Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Weird dream with Stanford and Eric's parents / New Microwave / Working

I had a weird dream where Eric's parents were going to church with us, but we had to pass a whole series of tests first. Jon and Stanford were with us, and were confused as to why we had to shovel a LOT of rocks / stones / dirt into the car trunk along with our bags before we went anywhere. Then Stanford talked to us about how he and Calla were planning their wedding, too. That's all I remember, and I'm not sure why I had that one!

Barry and I went to Superstore and the bank - discussed dentist appointments and food, plus I now have a new microwave. Yogurt in raspberry AND black cherry, chocolate milk, rice, butter, money, instant noodles, and more... hey, I still have SOME money. Called Hester about the smoke detector, and she said that she'd let me know when the handyman would come. As long as that happens, it should be okay.

You Should Work With People

You are naturally interested in others. You are caring and compassionate.

You don't feel satisfied unless you are making a difference in someone else's life.

You work well on a team, and you are good at both leading and following.

You inspire and motivate others, and you find that they do the same for you. You find power in numbers.

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