Sunday, July 05, 2009

I'm a Japanese Gothic Lolita?! Sweet!

Tonight, I played two Word Twist games against people whose name is Miranda (Jackson and Chatigny) - yay for quirky coincidences!

Facebook quizzes taken from Kaili and Jane:

Leslie completed the quiz "Which Japanese street fashion clique do you belong in?" with the result Gothic Lolita! You belong to the Gothic Lolita clique! In this group, you wear dark makeup and sometimes red, blue, or black lipstick, but in a natural way. Not at all clownish. Very sexy and sultry. You wear outfits that usually use dark color schemes like black, dark blues, and purples; often with accents of white. Your accessories include cross jewelry and other religious symbols. Other accessories, like bags and purses, are often in uncommon shapes like bats, coffins, and crucifixes. You're a deep person. Probably emo. You're eccentric and classy when you're not in full goth attire. Some see you as too serious, but you're just a very mature individual. Nothing wrong with that...

Leslie took the How Jewish are You? quiz and got the result: 67% Jewish.

Leslie took the What's your Native American Indian name? quiz and the result is Strong Heart. You have been through many storms which made you very compassionate and wise. You love to take care of others... family and friends come first.

Leslie completed the quiz "(The Real) How Mormon Are You?" with the result 0-25% Mormon. You may be what is known as a "Jack Mormon," or you may not be Mormon at all. In fact, you could simply be from the Midwest and have a natural inclination toward casserole recipes and big families. (Good... I like my caffeine too much!)

Leslie just took the "If you got arrested, what will it be for?" quiz and the result is indecent exposure. Put that away! (HAHAHA... yeah right!)

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