Friday, August 14, 2009

Erin's address, the computer not being a microwave, White Spot, and being 100% evil

Helped Dawn with Erin's parents' address just now. Good thing my mom has several Word documents with her friends' addresses on the computer, so I was able to use one of those. Not that I would normally go into personal files (like I was telling Billie recently), but it had to be attempted for HELP reasons! Mom also got her new cellphone from UPS, so there's absolutely no need to check any website! :P

Grandma also called the computer a TV, and then she called it a microwave. Oh dear! Jon called to invite us out to lunch or dinner with him and Harmony tomorrow. We have no preference, but we'll confirm tonight at the grad banquet. Had to tell him about some hilarity and health moments, haha. Threw away the burned rice cooker, too.

Alerted Jasmine to the fact that my parents get back on our scheduled day to get together at White Spot. Luckily, the day after is still free for her - works out for me from a money standpoint, too. I definitely don't mind if she invites Teunis - the Oakridge White Spot it is, haha! (that being the only one in Vancouver which I know how to get to reliably) Will need to look at Translink sometime since the 98 B-Line is getting axed in favor of the Canada Line.

Facebook quizzes taken from Kaili and Ellen:

Leslie took the quiz "Do you know proper English?" and got the result: 7/7 (100%) - Yea! You get an A+! You know how to speak proper English! You paid attention in school and studied hard. You know the importance of a good education and speaking properly to communicate more effectively.

Leslie took the How evil are you? quiz and got the result: 100% Evil. You are completely evil, there's no question about that. People should be afraid of you, very afraid. There isn't anything good inside of you at all. What's wrong with you? (YES! MUHAHAHAHAHA!)

Leslie has taken the quiz What does your day of birth say about you? and she was born on a Friday.
Personality Traits
- Wise and humble.
- Inspiring character.
- Creative bent of mind.
- Fun to be with.
- Loyal lover.
- Good looker and great dresser.
- Confident.
- Center of attention in a crowd.
- Love the finer things of life.
- Caring.
(Ha ha ha ha ha ha.)

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