Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mushroom soup has invaded my DREAMS! / PAPER MARIO playlist

Okay, I have to make mushroom soup now. It invaded my dreams! Dreamed that I was making two different batches of mushroom soup from different cans. I had other cans, whose sealed contents were in danger of drying out. Most troublesome were the cans which looked like they should contain corn, because they were green and yellow. Not so! Nathan and Danielle arrived to rescue me, so I took the opportunity to ask them how they felt about each other. In the dream, they said that they were exploring the possibility of a romantic relationship, now that Nathan's ex-lover was safely dead. We rescued one pot from burning, and picked up a couple of good guys on the way.

I was woken up by Grandma telling me that she was going for da-pi, and to make my own meals. I kinda figured that out last night, but no biggie. Now I can watch / listen to random Youtube stuff all day, and not have to worry about dodgy awful Canto-pop! Steph says that dinner is definitely doable, so that's good at least!

Let's Play Paper Mario playlist

Jekyll & Hyde - How do you relate? by ScytheandRoses
Your name
Henry Jekyllspends all of his time working in the lab.
Edward Hydeslits your throat.
Simon "the Spider" Stridesees you as a rival.
Lucy Harrisis attracted to you though you threaten to kill her.
Emma Carewseems to think you are rather foolish.
John Uttersonwill assist you in awkward social situations.
Sir Danvers Carewis willing to accept you.

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