaache: yeah, me too
[22:07:28] angelcerv21: me too!
[22:07:34] angelcerv21: i've looked for that video
[22:07:46] guaaaache: "I don't understand this fucking question"
[22:07:52] guaaaache: "fuck those fucking fuckers"
[22:07:53] angelcerv21: hahahaha
[22:07:56] angelcerv21: hahaha
[22:08:02] guaaaache: "Tom wanted to fuck Jane"
[22:08:16] AlenaBrolxFlami: hahaha, yes! that one!
[22:08:23] angelcerv21: is that it?
[22:08:37] guaaaache: Early Henry Rollins / Black Flag Interview... RAW UNCUT ORIGINAL!
[22:08:45] guaaaache: this is really early days Henry Rollins
[22:08:51] guaaaache: he intimidates the interviewer
[22:09:01] angelcerv21: yes
[22:09:48] guaaaache: what? it's only the 3 of us left
[22:09:54] AlenaBrolxFlami: yes, it is
[22:09:55] angelcerv21: yes
[22:10:02] angelcerv21: Laura's comp is acting messy
[22:10:04] guaaaache: though it's probably getting late for you guys
[22:10:11] angelcerv21: it's 10:10 for me
[22:10:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: nah, only 10:10
[22:10:24] guaaaache: okay, not terribly late
[22:10:42] angelcerv21: yeah, i took my pill an hour ago
[22:10:47] angelcerv21: but it takes a while to kick in
[22:10:55] guaaaache: I am getting paid tomorrow. I cannot wait
[22:11:03] angelcerv21: oooh, paid for what?
[22:11:05] guaaaache: I have been waiting 10 days for this. it will be amazing
[22:11:16] guaaaache: it's just my student payment
[22:11:21] AlenaBrolxFlami: nice
[22:11:25] guaaaache: but the point is, the time has come once again for me to get money
[22:11:30] angelcerv21: i get that next month
[22:11:40] guaaaache: i get it twice a month
[22:11:47] angelcerv21: but won't be much to spare after tuition is paid... i have grad school app fees
[22:11:56] guaaaache: it's really not enough, i need to get a part-time job, but I'm scared
[22:12:02] angelcerv21: oh weird, we only get it once every semester
[22:12:10] angelcerv21: i'm trying to find a job
[22:12:20] guaaaache: i think we're not talking about the same thing
[22:12:38] guaaaache: i get regular fortnightly payments from the government for being an unemployed full-time student
[22:13:01] guaaaache: it's like... slightly less than $1000 a month
[22:13:12] guaaaache: maybe $900 or so
[22:13:21] angelcerv21: i have the same thing, but they're grants
[22:13:22] AlenaBrolxFlami: I'm trying to see what the F Word thing is called.
[22:13:26] guaaaache: well over half goes to my rent, though
[22:13:32] angelcerv21: i got three for the year, and a scholarship
[22:13:34] guaaaache: History of the Word Fuck
[22:14:11] angelcerv21: yeah, i heard there's a song, even
[22:14:15] angelcerv21: about the word fuck
[22:14:33] guaaaache: lol, I just watched that video I linked before. the interviewer is such a douche
[22:14:36] guaaaache: he deserved what happened
[22:15:00] angelcerv21: yeah, who is that kid?
[22:15:03] AlenaBrolxFlami: no, I think it's something else... maybe.
[22:15:06] AlenaBrolxFlami: I dunno
[22:15:29] angelcerv21: Henry Rollins looks good with longer hair
[22:15:33] guaaaache: I dunno, just some journalist or something
[22:15:35] angelcerv21: i have longer hair
[22:15:38] guaaaache: he is grey now
[22:15:46] guaaaache: completely grey
[22:15:47] angelcerv21: Marilyn Manson was a music journalist
[22:15:51] angelcerv21: before he did music
[22:16:55] guaaaache: yeah, now he hates journalists
[22:17:00] angelcerv21: yep
[22:17:05] angelcerv21: they act like idiots
[22:17:13] guaaaache: when I saw him, he was like "THERE'S A JOURNALIST IN HERE. GET IT OUT"
[22:17:20] angelcerv21: hahahaha
[22:17:49] angelcerv21: i've never even heard of Black Flag
[22:18:08] AlenaBrolxFlami: my friend got it from Ebaumsworld - called The Meaning of the Word Fuck
[22:18:17] guaaaache: they're like an old-school punk band
[22:19:43] angelcerv21: so Henry Rollins is now just a comedian, and doesn't do music?
[22:20:09] guaaaache: he had another band called Rollins Band which was actually not very good
[22:20:24] guaaaache: he's released some spoken-word recordings
[22:20:26] angelcerv21: when he said "taking a fist up the ass," the interviewer would have been perfect to say "you like that?"
[22:20:27] guaaaache: written some books
[22:20:29] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha
[22:21:05] guaaaache: I like how the interviewer keeps trying to be shocking and edgy, but just fails and looks increasingly uncomfortable
[22:21:18] angelcerv21: and his fucking hair
[22:21:22] angelcerv21: i hate mullets
[22:21:26] angelcerv21: hate them, hate them, hate them
[22:21:31] guaaaache: it's not even a mullet, it's worse than that
[22:21:34] angelcerv21: true
[22:21:38] angelcerv21: one of those rat tails
[22:21:43] guaaaache: it's like almost a mullet, but there's a rat's tail involved
[22:23:00] angelcerv21: think i found it
[22:23:06] angelcerv21: the fuck thing
[22:23:17] angelcerv21: The Meaning of the Word Fuck
[22:23:49] guaaaache: I like fast music, but slow makes me want to fuck
[22:23:55] guaaaache: should be quoted there
[22:24:02] guaaaache: they're making fun of him fucking now
[22:24:14] angelcerv21: hahahaha
[22:24:18] angelcerv21: yep
[22:24:25] angelcerv21: yeah, the kid is no journalist
[22:24:33] angelcerv21: he need a mouthy mouth to deal with assholes in bands
[22:25:08] angelcerv21: because, let's face it... when you're in a band, you're an asshole
[22:25:31] angelcerv21: especially when you're on your - the hemorrhoids gotta be killer
[22:25:35] guaaaache: "see, now why are you degrading yourself in front of me. you feel you have to do that?"
[22:25:42] angelcerv21: hahahaha
[22:25:56] guaaaache: haha, I think Henry was just getting frustrated with the extremely banal questions and lack of structure to the interview
[22:26:28] angelcerv21: yeah, the kid started out totally dumb.... like he was unprepared
[22:26:57] guaaaache: yeah, and at around 5 minutes he's totally given up and says: "well, you took over, I couldn't do anything"
[22:26:58] angelcerv21: wow, Henry looks all old now
[22:27:08] angelcerv21: wrong thing to say
[22:27:15] guaaaache: yeah, he's like 50
[22:27:21] guaaaache: maybe 55, even
[22:27:38] angelcerv21: so Black Flag must have been an 80s thing... no wonder that kid had a stupid outfit and a rat tail
[22:28:34] angelcerv21: that's what i appreciate about jail and group homes and those experiences... i grew balls (even if you can't see them)
[22:28:56] guaaaache: yeah, they were part of the 80s punk scene
[22:28:58] angelcerv21: i got my ass kicked too many times, and that'll toughen you up
[22:29:16] guaaaache: i kinda wish i'd been a teen or young adult in the 80s
[22:29:21] guaaaache: everyone thinks thats hilarious
[22:29:25] guaaaache: haha
[22:29:27] angelcerv21: i was born in 85
[22:29:34] angelcerv21: when were you guys born? go!
[22:29:49] angelcerv21: the 90s was my decade
[22:29:59] angelcerv21: i remember when cassettes were the norm
[22:30:05] angelcerv21: and internet was not yet common in homes
[22:30:23] guaaaache: 86
[22:30:55] angelcerv21: "i wanna fuck on the floor and break shit"
[22:30:55] guaaaache: i'm going to guess somewhere in the 70s for the other person
[22:30:58] angelcerv21: hahahahaha
[22:31:07] angelcerv21: Alena, where you at??
[22:31:25] angelcerv21: (ending a sentence in an adverb, hahahahaha... so grammatically incorrect)
[22:31:51] angelcerv21: i got my first CD player when I was 14, but later didn't have it anymore
[22:32:05] angelcerv21: i first got on the internet at school when I was 16
[22:32:25] guaaaache: haha, I love in the video when Henry stares at the kid intensely and doesn't say anything for ages
[22:32:37] guaaaache: sorry to keep mentioning it... I keep pausing it and watching it in bits
[22:33:11] angelcerv21: it's pretty funny... even the kid is all nervous... he says: "say something"
[22:33:55] guaaaache: I love when he hits him on the head with the mic and says "not deader than some people's minds"
[22:34:34] guaaaache: "wrap it up, I'm cold, I'm wet, and I'm busy selling out. I have to get backstage to my women and cocaine, so what else do you want to know"
[22:37:10] guaaaache: going to watch the FUCK video now
[22:37:31] AlenaBrolxFlami: 1976
[22:37:31] angelcerv21: yeah, it's funny
[22:37:40] guaaaache: I promise not to fill this window with more quotes, lol
[22:37:42] angelcerv21: wow, you're nine years older than me
[22:37:52] guaaaache: ah, my general guess was close
[22:38:09] angelcerv21: that makes you.... 34?
[22:38:58] AlenaBrolxFlami: almost... birthday's not till September
[22:39:10] angelcerv21: ok
[22:39:16] angelcerv21: sept. what?
[22:40:17] guaaaache: ... did that video have heaps of spelling mistakes?
[22:40:25] angelcerv21: which one?
[22:40:28] angelcerv21: the FUCK one?
[22:40:32] guaaaache: yeah
[22:40:37] guaaaache: I thought I saw "centence"
[22:40:44] guaaaache: and something else, but I can't remember
[22:41:12] angelcerv21: i was mostly listening
[22:41:18] angelcerv21: Marilyn Martinez - Latin Comedy Diva Tribute
[22:41:32] angelcerv21: here's a clip of Marilyn Martinez, but the whole thing is on Hulu
[22:41:58] guaaaache: "incompitence"!
[22:42:03] angelcerv21: AH!
[22:42:07] angelcerv21: i did see that!
[22:42:45] guaaaache: just waiting for it to load
[22:43:03] guaaaache: I still have that window open of the menu of that creepy restaurant Steve showed me
[22:43:10] angelcerv21: dammit, it's not her standup! it's bullshit background info! i hope some of the comedy is on it, at least
[22:43:24] angelcerv21: what creepy restaurant?
[22:44:10] angelcerv21: yeah, skip to like 3:46 on the video
[22:44:11] guaaaache: Outback Steakhouse Menu
[22:44:16] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh man
[22:44:51] AlenaBrolxFlami: Outback Steakhouse
[22:45:01] guaaaache: I really want to know what these "Aussie fries" are
[22:45:09] guaaaache: do they differ greatly from the American or English kinds?
[22:45:33] angelcerv21: hahaha, Outback Steakhouse commercials are so funny! it's this crappy Aussie accent telling you to go "down under"
[22:45:49] guaaaache: and Kookkaburra wings!... which are actually just chicken
[22:46:29] angelcerv21: i've been to Outback once
[22:46:32] angelcerv21: it was okay
[22:46:39] angelcerv21: i'd rather go to a buffet
[22:46:54] guaaaache: something I thought was hilarious once was that I was watching some American documentary, and they were interviewing an Australian person, and they had subtitles on for them
[22:46:56] guaaaache: haha
[22:47:24] angelcerv21: AHAHAHAHA
[22:47:26] angelcerv21: why??
[22:47:49] angelcerv21: i can understand an Australian person speaking better than an Irish person
[22:48:11] guaaaache: i have no idea, their accent wasn't very broad or anything
[22:48:16] angelcerv21: weird
[22:48:20] angelcerv21: i'm hungry now
[22:48:22] angelcerv21: dammit
[22:48:29] angelcerv21: Seroquel does that to me
[22:48:30] guaaaache: i don't really understand Scottish people well
[22:48:39] guaaaache: i had to watch Trainspotting with subtitles on
[22:48:40] angelcerv21: keygrace is Scottish!
[22:48:44] guaaaache: I'm freaking hungry too
[22:48:47] guaaaache: waiting for dinnertime
[22:48:53] angelcerv21: oh, i didn't have a problem with that one...
[22:48:54] guaaaache: yeah! I can tell by the way she writes, actually
[22:49:08] angelcerv21: what's that I hear about nyquilsteve317 scaring her off?
[22:49:16] guaaaache: it was my first Scottish movie...
[22:49:21] guaaaache: I dunno, he didn't go into detail
[22:49:27] guaaaache: he kind of just says whatever is on his mind
[22:49:30] angelcerv21: i was curious about that
[22:49:33] guaaaache: so it could have been literally anything
[22:49:35] angelcerv21: yeah, he's funny
[22:49:46] guaaaache: sometimes I'm not sure how to respond
[22:49:48] angelcerv21: i remember the first BP chat... there were like 8 of us
[22:49:57] guaaaache: I wasn't here
[22:50:16] angelcerv21: he says "I'm bored enough to smack a bitch" or something like that, and no one noticed till it was almost to the top of the chat window, and then I typed in: "hahaha, Steve"
[22:50:30] guaaaache: haha
[22:50:42] angelcerv21: that night was epic
[22:50:47] angelcerv21: in my opinion
[22:51:01] guaaaache: we need to encourage more people to come
[22:51:47] angelcerv21: yes, we must continue to advertise
[22:51:55] angelcerv21: i've noticed new people on bp
[22:52:12] angelcerv21: and AIM is a requirement at this point
[22:52:14] guaaaache: I can't keep track
[22:52:19] guaaaache: I get people mixed up
[22:52:26] AlenaBrolxFlami: yes
[22:52:31] guaaaache: I keep thinking that shedtheirony and lovediscomfort are the same person
[22:52:33] angelcerv21: i pay attention to names, not icons... since those change all the time. Few of us are so boring that we never change it
[22:52:48] AlenaBrolxFlami: that first chat was AWESOME
[22:52:49] angelcerv21: i confuse lovediscomfort with x_luminescence
[22:52:55] angelcerv21: yeah it was
[22:53:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: Steve thought I was a boy, haha
[22:53:24] angelcerv21: wait, Steve is a girl?
[22:53:29] angelcerv21: oh, oh
[22:53:37] angelcerv21: i remember that
[22:53:41] guaaaache: I thought Steve was a he?
[22:53:52] guaaaache: not because he's a Steve
[22:54:04] angelcerv21: he says "it's like being birthed into the chat room" that first night the chat was open, and I had to invite people in because we hadn't figured out we could let ourselves in
[22:54:20] guaaaache: ha
[22:54:24] guaaaache: wow, it's really windy now
[22:54:33] angelcerv21: crap, Thomas is coming over
[22:54:39] guaaaache: Thomas?
[22:54:41] angelcerv21: i haven't practiced my sign language
[22:54:52] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha, that's true
[22:54:53] angelcerv21: yeah, he's that deaf hottie I've mentioned before
[22:55:00] guaaaache: ah, I remember
[22:55:15] angelcerv21: he has some movies and wants to return them, but he said an hour-ish and I'm like: oh, I will so pass out before then
[22:55:30] angelcerv21: well, not necessarily true...
[22:55:50] angelcerv21: Thursday night, I took my meds and stayed up til 2:30 watching South Park online
[22:55:58] guaaaache: I love South Park
[22:56:22] guaaaache: i'm really, really hungry
[22:56:24] guaaaache: I'm basically dying
[22:56:33] guaaaache: and very dramatic
[22:57:01] AlenaBrolxFlami: EAT SOMETHING
[22:57:08] AlenaBrolxFlami: what time is it there?
[22:57:09] angelcerv21: i am hungry, too
[22:57:13] guaaaache: I don't have much food, waiting to be paid
[22:57:17] angelcerv21: but there is nothing to eat!
[22:57:26] guaaaache: it's 3:57 PM here
[22:57:29] AlenaBrolxFlami: ah. well, I'm kinda hungry, but don't want to eat too much
[22:57:46] guaaaache: I'm craving steak, which is something almost never eat
[22:58:05] guaaaache: I think I'm going to cave and eat my banana
[22:58:13] AlenaBrolxFlami: must be due to looking at that menu
[22:58:23] angelcerv21: mm hmm
[22:58:33] guaaaache: hahaha, I think it's due to my awareness that there's not much to eat
[22:58:41] guaaaache: the menu didn't appeal to me much
[22:58:51] angelcerv21: hahahahaha
[22:59:10] angelcerv21: mcd's has a lobby open till midnight...
[22:59:19] angelcerv21: and they're right downstairs...
[22:59:21] guaaaache: what?
[22:59:26] angelcerv21: McDonald's
[22:59:37] angelcerv21: aren't there any in Australia?
[22:59:38] guaaaache: oh, I read that as "mod's" for some reason
[22:59:43] angelcerv21: oh ok
[22:59:52] guaaaache: I don't like mcd's
[23:00:04] angelcerv21: most people don't, hahahahaha
[23:00:10] angelcerv21: i tend to dig it
[23:00:11] guaaaache: all the ones here are open 24 hours
[23:00:11] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha, true
[23:00:19] guaaaache: really? it seems like almost everyone does!
[23:00:46] guaaaache: they always have people in them, even at 2 AM
[23:02:07] angelcerv21: aw, i wish mine was open 24 hours... only the drive-thru is
[23:02:16] guaaaache: you could walk through it
[23:03:17] guaaaache: I can't stop thinking about how I need to apply for jobs
[23:03:20] guaaaache: I wish I was 12
[23:03:47] angelcerv21: i can't stop thinking about the fact i want to keep looking for jobs, but there are so few to be had
[23:04:11] guaaaache: i haven't even started looking, I'm dreading it too much
[23:04:22] angelcerv21: it sucks
[23:04:26] angelcerv21: sucks major balls
[23:04:42] guaaaache: I don't really understand how to play the game, either
[23:04:49] guaaaache: interviews are really confusing
[23:05:03] angelcerv21: look stuff up online, there are lots of tips and stuff
[23:05:48] angelcerv21: the trick is to tell them what they want to hear
[23:05:58] angelcerv21: and when you're looking, dress like you're ready for the interview already
[23:06:10] angelcerv21: always ask for a manager before asking for an application
[23:06:13] angelcerv21: have resumes on hand
[23:06:32] angelcerv21: having a couple cover letters printed doesn't hurt
[23:06:51] angelcerv21: write thank-you notes to the interviewer if you get an interview
[23:07:13] angelcerv21: that means you need the name of the interviewer, so take mental note when they tell you
[23:07:37] guaaaache: okay, I never thought of that
[23:07:57] guaaaache: my resume is shit, though. I'm going to make an appointment with a career advisor at my uni, and ask them what can be done
[23:08:00] angelcerv21: interview questions are pretty standard
[23:08:09] guaaaache: sometimes people ask something random, though
[23:08:16] angelcerv21: and you might be able to clean it up through online tips
[23:08:27] angelcerv21: practice your answers
[23:08:32] angelcerv21: it's a skill, like learning to write
[23:08:34] guaaaache: I just can't get over the fact that this is all just testing how good of an actor I am
[23:09:07] angelcerv21: yep
[23:09:11] angelcerv21: that's all it is
[23:09:16] angelcerv21: that's all life is
[23:09:19] angelcerv21: an act
[23:09:27] guaaaache: the problem with my resume is that I've never worked full-time, and never worked for more than a couple months at a time
[23:09:46] angelcerv21: put skills at the top
[23:09:52] angelcerv21: not after work experience
[23:09:59] angelcerv21: have a job objective
[23:10:02] angelcerv21: and a summary
[23:10:09] angelcerv21: summary, objective, skills... all at the top
[23:10:14] guaaaache: the acting is really draining, it's like a constant compromise
[23:10:17] angelcerv21: then work experience and education
[23:10:18] guaaaache: I don't have many skills...
[23:10:25] angelcerv21: yeah, you do
[23:10:30] angelcerv21: max out on what you've got
[23:10:38] angelcerv21: things that might not seem like a skill could be
[23:10:47] angelcerv21: like your superior writing skills
[23:11:10] guaaaache: i want a job that has like no responsibility
[23:11:20] angelcerv21: hahahaha, me too
[23:11:30] guaaaache: washing dishes would be great
[23:11:37] guaaaache: I mean, there's responsibility, but it's not huge
[23:11:49] angelcerv21: right
[23:11:52] angelcerv21: i wouldn't mind that
[23:12:11] angelcerv21: i'd rather deal with school as the real responsibility
[23:12:24] guaaaache: me too, but it's impossible to survive
[23:12:30] AlenaBrolxFlami: yup yup
[23:12:37] guaaaache: I'm amazed I got through the last 10 days
[23:12:40] angelcerv21: i'm gonna go, guys
[23:12:44] guaaaache: with like $20
[23:12:45] guaaaache: alright
[23:12:55] angelcerv21: sleep and some pizza in the microwave, i'm thinking
[23:13:01] AlenaBrolxFlami: wow, that's pretty good
[23:13:10] guaaaache: argh, food
[23:13:13] AlenaBrolxFlami: dammit
[23:13:26] angelcerv21: mmhmm
[23:13:28] angelcerv21: goodnight
[23:13:30] AlenaBrolxFlami: night
[23:13:32] *** angelcerv21 has left the chat.
[23:13:44] guaaaache: I should probably go soon too, because I have to do homework
[23:13:57] AlenaBrolxFlami: okay... I gotta do some stuff before I go to bed anyway...
[23:14:21] guaaaache: alright, see you on boring_people :-)
[23:14:38] *** guaaaache has left the chat.
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