TMI, limit exceeded (again!), ice cream, birthday cards
Let me just say one thing first: I HATE TMI EXPERIENCES! 
Oh, and I hoped that the LIMIT EXCEEDED thing would never happen to me again after the debacle of more than three years ago, but it did tonight. (I bet the Interac system was down AGAIN, not allowing me to use my Interac card!) The difference this time was that I had enough cash on me to cover my London Drugs purchases of two "beer and age" birthday cards (for Jon and Jeremy), two birthday cards for baby Benjamin (one-year-old and two-year-old), Nestlé Toll House cookie dough ice cream (apparently LOADED TO THE MAX!), three Stouffer's microwaveable meals (yay for coupons!), and Häagen-Dazs strawberry cheesecake ice cream. (good thing I didn't buy Häagen-Dazs rocky road ice cream / Stover truffles / a Whitman's sampler, among other things!) Plus, I don't have to jet right away for a dinner... I can relax and de-stress at my own pace. :D
While I was out, I also bought a bunch of letter / scrapbook stickers and 50 birthday cards from the dollar store. (all covered till February 2008!) Then I spent time in the food court prepping those 50 birthday cards with greetings and letter stickers. I discovered that my copy of the hockey Bathroom Reader was really gross on the bottom, so I have to get a new one. (seriously, it was all yellow and icky... I don't know how that happened!) Then I had the steak and shrimp in Brazilian lime sauce special from Milestones... apparently, they don't have the Kobe beef meatloaf or the white chocolate cheesecake anymore. (I didn't see those items on the menu, at least) At some point in the future, I plan to ask Anthony when his birthday is... maybe on Sunday. Maybe he has Ben's Montreal address, too... I *did* buy him cards for the next two years, heh.

Oh, and I hoped that the LIMIT EXCEEDED thing would never happen to me again after the debacle of more than three years ago, but it did tonight. (I bet the Interac system was down AGAIN, not allowing me to use my Interac card!) The difference this time was that I had enough cash on me to cover my London Drugs purchases of two "beer and age" birthday cards (for Jon and Jeremy), two birthday cards for baby Benjamin (one-year-old and two-year-old), Nestlé Toll House cookie dough ice cream (apparently LOADED TO THE MAX!), three Stouffer's microwaveable meals (yay for coupons!), and Häagen-Dazs strawberry cheesecake ice cream. (good thing I didn't buy Häagen-Dazs rocky road ice cream / Stover truffles / a Whitman's sampler, among other things!) Plus, I don't have to jet right away for a dinner... I can relax and de-stress at my own pace. :D
While I was out, I also bought a bunch of letter / scrapbook stickers and 50 birthday cards from the dollar store. (all covered till February 2008!) Then I spent time in the food court prepping those 50 birthday cards with greetings and letter stickers. I discovered that my copy of the hockey Bathroom Reader was really gross on the bottom, so I have to get a new one. (seriously, it was all yellow and icky... I don't know how that happened!) Then I had the steak and shrimp in Brazilian lime sauce special from Milestones... apparently, they don't have the Kobe beef meatloaf or the white chocolate cheesecake anymore. (I didn't see those items on the menu, at least) At some point in the future, I plan to ask Anthony when his birthday is... maybe on Sunday. Maybe he has Ben's Montreal address, too... I *did* buy him cards for the next two years, heh.
Labels: 2003, 2008, alcoholic drinks, anthony, babies, bathroom readers, benjamin, benny, birthdays, candy, cards, food, hockey, ice cream, jeremy, jon, maxed-out tags limit, money, smileys, stickers
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