Wednesday, October 04, 2006

White diamonds / Janet Jackson chicken / No leet charter numbers for Awana around here!

I got another white diamond in Bookworm last night! Constructed the word "lei" with blue sapphire tiles on the E and I because there was no way that flaming tiles were going to consume the B on what would become the word "blue." :D

Nina Hagen's Making Monsters For My Friends and Ministry's Every Day is Halloween might be appropriate songs for the Halloween season, haha. Now I wish I had some chicken lasagna, and I'm not sure why!

At the Sunday dinner, Jon made a joke about the Reject Chicken's breast being a Janet Jackson chicken. Jeremy followed that up with a remark about a wardrobe malfunction, haha. I asked Jon whether he remembers my yelling "POISON!" at him and Steph in a growly voice when they were kids, as Steph insists I did. He didn't, but told Jeremy that "Snakes on a Shirt!" just didn't have the same ring as "Snakes on a Plane!" (yes, I was wearing the "POISON!" snake / dragon shirt in part because it was Jeremy's birthday... I'm weird, haha :P)

Then on Saturday, Amos was filling out an Awana membership card. He asked me what our charter number was, and whether it was 1337. I put a friendly arm around him and joked that he was spending WAY TOO MUCH TIME on the Internet to come up with that one, haha. The number is really another three-digit numeral, of course.

Halloween Monster Name

Your Halloween Monster Name is
Leslie the Screaming Fire-Breathing Awana secretary.
Get Your Halloween Monster Name at


Supernatural Survey
Do you believe in ghosts?Not really.
Have you ever seen a ghost?No.
Would you be scared if you saw a ghost?Probably.
Who would you least like to see come back as a ghost?My mom.
Who would you most like to see come back as a ghost?Maybe Nathan, haha.
Do you think psychics are real?Not really.
Which dead person would you like to talk to most?Auntie Dorothy?
Have you ever had your fortune told?No.
Would you ever visit a palm reader?Probably not.
Do you read your horoscope?For laughs.
Has your horoscope ever come true?Can't say that it has.
Do you have a good luck charm?No.
Do you think we have powers in our brains we havn't unlocked yet?Maybe.
Which brain power would you most like to have unlocked?I have no idea!
Do you think there are aliens out there?Possibly...
Have you ever been abducted by aliens?No!
Which famous person do you think is most likely to be an alien?Too many to list, haha.
Do you think crop circles are real?There's something out in space making them, but I dunno.
Do you think aliens will be peaceful or will they attack us?Maybe somewhere in between.
What color are aliens most likely to be?Green.
Take This Survey at


Interesting survey, since I was just reading about aliens / UFOs / crop circles / psychics / ghosts in Ripley's Believe It or Not! just recently...

Are You A Cellphone Addict?
Are You A Cellphone Addict

Congratulations! According to our experts, you scored:

0% which makes you Not An Addict

Good news: you are not addicted to your cellphone. In fact, we are not even sure you own a cellphone. Maybe you have a phone phobia.

Are You A Cellphone Addict, find out at


Heh... well, I don't have one anyhow! :P (a cell phone... not sure about the phone phobia part! :P)

Halloween Movie Poster QuizHalloween Movie Poster Quiz

You scored 10 out of 10

Take the Halloween Movie Poster Quiz Quiz at

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