Friday, August 14, 2009

Dream: Chrissy, Cyprus, and cannibal dictators!

I vaguely remember having a dream in which Chrissy was going to Cyprus with her Uncle Georges and some other relatives. They were determined to have a good time, but the guy in charge on the island turned into a dictator. Not only that, but he was also a CANNIBAL! Rumors abounded that he had left someone's face on a plate before going off to conscript an army. Nobody wanted to be in this army, so they all left as soon as they could, and pled asylum at their destinations. For tourists such as Chrissy and her family, they wanted to get back to the States right away, especially since they had little kids with them! Luckily, they were able to do so, and vowed never again to be on Cyprian shores! What the heck?!

Got up today and took a shower. Grandma at least remembered that she didn't have to make dinner tonight, but wondered why I took a shower / wore my blue shiny shirt which Jeremy thought was $100 - was I going out? I told you yesterday! Then she wondered why Steph didn't come home from work and drive us to church, because we wouldn't have to get White Kid or anyone else to do that. Not enough time for that! Told her that she'd see Jon and Harmony tonight, so maybe she'll like that, heh. What I don't necessarily like is the AWFUL music on AM 1320 (it's SO TERRIBLE!), but at least Grandma gets to listen to her portable radio... :|

Just noticed that my mom has Lipton cream of mushroom Cup-A-Soup. I should get some of that later, haha.

Facebook quizzes taken from Kaili and Gretchen:

Leslie took the quiz "Which Sweeney Todd Character Are You?" and got the result: Aldolpho Pirelli! You are Pirelli. You aren't who people think you are. You can be manipulative, always putting on a show... whether for a crowd, or to try and intimidate. Your ultimate downfall will be when someone isn't impressed by your show, and decides to 'intimidate' right back.

Leslie took the The official OUTRAGEOUS FORTUNE quiz: Which character are you? quiz and the result is Loretta. You do have emotional issues, but since you’re smarter than everyone else, this will be no obstacle to world domination.

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