Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Unexpected call from Billie = a good thing... yay!

Billie called me quite unexpectedly, so we talked about Austin being an ass / people who aren't really nice although they fake it / Mr. Creep / school and the "dumbing down" of education, AIM / MSN / U-Pass for school / Douglas College / more. I even said hi to her mom, who says that they'll surprise me with some food tomorrow. Sounds good to me! We talked on MSN, too!

Decided to make a Parmesan Pesto Sidekick as breakfast tomorrow, and took a chance on some curry instant noodles which were expired as of July 22. Google told me that it would be okay, heh.

Jon sent us a "Casual Sunday Dinner" email, and it'll be at his and Harmony's place. We can also watch the Canucks exact revenge against the Oilers for yesterday's loss, haha. As long as he doesn't invite a certain person, I'm in! :P

Have decided to abandon Blogger right now - too many limits and such lately. I'm unwilling to copy and paste about 900 posts to another blog. I'll use Gmail for drafts and such. Joey has unfriended me on Facebook - I'm guessing he's deleted his account or something!

Poo nugget for Wednesday, October 21: Dr. Stool Says - Relax! - The tapering appearance of a cone-shaped Dunce Cap Poo can be attributed simply to pushing too hard while sitting on the toilet. The narrow ending is a result of your combined straining and the pinching motion of your external anal sphincter, like squeezing the last bit of icing out of a pastry bag. Plagued with one too many Coneheads? Try relaxing on the toilet. Resist that urge to contract your abdominal muscles in order to more quickly expel the log. Find a quiet, isolated stall where you won't feel pressured to quickly finish the deed. Still finding yourself tensing up at the wrong moment? We recommend reading a good book about poo to help you "loosen up."

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