Monday, March 12, 2007

He really is sweet, but she is CRAZY!

I'm definitely surprised at the number of emails which I have in my Yahoo email, but I shouldn't be since I never check it: 3433? Man. Next time Eric asks me whether I blogged about anything cool, I'll have an answer ready for him: "You know what I blogged about - YOU CHECK THE DARNED SITE!" If he tries to deny leaving me a comment, I'll have evidence, haha. The 24 finale dinner is still some time away, but I guess I know some people who love planning a little TOO much! (not me!) At least I know the Richmond / 24 Crew will be there - if Eric tries his usual stuff there, I'll have to seriously talk to him. I expect that in the car and NOT at the townhouse! Can't do much about the Richmond Crew's thoughts on various topics, since I certainly don't want to control them. Speaking of Enrico, I think he and my sister are right about what they said yesterday: my glasses ARE kinda bent! Not that I wouldn't trust anyone else who was around when I asked that question, but he WAS right there while we were sorta talking about something which I won't openly discuss here. :P (yes, with 30 people around... we're brave but secret, hahaha)

So Jack Bauer shoots a Russian hostile, gets away from the people hunting him down inside the Russian consulate, and somehow can put a call through to Bill while punching in only three digits of the phone number. Then Charles Logan tries to have a civil talk with his ex-wife (whose new husband Aaron is very sweet), who ends up stabbing him in the shoulder after cutting up some kiwis! Apparently, Martha Logan has always been crazy - you could see that Aaron was trying to keep the peace, even after Martha asked Charles if it was difficult seeing her with a new man, and made various cutting remarks about "house arrest" and such. The whole visit WAS NOT about them, lady... President Suvarov had no choice but to authorize the US-led invasion of the Russian consulate, after Markov disobeyed his direct order! ("Arm the nukes" to Fayed, indeed...)

Although you have to wonder why those two people in the basement would choose to do what they did while the whole place was under lockdown... as for Noah Daniels, he needs to die right now! Trying to tell Tom Lennox what to do (well, he could since he's vice-president) - and coercing him into saying that Assad planted the bomb when he knows very well WHO DID! Sure, Tom had his share of STUPID moments, but he's trying to reclaim them now.. not sure how well that would work. The new director of field ops is RICKY SCHRODER! Maybe there's another mole in CTU, as well... I would not be surprised!

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