Nohari Window / Steph's party / Questions 4801-4850 of 5000
Caught up on Spoz, Dave, Jon, Dawn, Vivian and Steph's writings tonight. Scrummy stuff. :D
Stole this from Bill:
This is like the Johari Window that I referenced a few entries ago, only this lists JUST negative traits. Now if only they could do a window which lists both positive and negative traits for the full overview, haha. I seriously won't be offended if you fill this out... I had trouble just keeping it down to six things! (and it has nothing to do with my level of self-esteem, either.. that's been higher than it has been in the past, actually!)
Nohari Window.
Note: LJ How Will You Die blogquiz. (by twisted_kisser)
As soon as I got to my sister's house (at the same time as Danielle and Erin), my sister accused me of being late. Hey, I never said I'd be ON TIME this morning, did I? :P My mom was on the phone talking to Jeremy, who's going to visit Jon in Toronto at some point: of course there's stuff he can bring over for her, haha. (I'd email him about the burned CDs, but I don't have the book where I wrote down his email anymore... oh well) We had so much food for dinner: tuna noodle casserole, Church's fried chicken, salad, potato salad, Coke, chips, juice, chocolate, and more! There was this big SUGAR tub of assorted candy that we all assumed was my mom's from the 7-11 5¢ section (since she has a lot of snacks around), but Steph said that Michelle had given it to her earlier today! (she couldn't come because her aunt's restaurant is closing down, and she has to be there)
Steph got some very old photo albums out that showed our parents' wedding, and Erin's parents' wedding. Karen Grace, Margaret, Melia, Emily, Danielle, and I had fun laughing at the old 1970s pictures of our parents and family friends: it was weird seeing our mothers' names in the wedding guestbook under their maiden names! (Emily in a ditzy moment: "But my mom's not Kathy with that last name! She's Kathy with THIS last name!!" Melia: "Auntie Kathy wasn't married to your dad then..." Emily: "OH!!! Never mind! Hehehe!")
Since Rachel and Pei Lyn aren't from our church (they're from Steph's high school), they got to witness the bum-slapping and hear the old stories about Erin and her Cutco job. (even Danielle hadn't heard this particular one about rolly chairs and going to the bathroom after meetings) Then again, we all got to hear the one where my dad always used to say that Rachel's lactose intolerance was "just an excuse." He'd plop down a big glass of milk in front of her... she'd HAVE to drink it, and then suffer the inevitable consequences afterwards! She's not as tam-leng as Steph is, haha!
When my grandma appeared seemingly out of nowhere, we wondered where she'd come from. Turns out that she'd been sleeping upstairs since she was tired and jet-lagged. Melia, Emily, Danielle, and I talked about "crazy grandma" stories: one involved Citrus' grandma just WATCHING them when a whole bunch of them were over for an elementary school Fellowship sleepover. (they also inadvertently turned the lights off on her while she was in the washroom, oops!) Then there was the one about Melia and Emily's grandma chasing them and their friends around with a knife! (yeah, she was crazy back then!)
My prayers were answered regarding my parents, so that was a plus. They went out to see some movie about halfway through the evening, JUST when Steph was going to model some scandalous top... thank goodness she had her University of Toronto light jacket! Emily, Melia and Steph took turns modelling a pig pillow on their faces later: my grandma was in the kitchen taking some medicine and turned around to see what the noise was all about. I told Steph to turn around so she could see: her reaction was, "Grandma's still here?! I thought she went upstairs to her room!" (I went into the kitchen a little earlier to look for something, and she gave me some money... $20!) Nope, she was still there! Cindy was actually hot instead of cold because of the lights in the townhouse: no blush needed at all, heh!
After my parents left, we praised Pei Lyn for her incredible self-control in not uttering swear words twice during the evening... especially in front of my dad! o_O Steph modelled the scandalous top with Spandex pants and her new necklace from Jessica / Karen Grace / Margaret. (Steph had to ask what it was when she opened it, heh) They also got her some eyeshadow, which Pei Lyn insisted that Steph model. Not like she needs it a whole lot, since her complexion's pretty good. But she did it anyhow, as well as straightening out the kinks in her hair via the gift from Melia / Vanessa / Emily: a straightening iron! (those chemicals in salons and such aren't good for you: it'll cost at least $200-300 there, and that iron cost $100... good deal, sort of :P) Danielle loved all the family pictures around the downstairs area: she's never been to the townhouse before! (this was the first birthday party of Steph's that she'd attended, actually) We had an ice cream cake which featured a scandalous woman as decoration: oh my! Lots of weird pictures were taken, and fun was had by all. (good thing my sister didn't bring out the alcohol for me, since I'd had to have Advil before I left: Melia asked if I'd had some yesterday, and marvelled at the huge container! haha)
Emily says that her sister Chrystal is coming home for good from Korea in mid-March: yay! Apparently, her hair is more straightened now with the same amount of volume: that'll be interesting! We talked about TV shows like WILL AND GRACE, DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, and GREY'S ANATOMY. (Danielle's brother Jody was thankfully home to tape it for her!) After watching a bit of Olympic men's downhill skiing in Italy, we all started to head home. (Melia and Emily had left first before everyone else: it takes them at least 45 minutes to get home from the townhouse, I think) Erin kindly gave me a ride home: Danielle finally got to see the outside of my place! (she and Citrus gave Steph six McDonald's hockey jerseys: she didn't see the point of it as she's not into hockey, but went along with it) They thought that dessert at my place after the next SLB night would be a good idea, particularly as Danielle hasn't seen it yet! (she wants to, though!) I got home, took some more Advil, and found out that the Canucks had won 3-2 against Minnesota in overtime in the last game before the Olympic break.. yay! (and now I get why Eric, Christon, and Nathan were getting together tonight: DUH, the hockey game!)
Got these questions from this QuestionClub LJ post by Arthurbulla. I'm going to post the survey in 50-question batches, like the original. No worries there! Five thousand questions and answers wouldn't fit as an entry, anyhow. :P
The only complete copy... you'll have to go around erasing answers.
4801. Have you ever been to No.
Have they offered to publish or honor you? In spam emails.
Are you aware that this is a scam? Yes.
4802. Is joy more stressful than stress is joyful? No.
4803. Should history be taught as a series of patriotic myths about heroes, or should it be taught accurately and truthfully? Truthfully.
Which way do you feel it is mostly taught? Patriotic myths.
4804. What is your personal mythology? I don't have one.
4805. Do you practice zen driving (just following someone who looks like they know where they're going and hoping it turns out alright)? No, that could be dangerous.
4806. If you saw two monkeys getting it on at the zoo, and a child asked you what the monkeys were doing, what would you say? "They're just playing with each other," or "I don't know."
4807. Have you ever felt like you were a part of:
one human? No.
one animal? No.
one consciousness? No.
one singular sensation? No.
one love? Sorta.
one life? Not really.
one? No.
4808. You find a website that will match you up with a lonely soldier who has no family to write to him, and you would become his pen pal. Would you participate even if you were personally against the war? Of course! They need friends and caring people over there!
If yes, would it be hard for you to keep your political opinions out of the letters? Yeah.
4809. What kind of email would you like to get everyday? Comment emails (haha), and personal ones from friends asking what's happening / inviting me to get together with them.
4810. If you are in college, will you participate in this website? No.
4811. Would you ever refer to Shakespeare as "Willie the shake"? No, that's just disrespectful.
4812. When was the last time you talked about your soul? No idea, since that's something I rarely talk about... if ever!
4813. Why is the TV show Married By America making a big deal out of how these couples will marry each other "sight unseen" when no one in the competiton is unattractive? To build up their idea of reality TV suspense. *rolleyes*
4814. You have made a friend on the Internet. You talk deeply all the time, but have never met or even seen pictures of each other. You finally decide to meet. He or she tells you that he or she will be waiting for you in the airport lobby wearing a black dress / suit and a rose. You give no description of yourself. When you get there, you see someone wearing black and a rose, but they are very overweight. Do you go over and tell them who you are anyway? Yes, of course! I'm not like this one dude I read about who wouldn't do a similar thing!
4815. Have you ever sent someone from the Internet to a place to meet you, but you had no intention of showing up? Hahahaha, no. (why am I laughing?!)
4816. PETA (animal rights activists) started an ad campaign recently showing pictures from concentration camps, and comparing the mistreatment and death of animals to the Holocaust. Your reaction? Those two aren't even on the same page.... man, they are extreme!
4817. Who do you feel inferior to? Plenty of people.
Who do you feel superior to? People who use bad spelling and grammar / leet speak, to name one example.
4819. What do you dislike so much that you could write 4 entries in one day about it? Bad spelling and grammar! (see a theme developing here? :P)
4820. What do you think of comments that have a very good point, but are left anonymous? Cowards.
4821. Why do people often say that the Arabs just don't want to farm and industrialize when they invented farming and industry? No idea.
Doesn't this show a lack of respect for Arab culture? Probably.
4822. Why are some people so hellbent on bombing the cradle of civilization? They want to show 'em who's "boss."
Is there some deep subconscious need to destroy it? Maybe.
4823. You know that the rising terror alert is all propaganda, right? Sure, why not.
It takes years to plan attacks like Sept. 11, not months or days.
4824. At what age does dying your hair with Manic Panic become undignified? 32.
4825. What question do you never want someone to ask you? "Have you ever had undeniable pleasure of the human flesh?" or variations thereof.
4826. What do you think of hot pink hoop earrings? Ew, I hate hot pink. But whatever floats your boat, as I obviously won't be buying those!
4827. What has something for everyone? Bathroom Readers and Wikipedia!
4828. What dish would you bring to a potluck dinner? Mom's tuna noodle casserole.
4829. How many people are you friends with that live or have lived in another country? Probably too many to list here.
4830. How much would you bet that there will NOT be another terrorist attack on America this year? Who knows. Not too much!
4831. Why do bad things happen to good people? To make them stronger? I have no real ideas.
4832. Name a person that you seriously dislike because of their actions: Yazmine.
Name a person that you seriously like because of their actions: Eric M.
Would you rather see a really good thing happen to the person you dislike, or a really bad thing happen to the person you like? A really good thing happening to the person I dislike.
4833. Do you know someone who has:
threatened to commit suicide? Yeah.
attempted suicide? Yeah.
"successfully" killed themselves? No, not personally.
4834. Why do you think the world suicide rate is rising? Original answer: "Because people have girlfriend / boyfriend relationships too early." Maybe... I don't know, though. My answer: "Because people are depressed for a variety of reasons, and see no way out!"
4835. A woman from New Zealand has offered to let herself by crucified, literally, by G, W. Bush in exchange for him not going to war. Furthermore, she says he doesn't have the "courage" to do it. Your reaction? Outlandish offer, man!
4836. Which Mike is more insane: Jackson or Tyson? Mike Tyson.
4837. "It's not my business to inject myself into human wars." -- PETA President Ingrid Newkirk, telling The Washington Post why she asked Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to ensure no more donkeys were used in attacks against Israelis, but would not ask him to intervene for people. Your reaction? ... absolutely gobsmacked. o_O
4838. Is today an easy day for you? No, but maybe tomorrow will be.
4839. Tyler Durden says, "Let me never be complete." Tyler Durden says, "May I never be content." Do you agree? Continually striving for something is fine, but I don't know... that means you're never satisfied with yourself. Who knows.
4840. What movie did you have to turn away from in horror, disgust, or fear? BLAIR WITCH 2, BRAINDEAD (kinda), and others.
4841. What does KMFDM stand for? Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid (loosely translated, that means "no pity for the majority")
4842. Have you ever met anyone that you can't help being fond of because they remind you of yourself? Yeah.
4843. If you met yourself 8 years ago, would you more likely beat yourself up or give yourself a hug? A hug.
4844. Do you have a nervous laugh? Yeah.
4845. What's your favorite milkshake flavor? Butterscotch!
4846. How long, at the very least, should two people be in a relationship before marriage? Two years.
4847. How many years can two people be in a relationship without marrying before you start wondering when they are getting married / why they haven't married already? Four or five.
4848. What challenges you? Too much to list here.
4849. What irritates you? Everything, haha. (examples: poor spelling and grammar, people who make me repeat myself, bad drivers, etc.)
4850. What bores you? Too much to list here. (examples: long meetings, pointless discussion, gamer talk, etc.)

You are Dr. Allison Cameron. People may think you're too pretty to take you seriously, but behind it all, you have a mind like a steel trap. You know what you want and you go after it, no matter what. And it looks like what you want is a juicy House sandwich. The good news is you're smarter than people think you are.
Which House Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Stole this from Bill:
This is like the Johari Window that I referenced a few entries ago, only this lists JUST negative traits. Now if only they could do a window which lists both positive and negative traits for the full overview, haha. I seriously won't be offended if you fill this out... I had trouble just keeping it down to six things! (and it has nothing to do with my level of self-esteem, either.. that's been higher than it has been in the past, actually!)
Nohari Window.
Note: LJ How Will You Die blogquiz. (by twisted_kisser)
As soon as I got to my sister's house (at the same time as Danielle and Erin), my sister accused me of being late. Hey, I never said I'd be ON TIME this morning, did I? :P My mom was on the phone talking to Jeremy, who's going to visit Jon in Toronto at some point: of course there's stuff he can bring over for her, haha. (I'd email him about the burned CDs, but I don't have the book where I wrote down his email anymore... oh well) We had so much food for dinner: tuna noodle casserole, Church's fried chicken, salad, potato salad, Coke, chips, juice, chocolate, and more! There was this big SUGAR tub of assorted candy that we all assumed was my mom's from the 7-11 5¢ section (since she has a lot of snacks around), but Steph said that Michelle had given it to her earlier today! (she couldn't come because her aunt's restaurant is closing down, and she has to be there)
Steph got some very old photo albums out that showed our parents' wedding, and Erin's parents' wedding. Karen Grace, Margaret, Melia, Emily, Danielle, and I had fun laughing at the old 1970s pictures of our parents and family friends: it was weird seeing our mothers' names in the wedding guestbook under their maiden names! (Emily in a ditzy moment: "But my mom's not Kathy with that last name! She's Kathy with THIS last name!!" Melia: "Auntie Kathy wasn't married to your dad then..." Emily: "OH!!! Never mind! Hehehe!")
Since Rachel and Pei Lyn aren't from our church (they're from Steph's high school), they got to witness the bum-slapping and hear the old stories about Erin and her Cutco job. (even Danielle hadn't heard this particular one about rolly chairs and going to the bathroom after meetings) Then again, we all got to hear the one where my dad always used to say that Rachel's lactose intolerance was "just an excuse." He'd plop down a big glass of milk in front of her... she'd HAVE to drink it, and then suffer the inevitable consequences afterwards! She's not as tam-leng as Steph is, haha!
When my grandma appeared seemingly out of nowhere, we wondered where she'd come from. Turns out that she'd been sleeping upstairs since she was tired and jet-lagged. Melia, Emily, Danielle, and I talked about "crazy grandma" stories: one involved Citrus' grandma just WATCHING them when a whole bunch of them were over for an elementary school Fellowship sleepover. (they also inadvertently turned the lights off on her while she was in the washroom, oops!) Then there was the one about Melia and Emily's grandma chasing them and their friends around with a knife! (yeah, she was crazy back then!)
My prayers were answered regarding my parents, so that was a plus. They went out to see some movie about halfway through the evening, JUST when Steph was going to model some scandalous top... thank goodness she had her University of Toronto light jacket! Emily, Melia and Steph took turns modelling a pig pillow on their faces later: my grandma was in the kitchen taking some medicine and turned around to see what the noise was all about. I told Steph to turn around so she could see: her reaction was, "Grandma's still here?! I thought she went upstairs to her room!" (I went into the kitchen a little earlier to look for something, and she gave me some money... $20!) Nope, she was still there! Cindy was actually hot instead of cold because of the lights in the townhouse: no blush needed at all, heh!
After my parents left, we praised Pei Lyn for her incredible self-control in not uttering swear words twice during the evening... especially in front of my dad! o_O Steph modelled the scandalous top with Spandex pants and her new necklace from Jessica / Karen Grace / Margaret. (Steph had to ask what it was when she opened it, heh) They also got her some eyeshadow, which Pei Lyn insisted that Steph model. Not like she needs it a whole lot, since her complexion's pretty good. But she did it anyhow, as well as straightening out the kinks in her hair via the gift from Melia / Vanessa / Emily: a straightening iron! (those chemicals in salons and such aren't good for you: it'll cost at least $200-300 there, and that iron cost $100... good deal, sort of :P) Danielle loved all the family pictures around the downstairs area: she's never been to the townhouse before! (this was the first birthday party of Steph's that she'd attended, actually) We had an ice cream cake which featured a scandalous woman as decoration: oh my! Lots of weird pictures were taken, and fun was had by all. (good thing my sister didn't bring out the alcohol for me, since I'd had to have Advil before I left: Melia asked if I'd had some yesterday, and marvelled at the huge container! haha)
Emily says that her sister Chrystal is coming home for good from Korea in mid-March: yay! Apparently, her hair is more straightened now with the same amount of volume: that'll be interesting! We talked about TV shows like WILL AND GRACE, DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, and GREY'S ANATOMY. (Danielle's brother Jody was thankfully home to tape it for her!) After watching a bit of Olympic men's downhill skiing in Italy, we all started to head home. (Melia and Emily had left first before everyone else: it takes them at least 45 minutes to get home from the townhouse, I think) Erin kindly gave me a ride home: Danielle finally got to see the outside of my place! (she and Citrus gave Steph six McDonald's hockey jerseys: she didn't see the point of it as she's not into hockey, but went along with it) They thought that dessert at my place after the next SLB night would be a good idea, particularly as Danielle hasn't seen it yet! (she wants to, though!) I got home, took some more Advil, and found out that the Canucks had won 3-2 against Minnesota in overtime in the last game before the Olympic break.. yay! (and now I get why Eric, Christon, and Nathan were getting together tonight: DUH, the hockey game!)
Got these questions from this QuestionClub LJ post by Arthurbulla. I'm going to post the survey in 50-question batches, like the original. No worries there! Five thousand questions and answers wouldn't fit as an entry, anyhow. :P
The only complete copy... you'll have to go around erasing answers.
4801. Have you ever been to No.
Have they offered to publish or honor you? In spam emails.
Are you aware that this is a scam? Yes.
4802. Is joy more stressful than stress is joyful? No.
4803. Should history be taught as a series of patriotic myths about heroes, or should it be taught accurately and truthfully? Truthfully.
Which way do you feel it is mostly taught? Patriotic myths.
4804. What is your personal mythology? I don't have one.
4805. Do you practice zen driving (just following someone who looks like they know where they're going and hoping it turns out alright)? No, that could be dangerous.
4806. If you saw two monkeys getting it on at the zoo, and a child asked you what the monkeys were doing, what would you say? "They're just playing with each other," or "I don't know."
4807. Have you ever felt like you were a part of:
one human? No.
one animal? No.
one consciousness? No.
one singular sensation? No.
one love? Sorta.
one life? Not really.
one? No.
4808. You find a website that will match you up with a lonely soldier who has no family to write to him, and you would become his pen pal. Would you participate even if you were personally against the war? Of course! They need friends and caring people over there!
If yes, would it be hard for you to keep your political opinions out of the letters? Yeah.
4809. What kind of email would you like to get everyday? Comment emails (haha), and personal ones from friends asking what's happening / inviting me to get together with them.
4810. If you are in college, will you participate in this website? No.
4811. Would you ever refer to Shakespeare as "Willie the shake"? No, that's just disrespectful.
4812. When was the last time you talked about your soul? No idea, since that's something I rarely talk about... if ever!
4813. Why is the TV show Married By America making a big deal out of how these couples will marry each other "sight unseen" when no one in the competiton is unattractive? To build up their idea of reality TV suspense. *rolleyes*
4814. You have made a friend on the Internet. You talk deeply all the time, but have never met or even seen pictures of each other. You finally decide to meet. He or she tells you that he or she will be waiting for you in the airport lobby wearing a black dress / suit and a rose. You give no description of yourself. When you get there, you see someone wearing black and a rose, but they are very overweight. Do you go over and tell them who you are anyway? Yes, of course! I'm not like this one dude I read about who wouldn't do a similar thing!
4815. Have you ever sent someone from the Internet to a place to meet you, but you had no intention of showing up? Hahahaha, no. (why am I laughing?!)
4816. PETA (animal rights activists) started an ad campaign recently showing pictures from concentration camps, and comparing the mistreatment and death of animals to the Holocaust. Your reaction? Those two aren't even on the same page.... man, they are extreme!
4817. Who do you feel inferior to? Plenty of people.
Who do you feel superior to? People who use bad spelling and grammar / leet speak, to name one example.
4819. What do you dislike so much that you could write 4 entries in one day about it? Bad spelling and grammar! (see a theme developing here? :P)
4820. What do you think of comments that have a very good point, but are left anonymous? Cowards.
4821. Why do people often say that the Arabs just don't want to farm and industrialize when they invented farming and industry? No idea.
Doesn't this show a lack of respect for Arab culture? Probably.
4822. Why are some people so hellbent on bombing the cradle of civilization? They want to show 'em who's "boss."
Is there some deep subconscious need to destroy it? Maybe.
4823. You know that the rising terror alert is all propaganda, right? Sure, why not.
It takes years to plan attacks like Sept. 11, not months or days.
4824. At what age does dying your hair with Manic Panic become undignified? 32.
4825. What question do you never want someone to ask you? "Have you ever had undeniable pleasure of the human flesh?" or variations thereof.
4826. What do you think of hot pink hoop earrings? Ew, I hate hot pink. But whatever floats your boat, as I obviously won't be buying those!
4827. What has something for everyone? Bathroom Readers and Wikipedia!
4828. What dish would you bring to a potluck dinner? Mom's tuna noodle casserole.
4829. How many people are you friends with that live or have lived in another country? Probably too many to list here.
4830. How much would you bet that there will NOT be another terrorist attack on America this year? Who knows. Not too much!
4831. Why do bad things happen to good people? To make them stronger? I have no real ideas.
4832. Name a person that you seriously dislike because of their actions: Yazmine.
Name a person that you seriously like because of their actions: Eric M.
Would you rather see a really good thing happen to the person you dislike, or a really bad thing happen to the person you like? A really good thing happening to the person I dislike.
4833. Do you know someone who has:
threatened to commit suicide? Yeah.
attempted suicide? Yeah.
"successfully" killed themselves? No, not personally.
4834. Why do you think the world suicide rate is rising? Original answer: "Because people have girlfriend / boyfriend relationships too early." Maybe... I don't know, though. My answer: "Because people are depressed for a variety of reasons, and see no way out!"
4835. A woman from New Zealand has offered to let herself by crucified, literally, by G, W. Bush in exchange for him not going to war. Furthermore, she says he doesn't have the "courage" to do it. Your reaction? Outlandish offer, man!
4836. Which Mike is more insane: Jackson or Tyson? Mike Tyson.
4837. "It's not my business to inject myself into human wars." -- PETA President Ingrid Newkirk, telling The Washington Post why she asked Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to ensure no more donkeys were used in attacks against Israelis, but would not ask him to intervene for people. Your reaction? ... absolutely gobsmacked. o_O
4838. Is today an easy day for you? No, but maybe tomorrow will be.
4839. Tyler Durden says, "Let me never be complete." Tyler Durden says, "May I never be content." Do you agree? Continually striving for something is fine, but I don't know... that means you're never satisfied with yourself. Who knows.
4840. What movie did you have to turn away from in horror, disgust, or fear? BLAIR WITCH 2, BRAINDEAD (kinda), and others.
4841. What does KMFDM stand for? Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid (loosely translated, that means "no pity for the majority")
4842. Have you ever met anyone that you can't help being fond of because they remind you of yourself? Yeah.
4843. If you met yourself 8 years ago, would you more likely beat yourself up or give yourself a hug? A hug.
4844. Do you have a nervous laugh? Yeah.
4845. What's your favorite milkshake flavor? Butterscotch!
4846. How long, at the very least, should two people be in a relationship before marriage? Two years.
4847. How many years can two people be in a relationship without marrying before you start wondering when they are getting married / why they haven't married already? Four or five.
4848. What challenges you? Too much to list here.
4849. What irritates you? Everything, haha. (examples: poor spelling and grammar, people who make me repeat myself, bad drivers, etc.)
4850. What bores you? Too much to list here. (examples: long meetings, pointless discussion, gamer talk, etc.)

You are Dr. Allison Cameron. People may think you're too pretty to take you seriously, but behind it all, you have a mind like a steel trap. You know what you want and you go after it, no matter what. And it looks like what you want is a juicy House sandwich. The good news is you're smarter than people think you are.
Which House Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Labels: 5172, bathroom readers, blogging, blogquiz, dawn, jeremy, kevin, maxed-out tags limit, michelle, parties, quizilla, slb, spoz, steph, surveys, vivian l., wikipedia
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