Thursday, October 21, 2010

Honda Vermicelli, figure skating, NO WINTER, knapsacks, grease concerns, Bistro Crustinis

Eric picked me up as advertised, and we discussed our weeks; of course he thought I was drunk all week. *rolleyes* I said that I'd hung out with people and seen my sister. His week had been all right: he plans to do some WARCRAFT / STARCRAFT tomorrow, which does not surprise me! I said I might visit my grandma, heh. Apparently, I freaked him out by "randomly" exclaiming "Oh crap!" in the middle of the car ride - I just remembered the chocolate I was going to give him! Oh well, he'll find out about it later. Then he thought a car said "Honda Vermicelli" when it was really "Honda Vera Cruz." I mentioned a sign saying something about figure skating lessons: not for me! Probably a good thing that I'm not with someone right now because otherwise the relationship would take a steep dive during wintertime! (I wouldn't go out anywhere, I wouldn't want to look like I needed extra help ALL THE TIME, etc.) Yes, I told him that after we discussed the level of detail wanted when telling me about his plans. Not sure what he thought of that, haha!

When we got to the church, Wai-Mui said that in light of the break-in last week, Eric should re-park the car in the parkade when she opened the gate for him! I took the opportunity to fill my new water bottle at the cooler, then went upstairs as I said hi to Kevin and Pastor John on the way. Eric told me to watch his stuff for a bit, so I did. I carried his knapsack while I said hi to Uncle Peter - the baby IS cute, and I've seen pictures! Wai-Mui said that her younger daughter Priscilla made up a song about baby Micah - "he's so cute!" Eric came across me doing this, and said that I didn't have to CARRY it... well, now THAT makes it sound as if I have germs! I don't think he'd want me to just leave it in the hallway while I went to say hi to people!

Pastor John, Jen, Eric, Kevin, and I discussed tomorrow's program / Christon and Powerpoint / Martin / Dylan / Johnny / Raymond / Randal (of COURSE he told Jen about the outcome of the family meeting!) / Winter Conference / upcoming and past programs / service projects / food for our AGM / budget items / Chinese food having too much grease (it cooks faster with oil!) / Japanese food being expensive / Uncle Fatih's Pizza (the chunks of potato are GOOD!) / salad / Subway sandwiches. I sympathize with the grease concerns, but we also have a budget to meet, and people to feed in a filling manner! Our next meeting is on Remembrance Day, which is fine with us! Kevin noticed my new shoes while we were going downstairs - yes, they DO look white as Jen mentioned! After wasting time talking at the front desk, we FINALLY were able to get going after sharing the elevator! When Eric looked as if he were going to go the wrong way, I tugged on his sleeve and reminded him of the car's location. That made him think that I was in my "people-aversion mode," and he said that he wanted to talk to Kevin and Jen while knowing where the car was. Sure, sure...

He said that CANADA'S WORST DRIVERS was happening on Monday; he'll have to tell me how it went! Says he hasn't defeated the Lich King yet because his guild isn't very good (at such things) - yikes! Discussed Raymond, Randal, people under Randal's influence, Dave NOT being a perfidious blackguard (HE didn't write me a letter detailing what I did wrong!), being careful around new and old people alike (it's caution and NOT paranoia!), MYTHBUSTERS, loyalty, driving indecision and honking, steamy windows, hot and heavy breathing, "knowing someone in the Biblical sense" (I can't tell him off-hand WHY the expression was created - Google gives me nothing!), emailing him to see if he got the gift cards yet (of COURSE we don't pass a Safeway on the drive home - HE KNOWS THIS!), tomorrow's program, group stuff, and more. I should definitely get Bistro Crustinis again when I go shopping!

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