Sam picked me up at 3:40, and we were on our way. We discussed the "squid testicles" story that he was privileged enough to hear from Steph last night, as well as their Bible Study ending really late since they started at 9:30. When we got to church, I talked to Margaret, who said that she would be joining Awana next year to help out: that sounds good! I gave Amos a birthday card, and talked to his brother Jason some more while we did stuff with felts and pencil crayons. Chris brought math club T-shirts for Mike and Joey: "Talk nerdy to me" and "Two's company, ? is a crowd" are interesting slogans! Sam said that he had a family dinner thing, and apologized: luckily, Auntie Rebecca was still around, so she kindly drove me home. We had a nice chat about Pho, her kids Tim and Genevieve, Shanghai Wind and my friends' escapades there, Jon (no, he doesn't have a girlfriend that I know of!), how I got around to church and such (Sam / Eric / parents), Steph and her job, Eric and how he got to know our family / go to our church, graduation, and Fellowship. I should actually call Eric in a couple of hours to remind him to pick me up tomorrow. ;)
Before that, I went to the 7-11 near the church and bought Fossil Fuel and Half-Baked under the mistaken impression that I could bring it on Tuesday night to the townhouse. They had Tortoise Soup there, but I'm not sure I like too many nuts in my ice cream. :P After leaving, I realized that I wouldn't be hauling that around all afternoon / evening on the bus since it would melt. At least I've established that 7-11 does carry Ben and Jerry's, so I can buy more on Tuesday night just before I get there for dinner with Steph and Vivian S. Yeah, I know... I spend way too much money on stuff like ice cream and books (that's what it was last year), but at least it's not hard drugs or anything like that! :P
 | All About Me Survey
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| | | I Am | Content. | I Want | Friends. | I Have | Books. | I Wish | I were a famous musician. | I Hate | stupid people with no sense of spelling and grammar. | I Fear | Being alone. | I Hear | Rock music. | I Search | For a sense of belonging. | I Wonder | When people are going to grow up. | I Regret | Certain things in my past. | I Love | My true friends. | I Ache | For love. | I Always | Am correct in spelling and grammar. | I Usually | Am friendly (but guarded) when interacting with new people. | I Am Not | a practical scientist. | I Dance | Once in a blue moon. | I Sing | At church. | I Never | Slap children. | I Rarely | Yell at my friends. | I Cry | When I'm emotionally moved or physically hurt. | I Am Not Always | Tough on the outside. | I Lose | Little things, all the time. | I'm Confused | About life. | I Need | My friends' support. | I Should | Get off the computer and do something productive, haha. | | | Take This Survey at |
Hahaha, ew.
Which Deadly Sin Is Yours?

In the immortal words of Gordon Gecko: 'Greed is good'... those are words you live by. Whether it's money, fame, or something else, you want it all.
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Labels: amos, awana, chris, computer, eric m., fellowship, grammar, ice cream, jason, joey, margaret, maxed-out tags limit, mike k., quiz galaxy, quizopolis, sam, slb, spelling, surveys, tim
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