Weird dream about John, packaged stuff in a cafeteria, purple flowers, and "FRASER!"
I have a new "words" icon, courtesy of a Google Images search on "words icon." "Word Icon" just got me the Microsoft Word logo - uh, no thanks! The words are "competitiveness," "medieval," "non-collaborative," "unpumicated," "amethodically," "on collaboration," "hi theatered," "delectable," "flammable," "complexity," something which ends in "atrice," and "methodical." Can't read any more of those in the expanded version...

If Friday the 13th has affected me so far, it would be because I wasn't really able to sleep till like 8 AM despite trying to! This would explain why I got up at 2:40 PM... yikes! Had a weird dream when I finally COULD get to sleep... I went over to John's house (snooooopy), but he was pretty late since he was hard at work on a project. He apologized, and gave me a long thin flower with purple / blue petals in a green vase as additional reassurance. I thought that was SO sweet, and I just had to hug him. Things were fine after that, and we went to a conference setting where we hung out with my friends for a bit before calling it a night.
We went to the cafeteria really late for breakfast, so I found myself taking all the packaged stuff and stashing them into my bag for later. (cookies, Rice Krispie Squares, and more!) Auntie Rebecca noticed it, but she didn't say anything - she was cool with it. Of course, we also got some muffins / eggs / orange juice / milk / other stuff to eat right then. Sat down at a table with Winnie, Megan, Anita, Allison, and other moms and kids. It was a pretty good delayed meal, for sure!
Then we went to see the elite runners of the school - one of them looked really tall and slim with light brown hair, and her brother had blonde-brown curly hair while being a bit pudgier. He was wearing a white dress shirt and regular pants, and was pretty hungry since he had woken up later than John and me! The cafeteria let him go in and grab a bunch of food, however. (elite runner? hello?!) The announcer wanted the runners to go round a track in the middle of the room, which was fine. The tall and slim runner was named Antonia Fraser, and her brother was named Graham. Antonia said that everyone was pronouncing her last name wrong because it should be with a short A and not a long one. Graham concurred, of course. After some attempts at making the correct pronunciation, I just woke up gradually. No idea why I had that dream, as per usual. Haven't been reading any Antonia Fraser books lately, or talking to Spoz / John...

If Friday the 13th has affected me so far, it would be because I wasn't really able to sleep till like 8 AM despite trying to! This would explain why I got up at 2:40 PM... yikes! Had a weird dream when I finally COULD get to sleep... I went over to John's house (snooooopy), but he was pretty late since he was hard at work on a project. He apologized, and gave me a long thin flower with purple / blue petals in a green vase as additional reassurance. I thought that was SO sweet, and I just had to hug him. Things were fine after that, and we went to a conference setting where we hung out with my friends for a bit before calling it a night.
We went to the cafeteria really late for breakfast, so I found myself taking all the packaged stuff and stashing them into my bag for later. (cookies, Rice Krispie Squares, and more!) Auntie Rebecca noticed it, but she didn't say anything - she was cool with it. Of course, we also got some muffins / eggs / orange juice / milk / other stuff to eat right then. Sat down at a table with Winnie, Megan, Anita, Allison, and other moms and kids. It was a pretty good delayed meal, for sure!
Then we went to see the elite runners of the school - one of them looked really tall and slim with light brown hair, and her brother had blonde-brown curly hair while being a bit pudgier. He was wearing a white dress shirt and regular pants, and was pretty hungry since he had woken up later than John and me! The cafeteria let him go in and grab a bunch of food, however. (elite runner? hello?!) The announcer wanted the runners to go round a track in the middle of the room, which was fine. The tall and slim runner was named Antonia Fraser, and her brother was named Graham. Antonia said that everyone was pronouncing her last name wrong because it should be with a short A and not a long one. Graham concurred, of course. After some attempts at making the correct pronunciation, I just woke up gradually. No idea why I had that dream, as per usual. Haven't been reading any Antonia Fraser books lately, or talking to Spoz / John...
Labels: books, breakfast, dreams, food, friends, google, icons, john, kids, megan, school, sex, sleep, sports, spoz, winnie, words
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