Friday, April 09, 2010

NOT talking to Ivan, escaping Mr. Creep and Raymond, cycling facts, and more!

Eric picked me up, and (after trying to fix the seatbelt since I may have done something to it last night) almost immediately started talking about what I should plan to do tonight - I hardly ever talk to Ivan on the weekends, so it's unlikely I'd get THAT done! He wondered if I planned to talk to Dave Wong - well, er, yes. Discussed scissors as a weapon, preparing to kill people, deaths, and more. Some time later, he started talking to me in French, and laying the blame for the sewage pipes project on Nanaimo at my feet. I don't think my bathroom activities at the old church really had any impact on that project, thanks! When we got to the church, we were a little late. I escaped being in a group with both Raymond and Mr. Creep by THIS much - Raymond, fine... but NOT MR. CREEP! Found out that he was calling himself by some Chinese name for the activity where the group silently lines itself up in alphabetical order - Grace and I couldn't figure out WHY, until some Agape guy said he had the same first name. Fred, Dennis, Kelvin, Johnny, Jon, Dylan, Deb, Grace, and I had a moderate amount of fun with learning things about each other. Liquor store, the electric slide, pregnancy cravings for McDonalds, computer, discounts, rainforest layers, ads, songs, chocolate, remembering birthdays, Pho activities (which we will do the first weekend of May), emails, marriage, silent treatment, sleep needs, and more - nice!

After that, I talked to Dave about his cycling hat - apparently, some cycling dude had a bunch of records in place BEFORE aerodynamic bikes were invented, which even I think is pretty cool! He said he hadn't been keeping up with my blogs (status messages), but I figured that was okay - he says the communication between him and the other Asian workers at Kin's Farm is a bit lacking because of the barrier, but I also understand that. Seems he plans to run errands with his brother on the weekend: "We're a Griffin family!" Hahaha! I said that I might link him to Oddee ("a site full of bizarre lists") - he seemed to like the idea, although he did say that sometimes he deleted things from his FB wall, and it was nothing personal. Hey, I understand people use Facebook in different ways, so it's cool... even *I* do that on occasion! "Feel free to send things over!" he said - I'll definitely take his word for it, although I bet I sounded awkward when I said that maybe I should send it as a message then, heh. OH WELL! He wondered if I'd heard about the Double Down - I have indeed read about that KFC monstrosity, and apparently he wants to have one! It reminded him of the Luther Burger that he'd sent me - oh yes, I see the resemblance! Then I asked whether he was going to the Whistler retreat (even though I already knew the answer) - apparently, he's been to enough retreats already, and also needs to save money. I hear him there, believe me! He had some pineapple, and wondered whether I'd had a chocolate chip cookie dipped in the chocolate fondue - that would be chocolate overkill, man! I told him about the time that Jon had dipped broccoli into some chocolate fondue, haha.

I was trying to get to another part of the room, but Mr. Creep kept getting within a foot of where I wanted to go! GO AWAY, MAN! Talked to Annie and Vicky about flight prices, Europe tours, and more. Then I asked Teresa whether she was going to Andrea's wedding... this was partly to stop her from asking Annie and Vicky the usual questions like where they went to high school! (noticed Dave in a group with Dylan and Mr. Creep - oh well) She said that she was working at McDonalds then, and asked Cindy what time the ceremony was. While we were talking about Andrea and Chuck's future plans, I noticed that I had a bit of a wardrobe malfunction going on, as the top portion of my undershirt was quite visible above my blue bling sweater! Resolved to get home and throw it away (along with another one I had which is too easy to wear backwards :P), so I was kinda antsy from then on. Met the female Mickey Pun when Dianne was talking to her about stuff like kayaking and Deep Cove. Eric tried playing a little piano once Dylan, Cordia, and Quan had their turns (saw Sonya too) - Stanley wanted him to attempt a Bach prelude, hahaha! He also told us about some 16-bar arrangement which he termed the best piece of writing he'd done yet. Bass guitar, piano, and drums - sounded cool enough!

Talked to Cindy about being cold, to Deb about how Dylan had a jock side and an artistic side, to Grace about being really tired, and to Wes / Kevin / Cindy / Jon / Dianne / Christon / Pastor John about snowboarding / Pastor John's family liking snow sports (but not chocolate TOO MUCH unless it's certain people) / a chipmunk iPhone app / Richie's farewell / playoff tickets. Jon's making Pad Thai for the food class tomorrow night, and was all "NYAH!" at me / Eric / Wes because we wouldn't get to eat it. Eric wanted downtime, and I'm not in the food class anyway - even if I were, I would probably want the downtime too! Someone wondered where Harmony was, so Jon said that she was at home sleeping or resting. Her sleep issues are better now, but she still needs Jon in the bed in order to sleep well - of course, since Jon is a night owl, that doesn't happen as often as she wants! She'll give him the silent treatment if she's mad - Grace will do the same to Phil, but will start slamming doors and such if he doesn't notice! Haha, sounds like interesting married life! Dave said bye to a bunch of us, telling me that he was being let loose on the streets. I joked that he should put out a warning EVERY TIME he did this, haha. I asked Jon whether he was going to the church early tomorrow - when he said that he was going to be there at 6, I said that it would be the approximate time I'd start getting ready to leave after Awana! He termed that "NICE!" hahaha. Shortly afterwards, Uncle Eugene kicked us out of the kitchen - okay, we're leaving already! Then I pressed the wrong elevator button - oops.

On the way home, Jon thought I incriminated myself a lot - I don't know about that! He said that he didn't notice me sitting by a certain someone tonight... well, Eric and I got there late! At least he seems to have a good rapport with Jon - always a good thing! After we got gas and dropped Jon off at home ("it'll take from five minutes to forever if I diagnose your laptop print spooler!"), Eric and I discussed the lich king / random dungeons / Jack Skellington / LOST / ETERNAL DESTRUCTION and its sanity meter / NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS (ST. PATRICK'S DAY) / Failblog vs. Failbook / odd lists, and more. Interesting times, as usual. He said that he should confirm whether he's doing sound - this after I almost assumed that he wasn't doing anything on Sunday. The audio-visual team doesn't need a full hour of practice, duh! Guess I'll call him sometime tomorrow evening, haha!

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