Sunday, May 16, 2010

Voyeurism, translation, genetic screening, Pho lunch, buying fish, and more!

High-scoring words of the afternoon:

VOYEAR (249 points) - against Natalie M. [5W, 3W used twice, hook off YEA to make YEAR]
ACEROSE (160 points) - against Kristyn L. [two 4W]

Eric picked me and Grandma up, and it started a day of translation. We managed to talk about stuff in English since she wouldn't understand anyway, haha. He seemed to think that it would be easier if Steph and Grandma just joined us at Pho, which made sense. Yes of course I was ready for the lunch. Of course we could try parking in the "dungeon" (parkade) - we got there, and it was closed, so he was about to turn around when Grandma noticed it open. Man, it was practically empty! Then she muttered about some white guy on a bike, so I had to tell her that it was Bearded Man! (waved hello to him, too) Grandma was about to follow me into the sanctuary when she remembered that she had Sunday School. I sat in my usual spot, saying hi to Martin and Edmond via smiles - Chris says that Justin is basically okay, and that it was just a bump. It could have turned into a concussion or something worse, though... thank goodness it didn't. I knew Jeremy would come in soon, and he did... he said he was on target for the Sun Run, clocking in at just over an hour and two minutes. Said hi to Cindy, Yvonne, Dave, Connie, Grace, Phil, Nathan, and other people too. Jeremy figured that Nathan was upset since a new guy was sitting in his spot... yeah, but you can't really tell new people not to sit in people's usual spots unless you WANT to come off as a total bleeper, haha. Jordan and Thomas came in later to keep him company, though. Jeremy and I noticed some weirdly-titled lectures going on at Regent in the near future... MEETING STRANGERS: GENETIC SCREENING?! Hahaha! Glad we can share humor, which helped me through certain dark days!

After the service, I gave Steph her mail, which turned out to be a waste of paper and money - she should know where the polling stations are by now! Also gave Jon his mail; in exchange, Harmony gave me some toothpaste and Axe body wash. They're trying to clean up in preparation for moving by July - they haven't found a place yet, but have some appointments lined up, Jon also gave me a bunch of durian candy - I gave most of it to Sam later, since I don't think the kids in Sunday School (his joking suggestion) would appreciate it. It definitely stank later on when the guys decided to eat some! Jon, Steph, and Harmony teased me about not sitting near them since that's where Dave Wong normally sits - Jeremy was around, and knew what they were talking about. I said hi to Mattias outside near the snacks after I'd had some coffee, who wanted to give me his Chinese bulletin! He later gave it to Olivia in exchange for a pretzel, then took it back... same with Sarah. Margaret had some chocolate shampoo, she said. Olivia said she'd just enjoy the time when she was taller than the kids - Jonathan said that he could tell him in about ten years about his various stages of life, haha... but his mom Karen advised him NOT to.

Went upstairs after a while... Ramen, Shira, Conor, Harrison, Amos, Amanda, Esther, Mattias, and two new kids named Jonathan and Ashley were there. Jonathan and Amanda were talking about gross silly stuff that Conor didn't want to hear about - "I don't care if you eat your poo on paper or underwear!" was just one of the things they came up with. I just kept Conor company while he drew and made paper planes. It was an interesting class, all right. Afterwards, I went downstairs to find Eric, Jon, and Christon - Selwyn wondered if Grandma needed a ride home. We couldn't find her (washroom?), so we told him no. We all went to Pho, meeting Dylan / Deb / Albert / Steph / Jeremy / Kelvin / Fred / Harmony there. Originally, Eric and I sat with Christon at our own table since the big group was already taking up a lot of space, and we wanted to sit away from Steph and Grandma - eventually, we sat at Steph and Grandma's table, and Wesley came in too. Talked about the JACK BAUER party (on the 24th?!!!), inviting Mom (WTF), anniversary, JACK BAUER character development, the Arizona immigration paper law / racial profiling / passports, hockey pool stuff, and more. Jon asked me for a translation of "tomorrow" because Grandma got too impatient and was beating the heat by sitting at the bus stop. He told her that he'd take her out to lunch tomorrow since he was teaching in Richmond, and Steph said that her Phoenix flight was at 7 AM - she also said she'd take Grandma to dinner tomorrow.

Later, Grandma hijacked Eric again - this time, we went to some Chinese shops to get BBQ duck, fish, and veggies. She insisted on buying Eric something besides lunch, but he said he didn't need anything... the fish and such looked unappetizing! He ended up with a mango, but of course I didn't give it to him - it should be okay. Then she was trying to say "Am I taking up your time?" to him in Chinese - she knows he doesn't understand it! She wondered whether he wanted to have dinner with us, but of course he has to eat with his parents too! She wasn't impressed because the car doors had to be slammed loudly, but that's how it is! Discussed Chinese, Cantonese, Mandarin, French, Korean, Japanese, differences between languages, WORLD OF WARCRAFT / BREATH OF FIRE, and other things. I told him that inviting Dave Wong for dinner will make Grandma get the wrong idea - he said maybe she'd get the RIGHT idea. Har har har. Got home and discovered that redrum had started - good thing I pay attention to my body! I noted that Dave Wong had left a "?!?" comment on my joke status about diarrhea, but had deleted it - I had to write on his wall to say that I was kidding. No, I didn't ask him where he was this weekend... transportation is made more difficult due to flat tires and such, for sure!

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