Thursday, August 23, 2007

30-3 in baseball?! / MAX white diamond

HOLY CRUD. The Texas Rangers WASTED the Baltimore Orioles 30-3! Baseball history was made earlier, with the greatest number of runs in 110 years - definitely an American League record! (not quite on par with Barry Bonds breaking Hank Aaron's record of 755 home runs recently, but still pretty great!)

Had a white diamond in Bookworm earlier tonight, thanks to using blue sapphires on the H and N of the word HIN. Then I used the X white diamond on the word MAX. Pity I lost that game soon thereafter...

Someone says I'm beautiful and gorgeous to him. Why the heck am I having a hard time believing that?! Sure, he SHOULD say that since we are going out and all, but he just might mean it. Guess I should believe it, heh. Oh well, at least he didn't seem mad that I called kinda unexpectedly....

I've just been reminded of how much I love R.E.M.'s Losing My Religion, and Billy Joel in general. YAY FOR THAT KIND OF MUSIC! :D

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