Saturday, October 14, 2006

Updating from the Holiday Inn Express: drum fills, vests selling for ten cents, and more!

Hey, this Holiday Inn has high-speed Internet! VERY convenient for updating and catching up on things! (although I still don't believe I'll go to the Sunday Dinner tomorrow since I'll be really tired and stuff)

Last night, Eric picked me up a few minutes after I went out to wait for him in the parking lot. We then proceeded to discuss the ongoing hockey game (he blamed ME for the Sharks' scoring to break a 1-1 tie...), my week in online-land, his dinner at his aunt's hotel room (that's where he was when he called me beforehand), squashing Kleenex boxes, and whether I was okay every time I said something weird or laughed out of nowhere. Uh, of COURSE! Then I told him about the Chinese bus tour and the general itinerary: he joked about and wondered whether it was really what my mom said it was since I couldn't read Chinese! Thanks for planting seeds of doubt into my head there, dude... but it was seriously a river tour, phew!

As we were parking at church, Jon called him to see where he was: apparently, Karen was concerned because there weren't many people for our group since it was almost 8. Er, it's always like that on Fridays! (although I can understand her concern) Eric hoped that they didn't think he was leading worship, since he wasn't supposed to! The guitar in his trunk was his other one, so definitely not! When we arrived, they were in the middle of singing... odd question to ask then, but okay! I was going to ask Karen about it, but forgot... oh well. Afterwards, Jeremy said hi to me, so we talked for two minutes. Should have told him that I'd be closer to his parents on the weekend, hahaha. Karen made what she considered to be great jokes about the meat at the Mexican / Fellowship Xmas dinners being bison / wild buffalo / ostrich... uh, that isn't Mexican food, and our group doesn't have the funds to support such a lavish dinner! ("the guys have to prepare for the great hunt with their mighty spears, and bring freshly killed meat to the table, hehe haha!!!" riiiight...)

Our group's Bible Study in the church library was interesting since the "different" woman Teresa joined our group and made comments about how she wanted a Coke. (Karen had one) She also remarked on the relatively normal noise disruptions caused by people messing about downstairs (you could definitely hear my sister, as usual!), and by Joey / Mike / Darren running up the stairs while they were getting something from the sanctuary. We reassured her that these were temporary and couldn't go on forever in this environment. She also asked whether the Chinese mega-Fellowship was older than our group (not really), and where Andrea was since she was around beforehand. (she'd gone home early!)

I talked to Vivian, Kevin, and Randal for a while about stuff when our group finished: we looked at the old pictures of church members on the bulletin boards at the back of the sanctuary (baby Nathaniel looks so cool in his sunglasses!), and tried to determine whether the guys' group at the front / the other group downstairs was finished yet. Once they were, we headed in different directions: Kevin went home, while Randal and I tried answering more of Teresa's odd questions while seeing what the guys were doing with the drums. Karen and Vivian had to have a private talk about (I assume) Committee stuff, so they returned to the library. (Randal joked about eavesdropping on them, haha) I just hope they get someone more level-headed to send out the emails next year, seriously! Not to say that the current person ISN'T level-headed, but sometimes it's just TOO MUCH!

We listened in on Jeremy tutoring Dylan in drum fills, beats, and bars: the important thing is NOT to be like Sean and actually manage to get back to the first beat of the bar without making a ridiculous mistake! After that, Randal disappeared somewhere while the rest of us went downstairs. Jon, Eric, Jeremy, and I peeked in on the girls' group (Jon stole a chip from Quan's plate), then settled in to watch Citrus / Stanley / Ryan / Angus / Mike / Darren balance coins on their arms and roll them to the ground! (this evolved from spinning them on the table) Nathan and Christon were talking about a Fellowship survey, and I gave Anthony his late birthday card... then Christon asked me whether I had an online calendar of birthdays! My stock answer: MAYBE, haha. Anthony asked me when mine was, so I told him. Teresa was somewhere, but not with us... when we found out that the Sharks had won 6-4, we were very disappointed!

When Stanley's mom arrived with Auntie Ping of all people, we knew that they were going to kick us out sooner or later because they had to clean the church. Stanley gave me a "Christmas present" consisting of one package of microwaveable buttered popcorn, which I jokingly attempted to give back to him. Jon talked to Eric T. for a while, as Mike and Joey were making plans with Melia via speaker cell phone for Awana conference rides in the morning: her disembodied voice made Jeremy laugh. Somehow, we all formed a circle to watch the guys do their coin thing: Jeremy told Nathan not to break the sacred circle or risk the line of fire! The other group finally finished, and we talked for a little bit inside before leaving to go outside. (I did tell them that I had to get up at 6, so we had to GO HOME!)

We talked about various subjects once we were outside: Quan had to tell her mom something, and Teresa was being her usual self. Nobody there was related to Dianne or was married, Jeremy and Eric weren't related to each other, and two white guys in a Chinese church isn't THAT weird! A few of us discussed poop / Vanessa / rigor mortis / Anne Boleyn and her head appearing to talk after it had been severed from the body. What brought this on? They killed a spider earlier, and its legs were still flailing around after it was dead... my sister said that I knew about all this gross stuff, so Vanessa asked me. Teresa asked for a ride home: Eric declined because of seatbelt issues, but Nathan was able to take her home.

On the squishy ride to Jeremy's (good thing he's skinny!), we discussed Kids Night / Halloween plans, plus a shop which my mom is obsessed with since she's been there three times in the past week or so! You can't go wrong with Dressew's good-quality $1 Halloween costumes and vests selling for 10 cents! (but Mom needs to remember what she taught us as kids: CHECK THE DOORS TO MAKE SURE THEY'RE LOCKED, especially in a seedy part of town!) Steph also introduced him to the "#4 Rd. / Alderbridge" joke... thanks, really. We discussed Friday the 13th... we're not scared now even if we were as little kids! Plus, buildings with no 13th floor are deceiving since the 14th floor IS the 13th floor in reality! (Chinese people are just afraid of the number 4 since it sounds like the word for "death," and love the number 8 since it sounds like the word for "money" / "being rich")

We dropped Jeremy off, and talked about the tour / Saturday plans of prayer meeting, worship practice, teaching, and such / extremely busy weekends coming up (Steph will get me a ticket to Joe's farewell) / sleeping. After I got home, I slept... no, I didn't even go on the computer! (seriously!)

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