Sushi drives / Toddler with both legs bitten off by a bear / Serial killer bios

Aww, these sushi USB drives / flash drives / jump drives are so cute! (reminder from Corey: a USB port is the rectangular physical place where you plug it in, like an electrical socket that's shaped differently)
Today's Health-Giving Yet Truly Morbid Fact!
A two-year-old toddler has had both his legs bitten off below the knee by a caged bear in northern Vietnam. Pham Van Hung was playing near the cage of a 200-kilogram Malayan sun bear when the animal dragged him into the cage and mauled him. The family kept the bear to harvest the animal's bile, considered a health-giving tonic in Vietnam and other countries where traditional Eastern medicine is practiced. "Hung's family found him as he was being attacked by the bear, and it had already snapped off the kids' legs from the knee down. They had to try very hard to get him out of the cage as the bear went mad at that time," said a police officer who spoke on condition of anonymity. All across Vietnam, thousands of bears are illegally kept in tiny cages for their owners to harvest their bile. The intensely bitter, dark green bear bile is usually added to rice whisky and drunk as a tonic for the liver and blood. "This should be a lesson for every family raising bears for gall, as the business is booming in many places now," the police officer said.
Culled from: dpa
Generously submitted by: Katchaya
The gall of that bear!! *groan*
Actually, you know this one pisses me off. Poor bear. I don't think I'd cope very well in Asia...
Morbid Sightseeing!
Dick has a morbid sightseeing recommendation: The Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum in Hatteras, NC.
"The pounding breakers relentlessly beat against weary ships as sea-faring souls search in vain for salvation from the angry sea... The waters off North Carolina's Outer Banks entomb thousands of vessels and countless mariners who lost a desperate struggle against the forces of war, piracy and nature. The Graveyard of the Atlantic, with one of the highest densities of shipwrecks in the world, holds some of America's most important maritime history. More than just a collection of artifacts, the Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum is a premier cultural attraction for the Atlantic Seaboard and one of the finest, most innovative maritime facilities in the nation."
Morbid Link Du Jour!
John sends a link to a collection of serial killer bios.
That serial killer bio collection sounds like JUST MY THING! :D
Labels: alcoholic drinks, corey, family, history, john, kids, morbid facts, photos, serial killers, sick, sushi, us, war, water
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