Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wasting bandages, Christmas, 5-3 wins, Owen, dentists, and warmth

When Henry picked me up for Awana in the pouring rain, we said hi and then settled down to listen to what turned out to be a podcast of a long Greg Laurie message about Jonah and the whale! We both agreed that we'd NEVER seen people who put their dogs in strollers before, as he apparently has. I found this religious message to be interesting and somewhat topical, which is actually a good thing. When we got to church, I saw Annika acting really excited as she ran for the elevator. Of course, I had to ask her how much sugar she had today: "None... I wanted my friend's candy, but I didn't take any!" Her dad was trying to get her to calm down, haha. Talked to Chrystal about my exciting week: yes, my Hong Kong friend is BACK HOME! Daniel was saying that it was never too early for Christmas; I tend to disagree! (the kids were singing Christmas songs already for singing time... thanks, Eric!) A few parents were looking for a small kid who seemed to have disappeared - yikes! I saw Alan Yu back from wherever he went, so he said that he'd gone on the trip with my parents (news to me), and that they'd also gone to Egypt, which wasn't that clean! Can't say I was too surprised to hear THAT, haha! Benedict kept us informed of the hockey score from his phone since the Canucks were in Toronto; it was 3-2 for us at one point. I also learned that Cynthia's favorite color is black - NICE! I said hi to Auntie Vivian, who said that she was enjoying life; always a good thing! Cynthia wasted a bandage while trying to make Annika feel better - oh well.

Went upstairs to see the kids working on their pizza party invitations, and Henry asked if I wanted anything; nope! Amos and Harrison were being rowdy as usual, while Justin wanted to invite Kayden (who was sitting right next to him) to the party. Mike and Emily tried telling him that he couldn't do that, haha... kids! Eric T. said hi to me while Gerard barreled his way toward the washrooms. I went downstairs again to see Aaron apparently just making his way into the fellowship hall, so I said that everyone was upstairs, but reminded him to check in first. Went upstairs with Aaron, and informed Henry that I'd found one of his kids. After I got back downstairs into the WARM fellowship hall (so nice that the heater's fixed now!), Chrystal figured that Ada wasn't here today - that's what I thought, too! Lanie agreed with me about the warmth, too! So I went back upstairs to inform Henry of this - yep, he could give me a ride home! I asked those parents if they'd found their kid: Owen was with the Sparkies, apparently! Turns out I'd overheard him talking to Hilary in the washroom when I was in there, heh.

A few minutes after I went back downstairs again (and watched the older kids play games - Emily M. was looking at postcards while Jordan received a stern lecture from Chris and Sarah), I noted that it was cold in the hall once more. "It's SO WARM!" isn't necessarily a bad thing, although the church does have to watch its utility costs! I found out that Conor had registered for Awana again after all; YAY! Steven brought a chalkboard eraser to us that was falling apart; Daniel thought Sabrina had fixed it with glue, but apparently it wouldn't stay... tape it was! Had a few crackers, and noted that I'd spilled soy sauce on my WHITE sweatshirt, so did laundry as soon as I got home. Talked to Rachel, Joshua, and Keenan; Tim put a friendly arm around me as he asked how my week was, so of course I wished him a happy belated birthday! He thanked me, and said that they'd gone out for dinner last night with his family, and were going to have Japanese food tonight... nice! I've had too much sushi myself in the past 24 hours, but it's good nonetheless. Aaron said bye to Henry, who said that he'd have to miss the pizza party because he had a dentist appointment! When Henry dropped me off, I said I'd make arrangements with Ada the way I normally do, and wished him good luck at the dentist's! At the front desk, Chris was showing his pet snake off to people! Found out that the Canucks won 5-3, so that's a pretty good thing! Vanessa H. has also invited me for all-you-can-eat sushi on Friday, but I can't come because of Fellowship... good for my wallet, haha!

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