Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Snow piles, sugar dreams, research and modifications, KFC Beans and Rice

This just in from Corey: apparently the snow PILES are at least 10 feet high, and they're expecting MORE snow later this week! Fort Collins is no stranger to snow, but that sounds massive! He has NO idea where they're going to put it all, especially since the city had front-end loaders to take care of it! Oh dear... it's snowing here too (or will), but not THAT badly! o_O

Yet another late night... this time, it's split between doing research and modifying some of my BootyBase documents to include such pertinent information as whether the people are multiples and what kind. Yes, I'm crazy and putting my RQ tagging project on temporary hiatus! Thought I'd get in an entry here before I totally forget about it and go to bed, haha. Good thing I didn't go to James Bond with Steph and Vivian, otherwise I'd be up even later than I already am! (I think I'll finish this one document which is taking me FOREVER - damn you, middle names! - and go to bed if I don't crash beforehand!)

I dreamed that Nick (nick_scorpio) and I were going around to other people's houses and offices. No, I don't know what he looks like (and that's fine :P)... but for some reason, he showed up and we were having a grand ol' time taking pens and things from various offices. Apparently we needed them for a party of some sort that was taking place at his house, which was the last one on a cul-de-sac. My sister asked us what we were going, and soon joined us with everyone in our usual crew. For some reason, Tracie / Angelize showed up in the dream to pour an astronomical amount of sugar into our bowls from the stuff she just bought at the store! Very weird... let me guess: This is my subconscious' way of FINALLY processing the show on preserving peppers (they poured a great amount of sugar into the preserving mix) that Jon, Harmony, and I saw on New Year's! Insane!

And of course, Def Leppard's Pour Some Sugar On Me comes on just as I'm getting ready to post this in the blogosphere. Nice. Real nice.

KFC Beans and Rice

Colonel Sanders loved rice and beans, and decided to create a recipe that would use them together to create a great-tasting item. You can mix it, or have the beans on the bottom and rice on top and mix as you eat.

30 ounce can of Red beans
1 teaspoon white pepper
4 tablespoons butter
1/4 teaspoon paprika
dash of cayenne
dash of garlic powder
1 1/2 cups converted rice cooked

Pour beans with their liquid into a saucepan and cook over medium heat. Add the seasonings and butter. When the mixture begins to boil, use a fork to mash half the beans. Cook for 10 to 20 minutes until it looks like bean paste with big beans in it. Mix in rice.

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