Crazy English language / Internet teaching YOUR and YOU'RE / Reality disappearances
Eric tried calling me way earlier than usual: WHAT HAVE I TOLD HIM IN THE PAST ABOUT FRIDAYS, PARTICULARLY IF THERE IS CANUCKS HOCKEY ON?! DON'T DO THIS TO ME! Eventually, I just let the phone slide off the hook. ;) Then he sent me an email wondering whether I was alive / living because I seemed to have "disappeared from reality." WHAT THE FUCK EVER! He thought my explanations didn't take into account that I didn't answer the phone: FINE THEN, I WON'T EVEN BOTHER TO EXPLAIN NEXT TIME! Christ! Good thing I stayed home (to restart the computer a LOT), and listened to the Canucks try to come back from a four-goal second period... Anaheim won 4-3, though.
This is a cool English picture from Candy:

An awesome "Internet teaching English" picture from Billie:

Eric tried calling me way earlier than usual: WHAT HAVE I TOLD HIM IN THE PAST ABOUT FRIDAYS, PARTICULARLY IF THERE IS CANUCKS HOCKEY ON?! DON'T DO THIS TO ME! Eventually, I just let the phone slide off the hook. ;) Then he sent me an email wondering whether I was alive / living because I seemed to have "disappeared from reality." WHAT THE FUCK EVER! He thought my explanations didn't take into account that I didn't answer the phone: FINE THEN, I WON'T EVEN BOTHER TO EXPLAIN NEXT TIME! Christ! Good thing I stayed home (to restart the computer a LOT), and listened to the Canucks try to come back from a four-goal second period... Anaheim won 4-3, though.
This is a cool English picture from Candy:

An awesome "Internet teaching English" picture from Billie:

Labels: annoyances, billie, candy, coincidences, emails, eric m., food, grammar, hockey, holidays, internet, languages, phone calls, pictures
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