Sunday, June 11, 2006

Dreams of getting some air on a skateboard

I had an interesting dream last night which involved being at a church conference somewhere in the woods. Some of the guys (Rich, Chung, Danny, Jeremy, Eric, Benny, etc.) were trying to convince me to "get some air" on a skateboard... they eventually succeeded in that I got a very tiny way off the skateboard before landing back from the jump. ("Your brother Jon won't do it, so why don't you?!") If you know me in real life, you know that this is just about as impossible as my getting a sex-change operation and turning into a man. (ie. I wouldn't ever do such a thing; although the sex-change operation would freak my parents and other loved ones out, I'm way past that stage of life now where I do things merely for shock value!)

Fidela and her family were there, and I was tapped on the shoulder by a familiar-looking girl: It was Minli Lian, whom we haven't seen in real life for YEARS! (oh, Minli, where have you gone?) Then Uncle Sam (Fidela's dad) tried to convince her that Steph (who was sitting at their table) was his other daughter, and that Fidela was the oldest instead of the youngest. She wasn't having any of that. I remember Dave discussing how his girlfriend was in Beijing at the moment, and would love to see the arts competition going on. Then I woke up while we were all watching TV... interesting!

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