Friday, May 05, 2006

Blog catch-up, Friday Five on names

Definitely time to catch up on blogs! Gotta keep up with Spoz, Steph, Dawn, Jon, Vivian, and Dave at some point. ;) Let's see... last day in Marseille, flight HOME details (yay!), Montreal, shopping, being spoiled, weird new wave / goth band reviews. We also have poolballs, crazy band photos at the Austral and other venues, Dave's funny bubble tea poem, HOME ALONE, Nintendo, schadenfreude, questions involving where my brother's been and Fred (don't ask...), and pictures of eggs / durian / monks / Dawn's brother / other assorted things. Yup, all caught up now... just in time for a double cleansing, and going out to the Cactus Club with the Bible Study group! :D

Friday Five

1. Do you like your birth-name? Why?

No, because I got teased all the time about being a lesbian. It was even worse in junior high school when there was a GUY with the exact same name as mine!

2. If you could change your name to anything else, what would it be?

I used to be partial to Cordelia (ANNE OF GREEN GABLES, heh), Eleanor, Evelyn, Belinda, Frances, Gloria, Roanna, Nina (people in my old Sunday School class and their sisters). Xenia, Tatiana (the saga of the Romanovs!), Taryn, Charmaine, Drina (people at school), and a bunch more that just sounded pretty (like Bronwen). Now, I think I'd like to change it (although not seriously) to Alexandra... but that might not go so well with my last name!

3. What names would you consider giving your children?

Possibly the ones above... and James, Christopher, Sebastian, Patrick, and Kevin. Maybe some more, too.. it always changes.

4. If you had a band, what would you name it, and why?

The Blockhead Hamsterettes... heh. Or maybe just the Raving Monkey Loons, if I don't want to steal Spoz's inspiration.

5. Is there a name that you completely hate? Why?

Yes. All those that are spelled like they come out of a random letter scrambler / random dictionary pages (for obvious reasons). I mean, really. Who in their right mind would name their kids Tymothee, Weyekin-Ilp-Ilp, Tyfanee, Gennifer, Curry, Downy, and other such monstrosities? Then again, we also have one unfortunate named Urhines Kendall Icy Eight Special K. (WTF?!) For more, see here. I blame the drugs and painkillers at labor / delivery!!!!

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