Tuesday, July 10, 2007

VIA and LAV white diamonds / Dream of Martin running

I got two white diamonds in a Bookworm game again. I made the word VAU out of three yellow / gold tiles, which resulted in a white diamond on an A. Then I used that white diamond on the word VIA. Later, I used two blue sapphires while constructing the word TAU - the blue tiles were on the A and U. That resulted in another white diamond on an A, so I used that in the word LAV.

I had a weird dream that consisted of Martin, a few other friends, and me running away from my dad yelling at us. My mom actually tried to provide comfort, but my friends took me away from that to a bus stop where my brother was reading the Bad Baby Names Forum on his laptop. Soon, we were all whisked away by bus to a place where nobody could hurt us. Interesting dream...

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