New icon of lemmings and memes, triple Andrews, this week's birthday cluster, info overload
I have another new icon! ladyclotho had this one in blogthings, and I asked her where she got it: she stole it while randomly browsing journals, and I've been kinda looking for one like this! I like the lemmings, hahaha. :D

Awana today was pretty cool... Tina's done something wacky to her hair, and the effect was pretty cool and all over the place! I found out that Andrew Lai (twin to Adam) is a leader in training, which is great! Andrew Tung apparently thinks I know everything (I wish!), but at least I refer all inquiries to Auntie Vivian if I don't know about them since I wouldn't want to give him the wrong information! Hunter / Kazuya / Andrew is back from Hong Kong and Japan: he recognized me and said hi. I talked to Margaret for a bit: she feels sorry for Henry because he has David as a clubber! I don't know if I feel sorry for him, but I do feel sorry for whoever has to corral little Sean (Ian's brother) or Matthew (Eric's brother)!
There seem to be a lot of birthdays this week in the club: Samantha (Rosanna's sister) and David's was yesterday (they're four years apart), mine's tomorrow, little Evelyn's is on Monday, some new kid named Natalie has a birthday on Tuesday, and Andrew (plus twin Adam) has his on Wednesday! Gwyneth is Evelyn's sister, their mom is named Teresa, and I think Henry is her half-brother... Teresa asked if I needed a ride home afterwards, and I said that Henry was doing so. I asked if she also lived in Richmond, and it turns out that Henry is living with her now... cool stuff that I didn't know!
I talked to Emily L. and Emily C. for a bit, and asked Chrystal if she'd received my email: she doesn't know if she can make it, but she'll see! Andrew told me that he wanted to give me 23 birthday beats... oh, I wish! I told him to ask my sister tomorrow since she's told everyone else... he assured me that he would. (eep) There's a new kid named Kyle with peanut allergies, which can be a killer... his sister Tamara doesn't have those, thank goodness. Today's snack just happened to be a peanut / chocolate / marshmallow / cereal bar, so the leaders didn't eat any of it till he'd gone! (the kids had to be told that they couldn't open it till they got to the car or after dinner!) I also found out that the Sunday School kid named Benjamin (not Billy and Stella's baby) has the same last name as I do, because his sister Melanie is in Awana this year! (seems there are a lot of new kids, which is good!)
Right now, I have a bit of info overload going on. It concerns middle names (thanks, Billy / fdolarhyde13!) / coins / birthdays (yay for Awana!), so I should probably get to that at some point.

Awana today was pretty cool... Tina's done something wacky to her hair, and the effect was pretty cool and all over the place! I found out that Andrew Lai (twin to Adam) is a leader in training, which is great! Andrew Tung apparently thinks I know everything (I wish!), but at least I refer all inquiries to Auntie Vivian if I don't know about them since I wouldn't want to give him the wrong information! Hunter / Kazuya / Andrew is back from Hong Kong and Japan: he recognized me and said hi. I talked to Margaret for a bit: she feels sorry for Henry because he has David as a clubber! I don't know if I feel sorry for him, but I do feel sorry for whoever has to corral little Sean (Ian's brother) or Matthew (Eric's brother)!
There seem to be a lot of birthdays this week in the club: Samantha (Rosanna's sister) and David's was yesterday (they're four years apart), mine's tomorrow, little Evelyn's is on Monday, some new kid named Natalie has a birthday on Tuesday, and Andrew (plus twin Adam) has his on Wednesday! Gwyneth is Evelyn's sister, their mom is named Teresa, and I think Henry is her half-brother... Teresa asked if I needed a ride home afterwards, and I said that Henry was doing so. I asked if she also lived in Richmond, and it turns out that Henry is living with her now... cool stuff that I didn't know!
I talked to Emily L. and Emily C. for a bit, and asked Chrystal if she'd received my email: she doesn't know if she can make it, but she'll see! Andrew told me that he wanted to give me 23 birthday beats... oh, I wish! I told him to ask my sister tomorrow since she's told everyone else... he assured me that he would. (eep) There's a new kid named Kyle with peanut allergies, which can be a killer... his sister Tamara doesn't have those, thank goodness. Today's snack just happened to be a peanut / chocolate / marshmallow / cereal bar, so the leaders didn't eat any of it till he'd gone! (the kids had to be told that they couldn't open it till they got to the car or after dinner!) I also found out that the Sunday School kid named Benjamin (not Billy and Stella's baby) has the same last name as I do, because his sister Melanie is in Awana this year! (seems there are a lot of new kids, which is good!)
Right now, I have a bit of info overload going on. It concerns middle names (thanks, Billy / fdolarhyde13!) / coins / birthdays (yay for Awana!), so I should probably get to that at some point.
Labels: adam, andrew, awana, benjamin, billy, birthdays, blogthings, coinage, emily, henry, ian, icons, margaret, maxed-out tags limit, melanie, natalie, photos, sean l., teresa, twins
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