Thursday, October 15, 2009

The little Colorado "balloon boy" has the name FALCON?!

I'd heard about the little six-year-old boy from Fort Collins (Colorado) who supposedly went up in a balloon. Decided to ask Corey about it...

[14:03:52] mrptptpt: yes, that's all that's on the news here :P
[14:04:33] AlenaBrolxFlami: yes, I had a post on my FB newsfeed about it like an hour and a half ago, then just heard about it again on the radio... I bet if I turn on CNN, it'll be there
[14:04:53] mrptptpt: it was just landing when I heard about it
[14:07:30] mrptptpt: the local news stopped talking about it since there's nothing going on at the moment, but the different channels all have different information... one of the local channels confirmed that there wasn't an extra basket or box on the bottom of the balloon that fell off, but CNN just talked about the basket that fell off, and Fox was saying they're searching for the basket or whatever
[14:08:00] mrptptpt: so they don't know anything :P they still don't even know if the kid was really in the balloon
[14:12:01] mrptptpt: apparently, the bottom of the balloon had battery packs and stuff (for cameras, this is meant to go up in storms and see what's going on up there, unmanned) and wasn't designed to carry more weight than that... so I'm guessing the kid wasn't in there.
[14:13:26] mrptptpt: Mythbusters did an experiment about lifting a kid with helium balloons once, and it took a LOT of balloons... like a whole airplane hangar full of them, almost, just to get a kid-sized weight (50 pounds, I think?) off the ground... so I don't know that this thing would have the lift to take a kid into the air
[14:14:25] AlenaBrolxFlami: Hmm... I don't know either... I heard that there was no sign of the kid upon landing, so... who knows
[14:15:41] mrptptpt: well, but they did send up Adam Savage on weather balloons in one of the first episodes, and that definitely wasn't a whole airplane hangar-sized mass of balloons, it was like a dozen really big ones or something
[14:15:43] mrptptpt: so maybe
[14:16:48] mrptptpt: yep, found it on Youtube already... what lifted him is probably comparable in size to this balloon the kid was maybe in, and he's definitely heavier
[14:39:56] AlenaBrolxFlami: I heard the family was on Wife Swap!
[14:42:05] mrptptpt: twice!
[14:42:20] mrptptpt: so that probably means they're crazy
[14:42:50] mrptptpt: people on that show are complete nutcases, then they pair them up with a family of opposite nutcases, and if you average the two, you MIGHT get something sort of normal
[14:45:14] AlenaBrolxFlami: TWICE?! REALLY?!
[14:55:51] mrptptpt: make up your fucking minds!!! they just said a minute ago that the police confirmed there was no basket to fall off. now they're saying they have conflicting reports about there being a basket or not.
[14:56:35] mrptptpt: so it's confirmed, but we're not sure............. the news sucks so much, I hate how they cover things these days, they just sit around repeating the two facts they know for hours. they should do other things and come back when there is new information
[14:57:14] AlenaBrolxFlami: that's why I hate conflicting information... it's like with Michael Jackson... is he dead or in a coma? seriously, people...
[15:01:37] mrptptpt: apparently this guy (the dad) has a website with lots of 2012, faked moon landing, and other articles like that... which generally means he's nuts, though if he does science experiments, the articles could be debunking that stuff... at least, I'd hope so
[15:02:37] mrptptpt: anyone with any serious theory about 2012 is a complete retard... there isn't even an actual theory about why that's the end of the world other than "Mayan calendars said so!" ... which isn't even true
[15:03:30] mrptptpt: that's when one of their calendars ends... so that's like saying December 31st is the end of the world because that's the end of a yearly calendar :P there's no story or anything about that being significant in any way
[15:04:37] AlenaBrolxFlami: I know of at least a few people who want to see the movie 2012
[15:05:19] AlenaBrolxFlami: I bet if I plug "2012" into Google, I'd come across a bunch of conspiracy theorists
[15:13:22] AlenaBrolxFlami: hey, it's in your city!
[15:16:46] mrptptpt: they found him at his house
[15:16:53] mrptptpt: hiding in the attic, in a box :P
[15:17:23] mrptptpt: they still haven't explained what happened yet, but the kid never went up in the balloon in the first place, unless he jumped out right after it took off or something
[15:19:07] AlenaBrolxFlami: they what?! are you serious?
[15:22:05] AlenaBrolxFlami: blah... CNN has some old guy talking about Barack Obama and Hurricane Katrina
[15:26:48] mrptptpt: so the brothers told everyone that Falcon (what a bad name) went up in the balloon, while Falcon was hiding in the attic.. they haven't reported anything other than that he was hiding in the attic in a box, but that sounds like the brothers playing a joke or something... except they'd have to destroy their dad's probably expensive balloon to do it, so I don't know.
[15:27:17] mrptptpt: maybe Falcon let it go and ran away before he got in trouble, and then the brothers looked back and saw it going up and no little brother in sight, and assumed he went up in it
[15:31:36] AlenaBrolxFlami: I noted the name as well, on the radio update I just listened to... bad name, indeed :P
[15:42:35] mrptptpt: now they have helicopter views of the whole family, Falcon included, talking to a ton of cameras.... how about showing us a view FROM those cameras so we can see what they said??
[15:48:53] AlenaBrolxFlami: that would be pretty better, yes
[16:11:59] mrptptpt: ooookay.. they finally showed the family interview, and the dad said it's a vehicle he's inventing that you can fill up with helium to float over traffic, and then it uses "a million volts" of electricity over the outer skin, and generates a plasma field that can be used to move it side to side
[16:12:14] AlenaBrolxFlami: WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!! NUT CASE.
[16:12:41] mrptptpt: he said he yelled at Falcon for going into the utility compartment on the bottom because it's dangerous, and that's why he ran and hid, and the kids said he went in there
[16:13:16] mrptptpt: they wouldn't give a straight answer about how it got loose... he started to point at someone, but stopped and said "no, I'm not going to blame anyone for it, but it wasn't properly secured" or something
[16:14:19] mrptptpt: the guy seemed a bit weird, but he's probably also nervous, plus just went through all that... they're not grounding anyone because they don't ground their kids, but they will have a talk with them
[16:14:43] mrptptpt: one reporter asked if they were going to pay for all the wasted resources all this caused
[16:15:01] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh yeah... I can understand why he'd be nervous and stressed
[16:15:06] mrptptpt: they even closed down DIA, the big international airport in Denver, for at least a little while
[16:15:08] AlenaBrolxFlami: so what was his answer?
[16:15:18] mrptptpt: "oh gosh, I hope not"
[16:15:27] AlenaBrolxFlami: hmm
[16:19:05] mrptptpt: "Watching the Wife Swap video where these kids' parents call other adults faggots and losers and throw milk at them makes me wish Falcon was still on his way to Mars." from SA... guess they're pretty crazy on Wife Swap?
[16:19:16] mrptptpt: Heene / Silver Wife Swap Episode Part 1 of 5
[16:19:27] AlenaBrolxFlami: um, yes... I'd imagine so
[16:19:34] mrptptpt: whoa, I pasted that link and a Youtube window popped up right in the chat
[16:19:36] mrptptpt: I haven't seen that
[16:20:00] AlenaBrolxFlami: I've heard of cases where they make the people pay for wasted resources if they need a rescue done because of their own stupidity
[16:20:20] mrptptpt: apparently, they won't be charged for anything
[16:20:36] AlenaBrolxFlami: I have no Youtube window... so maybe it's you?
[16:20:55] mrptptpt: what are you using? I'm in Gmail
[16:21:16] mrptptpt: that's probably why, since Google owns Youtube
[16:23:01] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh, probably... using Trillian
[16:24:06] mrptptpt: wow, these people are nuts. he calls the other family "fucking faggots" ... they bleeped and blurred his mouth, but that was what it looked like.. later, he tosses a glass of milk across the room at the other wife (who is a psychic, and probably an annoying jackass, though)
[16:28:32] AlenaBrolxFlami: YIKES
[16:31:54] mrptptpt: this is from their second appearance, which was the 100th episode, and the fans voted on their favorites to return to the show, so both families must be nuts. they have a bunch of weirdos on that... at best, it'll be one complete control freak ultra-strict family vs. total anarchy with no responsibility, but usually there's something weird about at least one of the families
[16:32:12] mrptptpt: if we had the king weirdo family from Wife Swap in our town, I would have thought I'd have heard about that before :P
[16:44:16] mrptptpt: that show is kind of stupid, but I watch it sometimes since that's usually when I'm doing dishes after dinner and there's nothing at all on TV whatever night that is. What I don't get is that by default, if you're on that show, your family is most definitely doing something very wrong, yet they don't seem to ever go into it with that in mind, they just stick to whatever system they have and since they're always paired up with as opposite of a family as possible, they're not going to get along
[16:50:09] AlenaBrolxFlami: it's drama, and I guess some people like it.
[16:50:58] mrptptpt: ha, the first Wife Swap was them and a family that babyproofs people's homes
[16:51:24] mrptptpt: in contrast, Falcon's family lets the kids go anywhere they want as long as they bring a walkie talkie with them to report back to home
[16:51:43] mrptptpt: so they have no rules about where they can go, vs. a babyjail family :P
[16:52:06] mrptptpt: looks like they were right about letting their kids go anywhere and do anything, it's not like they're going to create any national incidents or anything... oh wait
[16:53:56] mrptptpt: "I really hate the new mom," Falcon says, when Karin gives him some pajamas.
[16:54:25] mrptptpt: (they sleep in their clothes, not pajamas, in case there's a storm in the middle of the night, so they can jump out of bed and investigate)
[16:56:02] AlenaBrolxFlami: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Facebook quizzes taken from Julie:

Leslie just took the "God, Lucifer, Angel, Fallen Angel, or Risen Demon" quiz and the result is Fallen Angel. An angel that has committed a great sin, but has regretted it, and tried to repent. But your god has not forgiven you, and Lucifer will not accept you. You have done more good than bad, but that doesn't mean you are a saint.

Leslie just took the "What Mythical Being Are You?" quiz and the result is Angel. Your destiny is to help others, and to guide your beloved ones through life. You take comfort in the happiness of others, and you feel that in your own way, you glow. When you do a good deed, you feel uplifted almost as you fly.

Leslie just took the "What's Your Level Of Sexual Deviance??" quiz and the result is BORING.... You are boring and not into trying new stuff. (Well, I wouldn't CHEAT on someone, nor have sex with someone whom I'd just met!)

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