Questions 4651-4700 of 5000
If it weren't for the amount of time required to upload the below photos to Photobucket (not to mention have them open in my email), I'd have been in bed already! *grumble*
I told my sister that I wouldn't go to her party if she didn't send me the photo of me, Eric M., and Nathan at Pastor Edward's ordination. (well, not really... but I wanted to, mwahaha)
Upon checking my email earlier, I saw that Karen Choo had also sent me a picture from Stella's baby shower. So here you go: have both of them! They certainly took me long enough to load and save... thank goodness for Bookworm, else I'd be totally bored. :P
Eric M., me, and Nathan at Pastor Edward's ordination banquet back in September... I like our dragon backdrop!

Me and Stella posing with the presents I got her at the baby shower a few weeks ago:

Note: LJ Friends As Potatoes / LJ Lick My Toes / LJ Feet / LJ To Eat or Not to Eat / LJ Truth or Dare / LJ Zombie Attack blogquizzes. (by Melvin, Kaylin, and Kaitlin) [what a coincidence... all the usernames rhyme tonight! *grin*]
Got these questions from this QuestionClub LJ post by Arthurbulla. I'm going to post the survey in 50-question batches, like the original. No worries there! Five thousand questions and answers wouldn't fit as an entry, anyhow. :P
The only complete copy... you'll have to go around erasing answers.
4651. It's the olden days and your father is going to drive all the way from the big city. He wants to bring something back for you. What do you ask him for? Whatever reminds him of me.
4652. Have you ever watched Little House on the Prairie? No, but I have all the original books!
4653. How did Columbus discover America when people were already living here? He claimed it in Spain's name, I think.. or was that the one where he made a wrong turn? History is so not my strong point. :P
Didn't they discover it? Yes.
4654. How far can you spit? Not very.
4655. What drinks do you know how to mix? None... oh well.
4656. What does the perfect engagement ring look like? Diamonds and bling. Well, maybe not so much bling. But one stone would be cool. Sparkly would be a bonus. :D
4657. How do you feel about arranged marriages? Not for me.
4658. Do you talk to angels? No, I'm not living in the Black Crowes song. :P
4659. What are you worried about? Eric H. Will he show up or not?
4660. How often do you touch people in conversations? Sometimes.
4661. Do you read in bed? Sometimes.
4662. How many sick days in a row do you take off from school or work? Maybe 2 to 3 at the most.
4663. There are three nursery schools. Nursery school one has children sit together around tables. It emphasizes group play. It has building blocks that are very large, so large that it takes two or more children to lift them, in order to teach working together. It is moderately decorated and encourages the imagination by providing fewer materials for the children. There is one teacher per classroom and the teacher likes to allow the children to work out their own problems.
Nursery school two has many materials for the children and is brightly colored and decorated. There are two teachers per class and the teachers actively intervene between the children. There are different stations (painting, blocks, etc.) and the children are encouraged to make choices about what they like to do and don't like to do.
Nursery school three emphasizes scheduled activities. The children sit in rows and must work alone, relying on themselves. Everything is very organized and structured. The children wear bright clothing, and are taught to memorize stories and songs. If the parents both work, this school offers whole care, which means the child can stay overnight a few days a week.
Which school would you send your (possibly hypothetical) children to? The second one.
4664. Each of those nursery schools is in a different country. Which one is in the United States? The second one.
Which one is in Japan? Third.
What country is the last nursery school in? Sweden? Haha, I don't know.
4665. What hour is your most creative time of day? Sometime between 10 PM and 2 AM.
4666. Does sleeping feel more satisfying when all of your work is done, or when there's something else you should be doing? When everything's done.
4667. Here's a dollar. Put three songs on the juke box. That's not a question!
4668. Do you refer to teenagers as "kids" yet? Sometimes... I think I'm old. :P
4669. What is one thing you thought was the end of the world when you were a teenager (or if you are a teenager, name something you thought was the end of the world 5 years ago)? Getting a very crappy report card and having to deal with my Asian parental units' reactions later. :P
What do you think of this thing now? At least it's over!
4670. Are Americans uptight about sex? Maybe.
Are you? Possibly.
4671. What board games are in your closet? None. I always said I should get some when I moved into this apartment, but I never did. Probably a good thing, as nobody really ever comes over... I have cards instead!
4672. What movie quote sticks out in your mind (don't tell what movie it's from, let us guess)? "I live in a giant bucket!!!"
4673. What is the weirdest song you've ever found yourself enjoying? GWAR, Jiggle The Handle. Yes, it's about toilets. :P
4674. Look in your history book. Who would you have sex with? I don't have one, and I don't feel like looking online either. :P
4675. A man in the reserves is being called off to war. He wants to defend his country, but he finds that his one-year-old child needs a heart transplant. In his shoes, would you stay and care for your child... or go and defend your country? Stay and care for the child... family's more important in this kind of situation.
4676. Is Gone With The Wind:
an accurate movie: Somewhat.
a good movie: Somewhat.
4677. What is your salvation? God.
What will it take you to achieve it? Nothing, so it is said.
4678. Is alcohol the water of life? No.
4679. Name a friend of the opposite sex: Jason.
He or she tells you that he or she has always had a crush on you. Your reaction: Hey, that's cool. Maybe we can get together and try dating sometime. :D
4680. Name one of your same-sex friends: Emily.
He or she tells you that he or she is gay. Your reaction: Well, you know how I feel about gay people. But you're still my friend. Remember that I'm not gay, though!
Then he or she tells you he or she has always had a crush on you. Your reaction: .... that's kinda freaky! Look... even though you think I'm your type, I'm really not. That's cool, but maybe I can help you look for a girlfriend instead, okay?
4681. What was the difference between your reactions to the same-sex and the opposite-sex friend? The opposite-sex friend: I thought there could be potential. At the very least, it was cute. The same-sex friend: FREAK OUT! o_O
Why the difference of reactions? Because I'm not attracted to the opposite sex, nor would I pretend to be. :P
4682. Where could you go that would be so incredible you would no longer be able to come back to the life you live here and now? The other side of the world in a fantasy life... somewhere in Europe or Australia, perhaps.
4683. What is the main problem you have with yourself? I'm SOOOOO not motivated.
4684. When did you wish you could disappear? ... When certain embarrassing incidents happened in front of half the school in Grade 8. (no, you don't need any more information!)
4685. Why is it that we call poor-average people crazy and rich people eccentric? I don't know.
4686. Is rain on your wedding day a good example of irony? Not really.
Can you think of a good example of irony? A fireman's house burning down.
4687. What have you recently changed your mind about? Going to a certain party. Oh well... *sigh*
4688. What is one thing you won't allow yourself to have? Cigarettes / porn.
4689. What would you say if Brad Pitt married Rosie O'Donnell? Rosie is a lesbian, so not attracted to guys in that way. Brad Pitt has his own problems with Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie, so that's the end of it.
What about if Catherine Zeta Jones married Drew Carey? That would be... interesting.
4690. Name something that there is no wrong way to do: Hug.
4691. If you and your partner could choose which of you would carry the baby (yes, even the male would be able to carry it), who would your vote be for? Me, because I'd definitely take better care of it during gestation and afterwards! (though that may be debatable to certain people :P)
4692. If men could get pregnant, would abortion become much more acceptable? Maybe.
4693. When and where have you felt most comfortable being nude? Alone in my room.
4694. What subject do you know the most about? Trivia.
Tell us something interesting about it. The world record for having the most children goes to Mrs. Vassiliev in Russia. She had 69 kids.
4695. What is the longest time you have gone between orgasms? Uh... forever.
4696. What is the least amount of money you would have to have in order to consider yourself rich? $2000.
4697. What words have others used to describe you? Weird, friendly, helpful, sweet, dork.
4698. What is the most extreme thing you would do / have done to alter your appearance? Makeup.
Why did you / would you do it? Because other people made me. :P
4699. What is the least amount of money you would accept to never have sex again? I don't know.
4700. What has been the hardest secret to keep? Like I'd post that here even if the time for keeping the secret was over. :P
Ugh, it took SO long for this quiz to actually work... *annoying*
I told my sister that I wouldn't go to her party if she didn't send me the photo of me, Eric M., and Nathan at Pastor Edward's ordination. (well, not really... but I wanted to, mwahaha)
Upon checking my email earlier, I saw that Karen Choo had also sent me a picture from Stella's baby shower. So here you go: have both of them! They certainly took me long enough to load and save... thank goodness for Bookworm, else I'd be totally bored. :P
Eric M., me, and Nathan at Pastor Edward's ordination banquet back in September... I like our dragon backdrop!

Me and Stella posing with the presents I got her at the baby shower a few weeks ago:

Note: LJ Friends As Potatoes / LJ Lick My Toes / LJ Feet / LJ To Eat or Not to Eat / LJ Truth or Dare / LJ Zombie Attack blogquizzes. (by Melvin, Kaylin, and Kaitlin) [what a coincidence... all the usernames rhyme tonight! *grin*]
Got these questions from this QuestionClub LJ post by Arthurbulla. I'm going to post the survey in 50-question batches, like the original. No worries there! Five thousand questions and answers wouldn't fit as an entry, anyhow. :P
The only complete copy... you'll have to go around erasing answers.
4651. It's the olden days and your father is going to drive all the way from the big city. He wants to bring something back for you. What do you ask him for? Whatever reminds him of me.
4652. Have you ever watched Little House on the Prairie? No, but I have all the original books!
4653. How did Columbus discover America when people were already living here? He claimed it in Spain's name, I think.. or was that the one where he made a wrong turn? History is so not my strong point. :P
Didn't they discover it? Yes.
4654. How far can you spit? Not very.
4655. What drinks do you know how to mix? None... oh well.
4656. What does the perfect engagement ring look like? Diamonds and bling. Well, maybe not so much bling. But one stone would be cool. Sparkly would be a bonus. :D
4657. How do you feel about arranged marriages? Not for me.
4658. Do you talk to angels? No, I'm not living in the Black Crowes song. :P
4659. What are you worried about? Eric H. Will he show up or not?
4660. How often do you touch people in conversations? Sometimes.
4661. Do you read in bed? Sometimes.
4662. How many sick days in a row do you take off from school or work? Maybe 2 to 3 at the most.
4663. There are three nursery schools. Nursery school one has children sit together around tables. It emphasizes group play. It has building blocks that are very large, so large that it takes two or more children to lift them, in order to teach working together. It is moderately decorated and encourages the imagination by providing fewer materials for the children. There is one teacher per classroom and the teacher likes to allow the children to work out their own problems.
Nursery school two has many materials for the children and is brightly colored and decorated. There are two teachers per class and the teachers actively intervene between the children. There are different stations (painting, blocks, etc.) and the children are encouraged to make choices about what they like to do and don't like to do.
Nursery school three emphasizes scheduled activities. The children sit in rows and must work alone, relying on themselves. Everything is very organized and structured. The children wear bright clothing, and are taught to memorize stories and songs. If the parents both work, this school offers whole care, which means the child can stay overnight a few days a week.
Which school would you send your (possibly hypothetical) children to? The second one.
4664. Each of those nursery schools is in a different country. Which one is in the United States? The second one.
Which one is in Japan? Third.
What country is the last nursery school in? Sweden? Haha, I don't know.
4665. What hour is your most creative time of day? Sometime between 10 PM and 2 AM.
4666. Does sleeping feel more satisfying when all of your work is done, or when there's something else you should be doing? When everything's done.
4667. Here's a dollar. Put three songs on the juke box. That's not a question!
4668. Do you refer to teenagers as "kids" yet? Sometimes... I think I'm old. :P
4669. What is one thing you thought was the end of the world when you were a teenager (or if you are a teenager, name something you thought was the end of the world 5 years ago)? Getting a very crappy report card and having to deal with my Asian parental units' reactions later. :P
What do you think of this thing now? At least it's over!
4670. Are Americans uptight about sex? Maybe.
Are you? Possibly.
4671. What board games are in your closet? None. I always said I should get some when I moved into this apartment, but I never did. Probably a good thing, as nobody really ever comes over... I have cards instead!
4672. What movie quote sticks out in your mind (don't tell what movie it's from, let us guess)? "I live in a giant bucket!!!"
4673. What is the weirdest song you've ever found yourself enjoying? GWAR, Jiggle The Handle. Yes, it's about toilets. :P
4674. Look in your history book. Who would you have sex with? I don't have one, and I don't feel like looking online either. :P
4675. A man in the reserves is being called off to war. He wants to defend his country, but he finds that his one-year-old child needs a heart transplant. In his shoes, would you stay and care for your child... or go and defend your country? Stay and care for the child... family's more important in this kind of situation.
4676. Is Gone With The Wind:
an accurate movie: Somewhat.
a good movie: Somewhat.
4677. What is your salvation? God.
What will it take you to achieve it? Nothing, so it is said.
4678. Is alcohol the water of life? No.
4679. Name a friend of the opposite sex: Jason.
He or she tells you that he or she has always had a crush on you. Your reaction: Hey, that's cool. Maybe we can get together and try dating sometime. :D
4680. Name one of your same-sex friends: Emily.
He or she tells you that he or she is gay. Your reaction: Well, you know how I feel about gay people. But you're still my friend. Remember that I'm not gay, though!
Then he or she tells you he or she has always had a crush on you. Your reaction: .... that's kinda freaky! Look... even though you think I'm your type, I'm really not. That's cool, but maybe I can help you look for a girlfriend instead, okay?
4681. What was the difference between your reactions to the same-sex and the opposite-sex friend? The opposite-sex friend: I thought there could be potential. At the very least, it was cute. The same-sex friend: FREAK OUT! o_O
Why the difference of reactions? Because I'm not attracted to the opposite sex, nor would I pretend to be. :P
4682. Where could you go that would be so incredible you would no longer be able to come back to the life you live here and now? The other side of the world in a fantasy life... somewhere in Europe or Australia, perhaps.
4683. What is the main problem you have with yourself? I'm SOOOOO not motivated.
4684. When did you wish you could disappear? ... When certain embarrassing incidents happened in front of half the school in Grade 8. (no, you don't need any more information!)
4685. Why is it that we call poor-average people crazy and rich people eccentric? I don't know.
4686. Is rain on your wedding day a good example of irony? Not really.
Can you think of a good example of irony? A fireman's house burning down.
4687. What have you recently changed your mind about? Going to a certain party. Oh well... *sigh*
4688. What is one thing you won't allow yourself to have? Cigarettes / porn.
4689. What would you say if Brad Pitt married Rosie O'Donnell? Rosie is a lesbian, so not attracted to guys in that way. Brad Pitt has his own problems with Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie, so that's the end of it.
What about if Catherine Zeta Jones married Drew Carey? That would be... interesting.
4690. Name something that there is no wrong way to do: Hug.
4691. If you and your partner could choose which of you would carry the baby (yes, even the male would be able to carry it), who would your vote be for? Me, because I'd definitely take better care of it during gestation and afterwards! (though that may be debatable to certain people :P)
4692. If men could get pregnant, would abortion become much more acceptable? Maybe.
4693. When and where have you felt most comfortable being nude? Alone in my room.
4694. What subject do you know the most about? Trivia.
Tell us something interesting about it. The world record for having the most children goes to Mrs. Vassiliev in Russia. She had 69 kids.
4695. What is the longest time you have gone between orgasms? Uh... forever.
4696. What is the least amount of money you would have to have in order to consider yourself rich? $2000.
4697. What words have others used to describe you? Weird, friendly, helpful, sweet, dork.
4698. What is the most extreme thing you would do / have done to alter your appearance? Makeup.
Why did you / would you do it? Because other people made me. :P
4699. What is the least amount of money you would accept to never have sex again? I don't know.
4700. What has been the hardest secret to keep? Like I'd post that here even if the time for keeping the secret was over. :P
Leslie will have to write: |
I will stop pretending that I'm talking to someone on my cell to seem wicked cool |
'What will you have to write on the chalk board?' at |
Ugh, it took SO long for this quiz to actually work... *annoying*
Labels: 5172, australia, blogquiz, bookworm, dragons, emily, eric m., gwar, japan, jason, jennifer, kaitlin, karen choo, maxed-out tags limit, nathan, photos, pictures, quiz galaxy, stella, surveys
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