Friday, February 14, 2003

Valentine's Day rant

LJ equivalent on 2/14/04.

Valentine's Day.. the day of love.. or is it? I've thought for some time now that all the media hype and such is WAY over the top. Look, while I think that it's good for couples to celebrate their love.. do we really need one "Hallmark holiday" to do it? Honestly, do you think that showing your loved one this love / affection you bear for them on only one day of the year is going to cut it? With most people I know, it definitely wouldn't! Hell, if you did that.. you'd be justifiably out on the market, I'd think.

Seeing people engaging in public displays of affection is one thing, but honestly.. when it happens almost right in front of your face (as happened to me on the bus the other day), you gotta wonder. Not that it's nauseating (well, okay.. on some deep-seated level, it could be), but speaking from the perspective of a SINGLE PERSON (and likely to remain that way for the foreseeable future).. it just makes me wish for what I don't have! (and I already do far too much of that on a regular basis) I don't mind people holding hands in front of me (goodness knows, my friends do that often), but kissing in front of me? Er.. thankfully, my friends don't do that at all. (weddings are a reasonable exception) But do I really have to be exposed to strangers doing it (no, not THAT) in front of me? Yick. There are some things which I should not have to see.. and that is one of them.

Then again, I have no idea what's up with mushy pet names that apparently make no sense. (thought of this after reading what Spoz had to say) I mean, "huggy bear" I can see.. but "smoopy poopy"? Pet names in general remind me of the conversation Spoz and I were having last year at this exact time: said he and some friends saw a mushy love announcement in the paper from "Subwoofer," so they thought it had something to do with his band. Then after looking on ICQ for the nickname (and having it inexplicably overflow with entries), someone brought up the possibility that it COULD be a very odd pet name. I'd have to agree that's in an odd pet name: "His pet name for me is a kind of speaker! Isn't that just SO romantic?" Um, no.

And yes.. I could drink the day away too (like SOME people I know), but I'm sick. (so I don't think that would be a great idea) I'm already staying in tonight (and perhaps tomorrow?).. maybe some of the cough medicine I finally bought today will fog my head up nicely. ;) Might not stop my ranting, though.. so beware! Cough medicine and alcoholic drinks together are probably not a very good combination, anyways!

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