Sunday, February 16, 2003

Crazy ICQ experiment


I just got home from being at my brother's house; for laughs, I've decided to leave my ICQ running. Let's see how many messages I will get while away.. nobody else will be on the computer since my brother's in Mexico. Probably not too many at all, but we shall see.. last weekend, Spoz thought I was on the computer when I had in fact gone to church. :) I'll report results whenever I'm over there next.. probably next Saturday night or something like that.

Your result for Pretty Damn Good Sexual Compatibility Test...


58% Sensual and 47% Aggressive!

You're no prude! Being Moderate means you enjoy sex. You like to give and take, but you're just less likely to take risks and try new things outside of the "norm." You're not very Aggressive but you're more respectful. A lot of things others find exciting or risqué don't pique your interest. You're not overly picky, but you know how to have fun. Essentially, you stick to what you know and that's great. You certainly don't mind this. You've probably really established a set way in your sexual endeavors, or you're just starting out. This is in stark contrast with being more Wild but doesn't mean you're not Aggressive or Sensual in any way. Now go out and find your next adventure!

Don't forget to VOTE!

Take Pretty Damn Good Sexual Compatibility Test at HelloQuizzy

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