Sunday, July 15, 2007

"Hey, we accidentally donated your laptop to the church!"

I made Jon sign Nathan and Cordia's cards in the car on the way to church, even if he was too sleepy to do the rest of the July / August pile. It wouldn't do to give Cordia's card and present (FINAL EXITS) weeks apart, after all. Gave Mom $50 to give to Steph since I still owe her the money for Phil and Grace's wedding gift: "Phil and Grace" is NOT "Karen Grace"... not that I would know if Karen Grace and Ryan are planning to get married, anyhow! Once we got to church, I hailed Cordia - she loved that book, and was reading bits out of it to Mike and someone else afterwards. Gave Nathan his birthday card, then sat down by Randal - making sure to keep a decorous distance away, haha. Dallas sat down next to me, so I edged closer to him... then Jeremy sat next to him - good times talking about essays, bugs in rooms, Night Market, Grouse Grind, etc. Said hi to Brian, Danielle, Wesley, and others too. Jeremy could see the frisson of amusement that went through me at some point during the sermon, so we shared a glance and chuckle over it. Always good for the humor! Jeremy and I also laughed at the same time when Auntie Rebecca actually miked the computer for a video about a disabled person who was able to feel whole again when his dad ran marathons and such with him. (the sound people couldn't get the computer's sound to work)

Talked to Randal for a bit after service: he did get my email about the Engrish shirt, and I assume he knows I wasn't mad at him on Friday because I had to yell to make myself heard over 50 others in the basement. Saw Tony outside, who said that he has a new job as an overnight security guard: sounds way better than Wal-Mart! No books after 6 since you have to look professional, but absolutely no sleeping! Homework is fine for an interim, though. Said hi to a bunch of the babies and their parents: Lily, Lee, Hannah L., Tim, Maxine, Joshua, Keenan, and others had to move out of the way when a car needed the handicapped spot. Advised Joshua not to eat a dandelion he'd picked, and his mom Maxine said that he put everything in his mouth these days - I'm not surprised! Everyone greeted Mike, Emily, Chrystal, and their cousins - talked to Cindy about the Grouse Grind, too. Went inside earlier than usual to attend to the toddler Sunday School - those kids made me hungry with conversation about blueberries, pizza, stinky / spicy chips, apples, bananas, candy, crackers, and other foodstuffs. Good thing it was time for lunch when I got outta there! Told Natalie, Nathan, Hannah W., Julie, and Priscilla that I'd bring them a bunch of chocolate-covered raisins next week - they loved the idea! So do I - I can't eat these ALL myself! (What possessed me to buy $20 worth of them?! Not sure, but they're not Glosette - luckily for Natalie, they're not peanuts!)

Asked Jon what he was doing for lunch - takeout Pho it was, with Jeremy and Dallas in tow! He went back to the church to do something, then came back to the restaurant wondering if we'd placed his order yet. I was sitting at the computer table, and said no - Jeremy had told me that Jon had ordered already when I asked. "So why does he think I gave him $10?" Don't ask ME! (had just enough money for mine) We ordered our food and got out of there late, but it was okay because Wesley had experienced video tech difficulties. Jon eventually donated Steph's laptop to the cause, which happened to work. He joked to Jeremy and Chris that he could tell Steph that he accidentally donated Steph's laptop to the church - that would so not go over well! At one point, Jeremy and I were eating our respective Pho meals simultaneously, and bemoaning the lack of creativity in ordering lemongrass chicken for the umpteenth time! Wesley went to Haiti and did some work in an orphanage there - lots of babies, as Jeremy said! Shared my purple "Dimetapp" Wrigley's Fruit gum with Chris and Jeremy: it's not something you see every day!

Talked briefly to Wesley later - at least he's in Calgary, so it's not too far away from home! Eric wanted to know if I needed a ride home, so I told my parents about it. We talked about how this whole thing with Korey started, with his giving me advice and such. He brought up conflicting stories about stat holidays, PINKY AND THE BRAIN, REN AND STIMPY, repetitive lines ("Take over the world!"), my being a troublemaker (am not!), friendship, taking off his jacket, etc. When I got home, I called my sister to tell her the news: she thought it was the Hat-Wearing Man! Haha, I don't think so! (there was a time when I wished it so, but not now!) Then she brought up another concern: "Korey?! Doesn't he have a girlfriend?" "Since when?" "Ever since I added him on Facebook like two months ago!" "... Eric probably would have told me last night if that were the case, but thanks... I'll have to talk to him about that!" Thankfully, I worked stuff out with Korey soon afterwards - Steph thought that was a GOOD THING since shady people are DANGEROUS! (he did it on purpose, apparently!) No, I'm not saying Korey is shady or dangerous, despite Eric's joke last night at the Night Market!

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