Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dreams of shooting people slowly / White diamonds and weird words, weight

I got another white diamond in Bookworm by using three yellow / gold tiles on the word "sin," then I used the white diamond some time later on the word "kae." It's surprising what this game considers as words... "voe," "pul," "pule," "kea," "jow," "zek," and numerous other combinations of letters. Guess you learn something new every day! (maybe people should try for that, even if you can't comprehend it or it doesn't stay in your brain for long enough, har har)

I'm not taking the Blogthing about whether I need to lose weight. ("Do you need to lose weight?" indeed...) There are some things which shouldn't be posted, and that is one of them! Besides, I know when I need to do so... and the time is now. Heh. That's all I'm saying on THAT one! :P

I had an interesting dream in which one of the aunties (Emily and Michelle C.'s mom, not J-Mak's mom) told me and my friends not to do anything that she didn't expressly condone. Of course, we all laughed at that. We invited Michelle and some others to go around with us, and they did. Everyone had fun scaring random people on the street, but eventually it was time to go home. We were at the family house some time later, ostensibly getting ready for church in the morning. Fidela discovered a cool video game which involved shooting at fancily-dressed people on an estate with several large ornate houses. My siblings and I were all paying attention to that, despite my dad's impatience: the blood spilling out of the people was BLUE, and the bullets appeared to go by VERY SLOWLY before finally hitting a target.

There was also a hockey game on one TV, and a basketball game on the other one, so we had more than enough entertainment to distract us from getting ready for church. I'd just decided to put all my church stuff in a plastic bag when the doorbell rang. I answered it to find Eric at the door... since he needed a ride, I let him in. The rain appeared to have diminished, which was good. We played all these games and bet on extremely informal pools until my dad showed up downstairs to roar at everyone about how slow we were. After we'd annoyed him even further, I woke up. Interesting stuff my subconscious comes up with... o_O

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