Sunday, August 08, 2010

Yes, having your sister visit for two months IS annoying!

I was just in time to meet Eric today, which was fine - we discussed some neurosis which he thinks I have regarding Mr. Creep (I have to remind Eric to be ever-watchful!), RED DWARF / DARKWING DUCK, INCEPTION / credits / Youtube, confusion on dreams within dreams within dreams, moron drivers, Teunis' computer issues / gum sensitivity, borrowing computer equipment / hardware, taxi drivers, racism, my disapproval of his sitting with certain people, annoyances, and more. Once we got to church, someone was waving at me from across the road - since I'd only had five hours' sleep, I was even less inclined than usual to be nice, haha. (I found out later that it was Daniel, since he told me - whoops!) Looked around for Martin since Benedict was there, but didn't see him - maybe I will have to call him during the week as per Henry's suggestion last night. Sat in my usual spot after getting a rather heavy bag of random crap from Dad's desk; gave one Bubble Tape to Nathan, and one (with assorted gum) to Emily / Nina / Gerard - I let Nathan look at my Dragon Tattoos, and he figures my mom is rich, to give me all this stuff. Hahaha... what I didn't tell him was that sometimes I throw away a lot of stuff since I can't / won't use it! Found out that it was heavy because of three canned pasta items inside - at least THAT is useful, unlike pink or goldenrod trouser socks! (as for the strawberry licorice twists, I dunno... possibly not the batteries!)

Phil preached on culture and circumcision - Jeremy wrote a joke Action Item on his bulletin: "Become Chinese at the Vancouver Chinese and English Free Church." He, Nathan, Christon, and I were quite amused! Then Pastor Edward announced his upcoming retirement in May, citing a lack of energy and tranquility. Later, I asked what was for dinner at his place, so he gave me the printed recipes to peruse: mixed berry salad, rosemary grilled chicken, peach cobbler, and something else. Christon told me later that he'd looked up nightshades - potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and more quite extensive allergies DO make planning a menu more complicated! Talked to Denise about the 12-year-old girls she'd seen at the Backstreet Boys concert on Friday... were they really BORN yet or CONSCIOUS of the Backstreet Boys when they were mega-popular?! Said hi to Brian, commiserated with Andrew about school / class timing / long breaks / one class in one day ("I'm spending HOW long to get over here only to be there for just an hour?!"), watched people carefully, and said hi to little Mattias. Auntie Catherine said later that he liked me since he allowed me to lead him by the hand over to the MEGA BLOCKS in the Cubbies room... NICE!

Went upstairs (saying hi to little Allison on the way) to Toddler Sunday School: saw Frances, Micah, Isaac, Helen K., Helen C., Nathaniel, Cory, Nicholas, Abigail, and other people from the ESC class. I like interacting with the kids! Amanda, Amos, Harrison, David, Evelyn, Mattias, Ashley, Ada, Ramen, Shira, and Jason showed up for class - had blueberries and crackers later as a snack. Harrison and Amos built robots out of Lego, Jason said "NO" every time Ramen poured toys on HIS Lego, David showed me an "owie" on his sister's leg, and Auntie Ying said that her mom is finally here from Toronto. I met her later on while saying hi to my own grandma, who says I never showed up on Tuesday. Who is Dad going to believe, me or a 90-year-old with severe memory issues?! I'm not saying that I'm the most reliable person in the world or anything, but I did not lie about going over to the townhouse... ugh!

Asked Jeremy where Eric was - apparently, he'd skipped Sunday School to go get Pho before guitar lessons. This was news to ME! Eventually after waiting around for everyone to FINISH TALKING, I went to a different Pho place with him / Christon / Lesley / Randal / Jen / Wesley / Kevin. We discussed cooking salmon, chicken marinade, Sunday Dinner, Isabel / Raymond / Cindy / Nathan / Wesley / Vivian / Randal / Jen / me / Teunis / Eric / Christon showing up at Jeremy's later, Lesley's retired sister visiting for two months from Hong Kong in September (SO ANNOYING TO HAVE THAT FAMILY OBLIGATION!), interesting awkward wedding photographs at the restaurant, Barkerville, a Japanese-Korean Anglican church nearby (Main and 30th), lemons, faking things for donations, weird news, someone re-opening a bar without a license for a few days, and more. I had to have some coffee since I didn't have any earlier (there was none) - figured I wouldn't really have time to nap what with blogging obligations and such, haha.

By the time Christon dropped me back off at church (we discussed Cindy's stress / grad banquet / organization / Fellowship Committee / "interesting" driving), guitar lessons were definitely over. Eric was like "You had PHO, so what took you guys so long?" The restaurant was pretty busy, and we'd gotten the last table... the waitresses also seemed to be seasoned pros at avoiding eye contact when we wanted to order! We discussed when Teunis would leave (tomorrow, perhaps - he later confirmed this when he got in), French, things that sounded DIRTY ("drizzle" and "servicing us"), joking payment for rides, cleaning out his dirty mind, STARCRAFT, staying up late, my computer restart issues seeming resolved (RAM stuff?), slow systems, whether he actually TOLD me about guitar lessons (I didn't hear it if he did!), and more. About 40 minutes after I got home, Teunis came in to say that his laundry didn't dry properly - that sucks, as does someone we both know having personal issues. Says he'll clear out tomorrow after he cleans up and such - it's going to be interesting for me to get used to being by myself again, that's for sure! (he's having a bit of a nap since he couldn't get back to sleep this morning) My mom just called to "ask me something quickly" - since I didn't really feel like talking to her, I said that I was waiting for a call from Eric. THAT much is true, but I had lots of time to talk... I just wanted to get this blogging thing out of the way first. ;)

Edit fifteen minutes later: Eric called, so I called my mom back to get THAT over with since I did NOT want to deal with that shit when we got back from Jeremy's. I explained again what had happened on Tuesday - apparently, Grandma thought we were meeting at Dairy Queen or something. Uh, no... Mom says that she'll take the top lock off, and that she believes me. Well, GOOD! :P

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