I need a human radiator.. / Cheerful murk / Quizzes
If it's way too cold for me now, I wonder what I'll be like when winter comes. I think I need a human radiator.. Spoz is apparently good at being one, but that's going to do me a bloody lot of good if he's all the way in Adelaide!
one day, they'll look upon this website in wonderment..
"what the heck was SHE on about in life?" they'll ask..
things will be cheerfully murky, and they won't know :P
but here is the hilarity record of the week.. laugh, or else ;)
and for your pleasure, the BBT tally follows..
yes, it truly is good stuff if you've not tried it.. believe me!
"What's every ten years called? A century?" -- Yazmine, getting her units of time *seriously* mixed up. (Tuesday, Oct. 14) [nope, it's called a decade :P]
jackfruit @ orange-awning Pho place on Kingsway (where we used to go all the time after church!) [Sunday, Sept. 7]
green apple @ Dragon Ball [Wednesday, Sept. 17]
honeydew @ Daimasu [Friday, Oct. 10]
green apple @ Dragon Ball [Saturday, Oct. 11]
lemon @ Little Tea House (Metrotown) [Friday, Oct. 17]
don't ask me stupid questions that I don't know the answer to..
no, I do NOT know what's going on in the neighborhood..
and don't you lecture me about stuff, either..
I definitely won't be receptive to those tactics at all..
now my parent-directed rant is over.. here's the good stuff :)
didn't get to talk to hardly anyone today..
I was busily trying to avoid certain people..
it paid off, as not having to go to any meetings is a blessing ;)
went out to lunch with the cousinly element, as well..
that was also a very good happening, haha :)
next week is the church AGM.. best bring something to do..
if I bring my Bathroom Reader, I know what Eric will say:
"the church balcony isn't the bathroom.. don't read it here!"
(or something very similar.. I know his joking manner very well)
speaking of Eric, I definitely hope he gets well very soon..
foils are deeply needed, and he's one of my favorite people ;)
let's see if this week will be a good one or not :P
You need help... I do believe you've lost what was left of your sanity! I'm gonna suggest you get locked up!
Sanity quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

Orange: You are super-happy and friendly, but also a little strange... you are a great friend, but often no one understands you because you tend to speak out in odd ways.
The Color Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

You are yellow! You like being around people and having fun...
Color Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Binglobes!
You are the random thing I have created called Binglobes! You aren't a very nice random thing.. but that's okay, cause I love you anyway...
The Quiz of Randomness!
brought to you by Quizilla

You are sour. You're the "sour section" on the tongue... you're like lemon juice being poured into an open wound. You're probably an alcoholic and like to beat the hell out of people. At least you're not afraid to be yourself... and at least you aren't salty!
Personality Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
you are cool
Personality Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Sonic, the kickass hero of all Sonic games.
Sonic Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
You are most likely a Goth, Punk, or a Rocker. You are cool. You know what Anarchy is and you don't go around calling yourself a Punk and being a stupid poser. You most likely hate the government and all aspects of authority. Right on.
yet another label quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
PURPLE!!! YAY!! oh, um... NONSENSE!!!! YAY!!!!
The nonsense quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

Useless Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Lestat!
Vampire quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
one day, they'll look upon this website in wonderment..
"what the heck was SHE on about in life?" they'll ask..
things will be cheerfully murky, and they won't know :P
but here is the hilarity record of the week.. laugh, or else ;)
and for your pleasure, the BBT tally follows..
yes, it truly is good stuff if you've not tried it.. believe me!
"What's every ten years called? A century?" -- Yazmine, getting her units of time *seriously* mixed up. (Tuesday, Oct. 14) [nope, it's called a decade :P]
jackfruit @ orange-awning Pho place on Kingsway (where we used to go all the time after church!) [Sunday, Sept. 7]
green apple @ Dragon Ball [Wednesday, Sept. 17]
honeydew @ Daimasu [Friday, Oct. 10]
green apple @ Dragon Ball [Saturday, Oct. 11]
lemon @ Little Tea House (Metrotown) [Friday, Oct. 17]
don't ask me stupid questions that I don't know the answer to..
no, I do NOT know what's going on in the neighborhood..
and don't you lecture me about stuff, either..
I definitely won't be receptive to those tactics at all..
now my parent-directed rant is over.. here's the good stuff :)
didn't get to talk to hardly anyone today..
I was busily trying to avoid certain people..
it paid off, as not having to go to any meetings is a blessing ;)
went out to lunch with the cousinly element, as well..
that was also a very good happening, haha :)
next week is the church AGM.. best bring something to do..
if I bring my Bathroom Reader, I know what Eric will say:
"the church balcony isn't the bathroom.. don't read it here!"
(or something very similar.. I know his joking manner very well)
speaking of Eric, I definitely hope he gets well very soon..
foils are deeply needed, and he's one of my favorite people ;)
let's see if this week will be a good one or not :P
You need help... I do believe you've lost what was left of your sanity! I'm gonna suggest you get locked up!
Sanity quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

Orange: You are super-happy and friendly, but also a little strange... you are a great friend, but often no one understands you because you tend to speak out in odd ways.
The Color Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

You are yellow! You like being around people and having fun...
Color Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Binglobes!
You are the random thing I have created called Binglobes! You aren't a very nice random thing.. but that's okay, cause I love you anyway...
The Quiz of Randomness!
brought to you by Quizilla
You are sour. You're the "sour section" on the tongue... you're like lemon juice being poured into an open wound. You're probably an alcoholic and like to beat the hell out of people. At least you're not afraid to be yourself... and at least you aren't salty!
Personality Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
you are cool
Personality Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Sonic, the kickass hero of all Sonic games.
Sonic Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
You are most likely a Goth, Punk, or a Rocker. You are cool. You know what Anarchy is and you don't go around calling yourself a Punk and being a stupid poser. You most likely hate the government and all aspects of authority. Right on.
yet another label quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
PURPLE!!! YAY!! oh, um... NONSENSE!!!! YAY!!!!
The nonsense quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Useless Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Lestat!
Vampire quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Labels: 2003, australia, bathroom readers, bubble tea tallies, church, dragon ball, eric m., hilarity, jokes, meetings, parents, quizilla, rants, sick, spoz, sushi, yazmine
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