Friday, June 11, 2010

Don't call me by the wrong name OR disturb my friend when he's trying to eat!

This computer just restarted when I turned on the TV to watch NBC DATELINE since I'm home really early! I was technically late to meet Eric, but I was fine since he was just as late to meet me. He started in on teasing me about the usual subject, and asked whether I'd called said person if I was in trouble. HA, VERY FUNNY! I had already eaten, so waited for Eric as he got something from Subway. When we got to church (sitting by Billy on a laptop) and he was eating before running through the worship, some new guy started up a conversation. HELLO, HE'S TRYING TO EAT! I suppose he wouldn't know that Eric had to run through the set later, but still. Maybe I'm projecting, but I wouldn't want just anybody to disturb me while I'm eating! The new guy called me by my sister's name, so I gave him "WRONG PERSON" as an answer. (I was READING - universal signal of "DO NOT BUG ME!" or so I thought...) Eric intimated that I wasn't being polite - well, no, but he KNOWS that I'm selective about the people I talk to! Yes, I'd seen him a couple weeks back (though not at the Frog Hollow talk), but that doesn't mean I'm friendly to EVERYONE!

I talked to Grace, Joey, Ivan, Dianne, Sam, Harmony, and Wesley (sat between him and Randal) instead - I can talk to people I'm comfortable with, you see! Discussed Chung Ming's dinner / Megan's shower, Erin's get-together, possible baby names (Micah?), summer plans, tomorrow's carnival, the World Cup (Sam heard Jeremy leaving for school this morning!), pillows and being comfortable, my Mom quotes, camp, going to China and Hong Kong for the Expo and visiting relatives (Citrus will provide extra security!), Jon playing violin at a SERVANTS commissioning, and more. The International Justice Mission talk was good, with stories on sexual trafficking / exploitation / what they do to avoid corrupt police / fair trade coffee and chocolate. Learned that Starbucks is fair trade, so that's good. (Ethical Addictions, anyone?)

Talked to Cindy and Grace for a while afterwards, and at least was polite to Teresa - yes, Eric and I had gone to Andrea's wedding and dinner. She got the hint that she wasn't invited, and I tried telling her that she couldn't just crash it! Phil returned a book to me after a year, which is fine. Kevin asked me about the carnival - I'm not going, but I agreed with Wesley that the balloons were cute! I asked Quan if she'd ever gotten home today since she'd forgotten her wallet and U-Pass. (I saw her frantic FB status updates - "WHO CAN GIVE ME A RIDE?! HELP!") She had simply gone on a bus, and thankfully got a nice bus driver who was sympathetic to her situation! Saw Vivian, Carmen, and Vicky come IN on our way out - Kevin said he wasn't counting them in the attendance, as well he shouldn't! On the way home, I told Eric that I simply had to show him my oatcakes ("you and your oatcakes!") - also discussed pirates, weekend plans, being bizarre enough for the bazaar, gas, cackling, excuses, the jazz festival, their Portland trip taking him / Jeremy (my regular seatmate!) / Christon / Jon away, being early on Sunday, FLASH FORWARD, and more. He also said that he was walking through the Bay recently when he overheard something that shocked him: "You don't have to pay those f***ing n**gers!" Yes, racism DOES exist here in Vancouver, sadly enough!

Edit: The computer restarted at 10:05 and 10:21!

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