Thursday, August 23, 2007

Leopards and cougars, consideration, grammar, feather dusters

HAHAHA. My sister just sent the entire family an email showing the difference between a leopard and a cougar. A leopard has a distinctive pattern, while a cougar doesn't have a pattern at all. These aren't the images she used in the email, but they should be close enough:

This is a Leopard - please note the printed pattern:

This is a Cougar - please note no pattern:

Mom, upon seeing that email: "OH! Are you SURE she's not mixing them up?!" (go Google Image Search those animals if you don't believe us...) Then, "Oh! The cougar looks so angry!" Um, it didn't look angry to me! Let's not get into the twenty tries it took her to pronounce "leopard" so it didn't quite sound like "leper"... o_O

On an unrelated note, I got my chips AND some Quaker's peanut butter cookies, which I haven't had in a long time. Good thing that Jeremy's easy to please with Lay's Sour Cream and Onion... although Jen isn't FUSSY as my mom says, she'll have to settle for Sea Salt and Vinegar kettle chips. (Dylan said something about All Dressed, but he's not going to be there, so I never even considered that flavor!) I like people who are easygoing, since it makes things much more pleasant. As for my mom's unintentional abuse of the English language, I just try understanding that she's not too fluent in it. Still, it can get interesting. But I really draw the line when she proceeds to tell me how much a certain thing cost (WHEN I AM ABOUT TO EAT IT) AS SHE GIVES IT TO ME. No, I refuse to feel guilty about eating X amount worth of stuff - and I hate when people do that to me. I have NEVER done that to my friends! "By the way, this thing I'm giving you cost $10!" (with an undertone of "so you should be grateful because I'm treating you, and don't complain about anything else, either!") doesn't sit right with me. I don't like it when people do that to me, so I don't do that to others.

Yes, I definitely care about grammar and spelling - and no, I'm not changing that for anybody! If you don't like it, you can lump it. Take it or leave it, as they say... because it is important to me, and those who really seek knowledge of this hamsterette should respect that. Eric only occasionally teases me about being a "vindictive grammar Nazi," so I can live with that! I also like people who strive to be as clear and correct as possible, although of course I can understand mistakes being made! Some people think I'm pedantic / anal / uptight about it, but I think I'm none of those. I'm just me. :D (this doesn't mean I love my grammar-challenged friends any less, of course!)

No, the above rant about grammar and spelling wasn't directed to anyone in particular. It's just something that I've been thinking about, and had to get off my chest. :D

ACK! Bad memory moment - I was in the townhouse laundry room to get some mango juice and some blueberry juice (which my mom thought was blackberry juice - just like she thought the dishes were groceries when she was telling me that the "dishes" took a long time to put away), and saw the DREADED gy-mo-so on top of some juice boxes! I hope it's used for its intended purpose now because all three of us are old enough to NOT have that thing used on us anymore! HOLD ME! (heh)

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