Saturday, June 26, 2010

The sudden VBS orientation saves Auntie Ying, at least...

Got out of the apartment in time to take the bus and the Canada Line connection. At first, I thought I was a bit early for the baby shower, but figured that I'd be punctual by the time I scouted out the Joyce Station bus stop near Oakridge, AND found out where Winnie's place was... this turned out to be pretty much the case. Said hi to Shirley (Bryant's girlfriend - yes, we did meet at Megan's bridal shower last year!), Andrea (it turned out to be a good thing when I said I couldn't make it to her lunch tomorrow), Cindy (told her that I had to leave early), Dawn, Steph, Vanessa, Emily C., Megan herself, Winnie, Jenny, Connie, baby Cameron (I fed him something - and helped wash his soccer ball in the bathroom sink), Jocelyn, and Winnie's daughter Megan with a pretty tiara. Had to be quiet when we entered the house since the kids were sleeping - briefly said hi to Kenny, too. We discussed Auntie Brenda telling a long-ago Sunday School class that she didn't like them at all since their parents were all church bigshots. In fact, she liked the previous year's class BETTER... way to keep an open mind, lady!

This is the direct antithesis to Auntie Catherine, who's always very gentle! Talked about Chung Ming's dinner tonight, the Awana BBQ with Memphis Blues food, Dave and Tiffany's wedding, Dawn's courses ending soon, Geoffrey, money, Erin's embarrassing stories, little Megan's drawings of the sun / grass / stars / moon / trees / holes / woodpeckers, big Megan's baby serving as a distraction, addresses, zebra / lion / animal / tree stickers, signing cards, presents, "spending calories," the kids' artwork, school, Andy, and more. I was thirsty, but didn't drink anything since I didn't want to REALLY pee on my way to church! Instead, I ate cake / grapes / ten cherries (little Megan had five for her own age) / cucumber slices / cherry tomatoes / lemon tarts. I also respected the boundaries of not going into the kids' play area - I could just look, heh. Steph asked Dawn whether she was going to Dave and Tiffany's wedding, since she herself is Dad's replacement because he doesn't like travelling!

When I made my excuses before leaving, Winnie and Cindy were politely concerned as to whether I'd be okay getting to the BBQ at church by myself - definitely so, since I had directions! Yes, I can keep on touch with Megan and Andrea (who's leaving for Hamilton at the end of the week) on Facebook! I thought the Joyce Station bus was going to LEAVE the stop when I saw it from a distance, so I hurried to get on that one... the driver told me "no worries," and actually seemed quite cheerful! A black baby saw me from its stroller, smiled, and waved - of course I smiled and waved back! SO CUTE! At the Skytrain station, I had to wait a bit for my connecting bus, but I did bring a book along. When the bus got there, the driver told me and a little Asian kid to wait till he got off the EMPTY vehicle - okay, then! So I got on the bus, and then this old East Indian guy wearing a turban sat RIGHT NEXT to me! Hello, sir?! This was an EMPTY BUS - you do not NEED to sit RIGHT NEXT to me! There were a few other EMPTY courtesy seats - I had to move across the aisle to one of those just so I felt relatively safe! What a moron!

I knew just where the bus was going, since Henry and I take that route to church all the time. Auntie Shirley let me in, and I went to get some water before I had to use the facilities. Said hi to Lanie, who was also headed to the washrooms. When I got to the fellowship hall, I saw Mike leading Jessica / Phoebe / Henry / Zoe / Jason Lam / Chris Lam / Sarah Chau / William / Steven Wei / David Ho / Sylver / Golden / Sabrina / Margaret / Lanie / Hilary / Michelle C. in a version of "Steal the Bacon" - with SKATEBOARDS later! (Auntie Rebecca, Auntie Kam, Auntie Vivian, Auntie Helen, and Melia were helping with the food - Julie C., Emily Lam, and I declined to play... and Martin came later) The food was pretty good... veggies and the ELVIS PLATTER! (pulled pork, chicken, bean sauce, BBQ sauce, cornbread, ribs, and other things) At first, Henry said he wouldn't eat anything since he'd had lunch before he came, but then changed his mind since he had no food at home because he's poor - I can understand not wanting to be hungry later! He said that he could give me a ride home, and he also said that he'd tried calling me earlier... oops.

Discussed a "sudden" Vacation Bible School orientation happening TOMORROW (Henry and I didn't get ANY emails on the subject - David said someone had CALLED him about it!), Jason and Margaret organizing the orientation (food will be provided), games, technology, STAR WARS, STAR TREK, Chung Ming (Julie: "THAT'S his name!"), how big Megan was by now, Melia thinking that she and Daniel were the only ones who liked mint chocolate chip ice cream, Superstore, Nathan being back now and looking better, Mike calling his sister a "sugar cone" (SO WRONG!), summer plans, the Canada Day BBQ, beaches, friends, camp, sponsorship, weird food combinations, beer, coleslaw, BMW, "REFOCUS" shirts, Melia taking a year's break for school reasons, gaming, education, elementary school math, bases, and more. Jordan and Thomas came in later because of Mother's Corner (Melia: "I remember THAT!") - Jordan told us that he'd help Auntie Rebecca hand out bulletins (which he called "flyers") tomorrow, so Chris said that he had to be good while doing that. He then said that he would go to heaven after he finished Awana, so he couldn't be a leader after that - okay, then!

Jordan also opined that Henry was too young to be the new commander, but Chris was the right age for it. Henry told him that he was older than Chris, so I guess we were wondering how that worked! Melia let us take some cornbread home - sweet! When Sam's parents were in the hall for some reason, I seized the opportunity to ask them for a ride tomorrow morning... I was only doing this because of the orientation, because I've never really helped out a lot at VBS, and want to refresh myself. There was that time at least ten years ago, where Adam and Andrew called me "Lassie," and where Carlie / Louisa / Hannah wanted to dump the leaders in the garbage can, haha. They can get Sam to call me at around 9:15, which sounds good to me... now, the only concern I have is where I'll sit. Jeremy's away! The orientation WILL save Auntie Ying, and that is also why it's a good thing I can't make it to Andrea's lunch tomorrow! On the way home, Henry and I discussed releasing your anger / generations / killing people / killing monsters / Memphis Blues / king crab / lobster. Got home to an email from Chris, telling us to wear our Awana uniforms tomorrow to show support for Children's Ministry Sunday - oh right, that's where we all stand up in the congregation! (but nobody wants to be the first to do so!)

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