Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Annoying no-shows at doctor's offices... I hate getting up early!

Man, I hate being up early for NOTHING! I get up, talk to Terrence a bit before he leaves (seaweed / sushi chomping / booking flights), and check email before I left for the doctor's. (two minutes away) I got there, and found a notice taped to the door: NO OFFICE TODAY! What the heck?! Ugh! At least I called Coles to see if they have the POO BOOK... they do, and they've held it for three days for me. NICE! But I called my sister - I have to bus over in the RAIN and then somehow be social enough to see a movie. I want to go back to sleep instead!

Facebook quizzes taken from Shannon, Jessica G., and Jono:

Leslie took the What Is Your Inner Animal? quiz and got the result: You're A Baby Panda! Maybe you're not into eating bamboo (who is, really?), but your panda-ness suggests that you probably have a favorite food that you could eat all day, every day, for the rest of your life. As a panda, you appreciate solitude and simple things, like climbing leafy trees, and the way the air smells after a storm. You don't need sunshine to be happy -- you'll take shade and rain any day. The sound of falling rain is the perfect background music when you just want to space out and ponder life's big questions, like "How did I get so cute?"

Leslie took Harry Potter. You have only just achieved the pass grade of... ACCEPTABLE!

Leslie took the What high school stereotype are you? quiz and the result is You are the Bookworm. The coolest place in your school - at least to you - is the library, where you can always be found trying to find a new good read. You love literature more than anything else in life. You are probably great at English courses, where you impress your teachers with your knowledge of Shakespeare, Dickens, and... well... Harry Potter and Twilight. However, you may not be quite as good at making new friends, since reading is rarely a social activity. But if there is a book club in your school, you can bet you are the most popular kid there. (NO Harry Potter and Twilight... EWWWWW!)

Leslie took the quiz What type of memory do you have? and the result is Type A - Secretary Memory. You have no doubt an excellent memory. Having a Secretary's type of memory means that you're probably a walking organizer / notebook yourself. You remember the big and important things, and wonderfully, the small and minor details as well. It's like you can be trusted and depended on, because I guess you're seldom forgetful, which may lead to troubles. But I worry for your brain, seriously... If you ever felt that your brain is getting too hot a little, I suggest it's time to relax a bit, and just try, try, try your best to stop remembering all the minor stuff! You're the kind of person who looks at the whole picture, and give comments from the important to the little things. It's good so that if you're planning for a event, your team can rest assured that things are well-planned and see through with you around.

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