It's "twenty-ten," not "two-oh-ten!" Buses shouldn't pull away JUST as you get to the stop, either!
I would have been on time to meet Eric had the 410 bus not PULLED AWAY RIGHT WHEN I GOT TO THE STOP! Yes, it was obvious that I wanted to get on the bus, and wasn't just passing by to get to the Canada Line or something. UGH! As it was, I got there fifteen minutes late - we had takeout lemongrass chicken from Pho, and got chopsticks from the kitchen when we got to church. Eric thought that I should make a New Year's resolution not to call Mr. Creep by that name, but it's too hard - and I always end up breaking what resolutions I have made, so it's essentially pointless! He also thought I was hopped up on brandy beans - not so, my friend! I finished them all in mid-December!
He also assured me that he was sane, and kept referencing the 12 days of Christmas. I know, but I really don't like taking time to get out of the Christmas season... seriously, yesterday was NOT good for me. It's not about the meaning, trust me! Discussed salad, Superstore, XS Cargo, the $200 computer and specs, and running pedestrians over. Saw Christon and Pastor John at the restaurant, so talked very briefly. I also informed Eric that I wouldn't be around this Friday for MissionsFest, split up between three places. I think Billie's birthday party is so totally worth it, especially if there's a sleepover! Before we left Pho, I told Eric to finish his tea, haha. I love that.
The meeting was a bit long since Pastor John / Dylan / Johnny / Kevin had to recap the past year, and do an overview of the roles and responsibilities for Jen since she's new. Lucky Vivian was thanked for her service, and got to leave really early since she's not sticking around next year. There was a discussion of MissionsFest, which I largely ignored since I'm not going. Actually, I couldn't hear half the meeting, but that should be rectified tomorrow afternoon. We did discuss some REALLY IMPATIENT person ringing the church doorbell seven times in a row (not Stanley, as Dylan thought - some worship team member instead!), Chung (which I misheard as "Chuck"), Acer (which I misheard as "Asa") having issues with not eating dinner, some guy's non-work email address starting with "8 plucky" (Jen and I had a good laugh at that), Living Waters / Frog Hollow / UGM, Wesley, Uncle Stephen, programs, Helen sharing, Karen, Lincoln, Dawn, Vanessa, Jon, Harmony, Deb, retreats, Calla, Christon's group and refreshments, small groups, huge numbers of new people, David, and more. Pastor John kept referring to 2010 as "two-oh-ten," which REALLY irritated me. It's "twenty-ten," DAMN IT!
On the way home, I told Eric about my busy upcoming week, and he bugged me about true love and touching David Wong's tiger shirt. Says his true love's name was mentioned during the meeting - YEAH SURE. Then he said that I'd made a noise when Raymond's name was mentioned - since I didn't recall doing that, I said that he was crazy. He said he wasn't making it up - whatever, man! I do know that when Dylan mentioned getting Randal to help with something, I said "if you HAVE to..." under my breath, though! Got home to find a notice from the management saying that they'd be here tomorrow morning "for treatment of mice in suite." Damn well better be!
When I was in the meeting, I thought that I should find a Facebook "tag picture" that had "new(est) friend" as an option, just so I could tag the aforementioned David Wong as that one. (Raymond would say that I am obsessed - FAR FROM IT!) After a bit of searching, I did! :D

He also assured me that he was sane, and kept referencing the 12 days of Christmas. I know, but I really don't like taking time to get out of the Christmas season... seriously, yesterday was NOT good for me. It's not about the meaning, trust me! Discussed salad, Superstore, XS Cargo, the $200 computer and specs, and running pedestrians over. Saw Christon and Pastor John at the restaurant, so talked very briefly. I also informed Eric that I wouldn't be around this Friday for MissionsFest, split up between three places. I think Billie's birthday party is so totally worth it, especially if there's a sleepover! Before we left Pho, I told Eric to finish his tea, haha. I love that.
The meeting was a bit long since Pastor John / Dylan / Johnny / Kevin had to recap the past year, and do an overview of the roles and responsibilities for Jen since she's new. Lucky Vivian was thanked for her service, and got to leave really early since she's not sticking around next year. There was a discussion of MissionsFest, which I largely ignored since I'm not going. Actually, I couldn't hear half the meeting, but that should be rectified tomorrow afternoon. We did discuss some REALLY IMPATIENT person ringing the church doorbell seven times in a row (not Stanley, as Dylan thought - some worship team member instead!), Chung (which I misheard as "Chuck"), Acer (which I misheard as "Asa") having issues with not eating dinner, some guy's non-work email address starting with "8 plucky" (Jen and I had a good laugh at that), Living Waters / Frog Hollow / UGM, Wesley, Uncle Stephen, programs, Helen sharing, Karen, Lincoln, Dawn, Vanessa, Jon, Harmony, Deb, retreats, Calla, Christon's group and refreshments, small groups, huge numbers of new people, David, and more. Pastor John kept referring to 2010 as "two-oh-ten," which REALLY irritated me. It's "twenty-ten," DAMN IT!
On the way home, I told Eric about my busy upcoming week, and he bugged me about true love and touching David Wong's tiger shirt. Says his true love's name was mentioned during the meeting - YEAH SURE. Then he said that I'd made a noise when Raymond's name was mentioned - since I didn't recall doing that, I said that he was crazy. He said he wasn't making it up - whatever, man! I do know that when Dylan mentioned getting Randal to help with something, I said "if you HAVE to..." under my breath, though! Got home to find a notice from the management saying that they'd be here tomorrow morning "for treatment of mice in suite." Damn well better be!
When I was in the meeting, I thought that I should find a Facebook "tag picture" that had "new(est) friend" as an option, just so I could tag the aforementioned David Wong as that one. (Raymond would say that I am obsessed - FAR FROM IT!) After a bit of searching, I did! :D

Labels: annoyances, colors, crap, david, dylan, eric m., fellowship, hearing, helen, hester, jen, management, maxed-out tags limit, meetings, memes, pho, pictures, randal, raymond, tagging
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