Thursday, November 12, 2009

Auntie Ying and her mean co-workers / Laxative abuse!

Terry Kelly's A Pittance of Time ... very good song!

Decided to call Auntie Ying to see how she was doing - besides, she said she'd call me today, heh. She's doing fine - she asked me to define what a "wad" of paper was, so I did. Apparently, three of her co-workers wanted her to do something bad so they wouldn't look so terrible to the supervisor (because THEY'D done something not quite good)... she wouldn't, so now they're being mean to her. Her co-workers aren't Christian, but she still wants a good relationship with them. Then she apologized for not helping me with the story on Sunday since she was telling Rachel's grandma (who isn't a Christian) about how God was working in her life - fair enough, then! She thinks I tell the stories in a good way, but sometimes I'm not so sure about that myself. We discussed Christmas, cards, Mr. Creep (my gut still says NO!), crafts, calling her if I have something to say (hahaha), responsibility, and more. It wasn't too bad, heh.

Facebook quizzes taken from Kaitlin:

Are You Really A Girl / Boy? - 92% Girl. (Woohoo! I think...)

Leslie took If You Were A Boy, What Type of Boy Would You Be? (FOR GIRLS). A Silly Boy. You're crazy! You like crazy things, and you are inspiring to others! You live life on the edge, and you're never scared of what anyone thinks! However, you need to aim higher for what you want! Go, you! (Like me, but male? SWEET! :D)

Leslie took the "HOW GANGSTA IS YOUR NAME?" quiz and got "48%." ONE OF THE HOMIES.

Poo nugget for Thursday, November 12: Doo You Know? - Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures - "Cutting weight" is the practice of abusing laxatives (and other substances) to rapidly drop weight. Frequently used in sports such as wrestling, large bowel movements often result in enough weight loss to allow competition in a lower weight class.

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