Friday, August 17, 2007

Dream: Netspeak and clouds on signs!

I'm sitting here eating potato salad and feeling a bit sad. But then, what else is new? Things had better be okay on the Hydro Flame Planet by the time I leave tonight - if not, at least Fellowship will provide a distraction! I think this is a familiar ache, however; it reminds me of a few years ago, in fact. Yes, I need to hear someone's voice and talk to him since it'll be reassuring! Unlike last time, I won't call a lot just to hear the voicemail message because those pauses are ANNOYING and I don't wish to disturb K with too many calls. Maybe one more call now since I did say I'd call him today (on Eric's advice) - but I'm done after that. I've already called him once, and that should be enough. I don't think he'll break up with me, but my irrational self HAS entertained that prospect... NO!

I had one of those weird dreams last night, too... since I always have odd ones, I can't blame it on the monstrous dinner we had! Note to self: There's another dinner with Erin's family at the townhouse on the 23rd, which is next Thursday. It'll be good to see Erin one last time! Dream details to follow.... no idea where the heck this came from!

* Anita in a black cop's uniform, also five months pregnant
* Sophia trying to protect Anita and Jeff from being gunned down by these anti-cop people
* everyone getting into a shootout, which resulted in the anti-cop people dying
* my being in Grade 7 again and living on a Julia St. in a brown house
* said street had a square green sign at the corner, featuring a Rejected-style cloud with "ROFL" underneath
* I expressed horror at living on a street whose signs boasted Netspeak
* I went with a group of "children" (really, my friends at younger ages) to a convention where they tried indoctrinating us with Netspeak - we were successful in avoiding it
* K showed up and proceeded to chastise us for not accepting the new wave in chat style, but we stood our ground and managed to defeat him with dragon laser beams

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