Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Viewing to support the Marr family and extended clan!

At dinner, my sister asked Dad about the child protection policies, which I knew about. Turns out she can't or won't abuse her authority by looking up Mr. Creep in the database over there, which I guess is justifiable since she could get fired for doing so if people find out! Still, I can't shake the feeling! Of course I know the policies and such, but I'm just concerned for the younger people in the church that I love! Honestly, I could have gone on a rant at the dinner table, but didn't. Dad said that I could go to Pastor John or Auntie Rebecca with it, while commending my concern... of course, if the guy passes a police check and THEN does something, that would be a whole other kettle of fish. I used Phil's title for the first time when referring to him as "Pastor Phil," since he works with the youth as well. I don't like Creep, and will make absolutely SURE he knows it! Or at least, I'll make sure he knows I'll be watching him VERY carefully...

There was something on the news about snow on the Coquihalla, so we told Grandma and Great-Aunt to turn around and look at the TV. Steph made conversation by asking Great-Aunt if there was snow in Hong Kong, even though she knows there isn't. I helped Great-Aunt with bringing in her dishes, because I know she can't really use her right hand too well. Besides, she's old and all that kind of thing too! Discussed mastectomies, change, Hong Kong, onions fighting coughs and colds, and whether Mom should sign for Jon and Harmony on the sympathy card - she did.

I was turned around putting the dishes away in the kitchen, and my family was outside in the living room...

Dad, suddenly: I'm so excited to take my clothes off! [he probably meant that he can dress more comfortably after WORK, but he could have been more clear...]
Me: ... I don't want to know!
Mom: But now you can give your dad a big juicy wet kiss! It's not BAD if it's on the cheek!
Me: You and Mom are being shit-stirrers!
Steph: DAD! She swore!
Me: HE says that sometimes himself!

.... what the heck?! Of course, I resisted all comments of that nature. My mother IS the woman who once told me and my sister "Let's kiss and make out!" because she thought "make out" meant "hug" or something, but STILL!

After that, we left the old ladies at home while we went to the viewing for Grandpa Marr. My sister wondered why I had brought a RED (and black!) bag from home [I did choose my CLOTHING with care!], my mom reminded me that my sister had given me a messenger purse which was all black and perfect for funeral homes (well, I didn't remember it this morning!!!!), and my dad changed my $100 bill into five $20 bills. "If you drop this one bill, it's $100. If you drop these, it's only a $20 bill." True enough, and I don't really make a habit of carrying around that much money, other than the paranoia of a few weeks ago! (I'm putting it in the bank later, as well as that cheque I got earlier this week or so!)

Saw Sophia, John, David, Frances, and Mel on the way in. They thanked us for coming, and of course we would! Noticed Olivia with a DS or something in a pew, and saw her cousins Ian and Gabriel too. Olivia's sister Anne was looking for her father John, so it was cute how she looked in each pew - she was pretty quiet about it, too! The other little kids didn't really know enough to be quiet, but that was okay. I didn't see Micah, but maybe Mel's parents were taking care of him. (or I was blind) Hugged Auntie May, and said hi to Rosenda at the back. One of the little boys wanted to see the body, so David hoisted him on his shoulders while he looked. Yes, we paid respects to the coffin, heh. All I could think of was embalming fluid, which is pretty good for a temporary preservative!

Steph, Dad, and I conducted any discussions in hushed tones - white people would think Grandpa Marr has THE coolest name ever! (Man Chow!!!) Got married at 20, oh my! He had a lot of friends, and even a photo with Kim Campbell, our former prime minister! There was even a photo with him and a few other ladies, and Mom made a weird comment. Well, she did tell me how he had several lady friends at the community centre or something! (plenty independent too, unlike Grandma - Mom thinks she may not have a slideshow, since it'll be VERY SHORT!) Later, Steph drove me home while we talked about the past and his history.

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