Monday, September 25, 2006

Bus pass received! / Weird dreams of dancing and Blogger

Note: LJ Villain Club / LJ Friends in Other Journals / LJ Who is Who blogquizzes. (by Solo, Kate, and Darby Crash)

I finally got my replacement bus pass in the mail! Not that I can go out to buy thank-you cards or do banking, so I'll just wait a couple of days and one of these things should resolve itself. (man, I'm so lazy!)

I had a dream which featured my composing a post in Blogger where I detailed an AIM conversation that I had with Corey. It was about GWAR's Jiggle the Handle (which I'm listening to right now!), Friends, and some guy named James Francis and his acting in various movies. Yeah, I even remember inputting the italic tags! Then it switched to a dark room with lots of compartments. My friends and I were in charge of this room, and the compartments were for noting down the date and content of posts requesting help with baby names. (we got inspiration for the names from these colorful watch brands with bright bands) I remember one post being May 11, 2004 and the name being Hula. This archive stretched back at least a few years, and we noted at least one doublepost, as well as a repeated post twice in a week. We cracked down on that one until the guy's wife had the baby, haha.

Then it switched to an exhibition room much like the ones at MissionsFest. A group of friends and I were going around the room / building, when someone else in a position of authority said that we had to form a choir and sing or else we'd get kicked out. We'd be protected by being roped off, like a museum artifact that nobody's allowed to touch. After talking about it amongst ourselves, we decided to do that if we could then crazily dance around the building. (Daniel's idea) The security guy reluctantly agreed as long as it didn't result in bad publicity. So we sang, and then we danced around like idiots. One of my friends lifted me up and flipped me around numerous times... I trusted him, so it was cool spending an hour or so in his arms. Then I had to wake up because the phone rang... I forgot I left the phone on for some reason over the weekend! (it's now safely OFF!)

Triggers? I dunno, really... I haven't thought of Darren M. (whose middle name is Francis) in some time, Corey hasn't commanded me to dance / sing for a while, and I haven't really looked at any weird posts about names recently either! Oh well...

How amazing will your story be?
Main Characteran aspiring actor / actress trying to make it big
Supporting CharacterKing Arthur
TitleAs You Wish
Likelihood that you will actually write this
This Fun Quiz created by Holly at BlogQuiz.Net
All the latest Music News at NewsDump

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