Friday, March 07, 2003

Don't tell freezing, irritated people to shut up! / Damn you, killer snow!

Just heard that the low tonight is -5 C / 23 F.. and there might be flurries in the Lower Mainland tomorrow. It was already cold enough yesterday night at 9:30 standing around outside the restaurant. Like I said to my brother, I can only hope we DON'T stand around outside post-11 PM tonight trying to figure out where we're going. Hopefully, we'll already have it all figured out by then (and inside the church, too). I don't really mind a whole bunch of standing around and making plans (my sister absolutely HATES it.. but I generally have no sympathy for her around this area.. live with it, I say), but if it's absolutely freezing and such.. just GO with something already! It matters not to me if it's hanging at someone's house, or going out to eat at BP.. just decide so I don't have to freeze in the cold! (and don't tell me to shut up.. you don't tell freezing, irritated people that!)

I also hope the flurries will remain just that.. or else my mobility is going to be even more impaired than usual. Though I suppose I'm lucky that we haven't had any snow at all so far this winter.. and it's just about spring, too. At least nobody has had to commiserate with me about the snow, or put up with the pissing and moaning I do every year. ("DAMN YOU, KILLER SNOW!!!".. that was quite amusing last winter) But still.. I bloody well hope the flurries keep themselves to a bare minimum down here.. it can snow all it likes up at Whistler / Blackcomb. Just not down here, please God..

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