Monday, September 04, 2006

Dream about stealing special coins and bumpy rides / the church appreciation dinner conflict

I had another weird dream: what else is new around here? Some highlights of the dream:

* getting a bunch of my friends together to kill Alicia (dopshoppe), rescue her hostage Colby, loot her mansion, and furtively steal special coins belonging to her minion Steve (sjwright)

* Lesley, Chrystal, and a bunch of others cutting out cool pictures from hundreds of magazines in long tables in a huge room

* Jeremy showing up with a washed-out ponytail, my accidentally punching him in the shoulder and apologizing for it, and his putting a friendly arm around me and gently telling me not to do that again (shades of a certain other real-life situation where I reflexively punched Palmer in the glasses, heh)

* walking down a stone path with Jeremy, and having him tell me that he was trying desperately to fit in with us 30-year-olds even though he was really 20 years older than we were! (RUN AWAY!)

* rushing into the church to grab a guitar or two, plus at least one more computer so I could record stuff on Blogger... Joe was very surprised!

* arguing with the former hostage Colby over Cola, gelcaps, and water bottles due to the new airline restrictions (real life creeps into this dream?!)

* packing away a zillion items of stuff, confusing Steve and hypnotizing HIM into killing Alicia... with his having no memory of what happened, so he couldn't tell the police anything if / when they showed up at her palatial residence

* being in the back of the truck with the luggage, and thus having a very bumpy ride to our destination... it was controlled chaos!

* looking at the special pennies and dimes in our luggage, and trying to figure out when a good time would be to steal them / separate them from the rest of our stuff (they had special years and flowers on them like 1960-1980-2000)

* being sent hurtling down the road due to one particular bump... luckily, the mattresses we packed did save everything!

* settling in a new place with a bunch of Spanish speakers, and reading a sepia comic book of their history with teepees

* waking up when we were about to go through everything to see what had survived the trip, and to revel in the special coins we'd stolen from oppression!

When I got online, I saw MSN messages from Corey and Danielle. Corey said that he was also in bed, and sent me some random scrambled letters before signing off. Danielle said she'd just heard about the church appreciation dinner, so unfortunately we might have to celebrate my birthday on another day. Yeah, I'd heard about it too, and a lot of people DO serve in the church... guess we'll see what happens! Lots of things could be happening around that date: another weekender dinner, my birthday (which is OBVIOUSLY the most important thing next to the weekender dinners, and I'm only half-kidding! :P), that church dinner (they had it in October last year!), and stuff I don't even know about yet. Scary.

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