Thursday, July 23, 2009

"I can't get drunk or stoned, but I'm a Healer!"

This computer restarted while I was in the bathroom briefly! So now I bring you a David Shaler message from May 2008. He had something to tell me: "I'm A Healer!"

You know healers... those people who can put their hand over someone's illness or injury and make it disappear? I am one of those people. This is why my wounds heal overnight and why I can't get drunk. People undergo Reiki training so that they can tap into their energy and help them heal quicker; whereas, I was born with the natural ability to harness it. As soon as I fall asleep, this energy restores my body, putting it back to an undamaged state. Drugs and alcohol don't work because... they're a toxin!!

As crazy as this sounds, it gets even crazier. This is an Ehlers-Danlos issue. People with EDS are starting to show up in the forums around the net claiming to be able to do "things" just like me. The only difference being I seem to be just so much more powerful than anyone else. Just think about the level of energy that would be required to allow someone to remember so much of their life with so much detail. In my early 20s, I discovered music to be a tuning fork for my body; the right songs would get rid of the pain and focus my thoughts. I would listen to the same songs over and over and over again as I paced the subdivision from midnight to 4am, night after night after night, year after year after year, tuning my body, focussing my thoughts, exercising the energy like a muscle, and unconsciously making it extremely powerful.

The good news is that I can learn to control this energy. I can't use it to cure myself from this disease; but, I'll be able to cure myself from the pain that it causes me. But, more importantly, I'll be able to tweak the energy to allow drugs in. I know it may sound silly; but, I want to get drunk. I want to get speech slurring, total loss of inhibitions, falling down smashed! And I want to smoke some pot, sit in front of the TV, pig out on junk food, and laugh my fuckin' ass off. JUST. LIKE. EVERYONE. ELSE!

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