Saturday, March 08, 2003

Nobody online, jabronies!

Why is there nobody online now? I'm still awake and slightly buzzing off having been out with a whole bunch of my friends just now at Red Robin's, and whatever caffeine is contained in a grape Crush and two glasses of root beer. I don't think I could go to sleep right now almost immediately after I get home, in any event. Oh well.. at least I had a good time out! (and of course, given my luck.. people will start to come online when I'm about ready to pack it in.. woohoo) Probably going to bed earlier is a good thing, too. It's the old question of staying up even later or actually going to bed at a halfway decent hour.. guess which wins most of the time? :P

Just fielded email from Ice Wolf: "BTW, read your last blog entry.. what's a jabronie?" A jabronie (for those of you not familiar with the term) is a word used in the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment, formerly the WWF, until the folks at the World Wildlife Fund got too tired of the confusion) I think it was used mainly at first by this one dude calling himself "The Rock," to mean anyone who he perceived as a loser. If I'm wrong, I'm sure you can ask my brother for further details!

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