Friday, May 29, 2009

Canadian prime ministers, IQ workouts

High-scoring words of the night:

MASSAGE (704 points) - against Bryanne V. [two 4W, two 2W]
HOGS (234 points) - against Mandi B.-H. [3W used twice, 2W, 4W, hook off LAVA to make HA]

Talked to Billie, Corey, and John tonight - so good!

Leslie just took the "what's the first letter of the person you will fall in love with?" quiz and the result is M. You love cool and collected people that make you laugh. (I only took this because of the Scrabble tiles in the quiz picture!)

Facebook quizzes taken from Billie, Gabriel, Jono, Candy, and Silvester:

Leslie completed the quiz "Which ancient hero are you?" with the result Moses. You are Moses, liberator of your people and mouthpiece of God. You are an unlikely hero, being alienated from your people, inarticulate, and unsure of yourself. But once you hit your stride, you are a match for the Pharaoh himself. All that matters to you in the end is serving God and leading your people to the promised land. But God help the people (and he won't) if they betray their God! You'll slaughter the blasphemous without a second thought.

Leslie took the How White Are You? quiz and the result is 50% White. You're white and you try to be black, but you fail and everyone knows it except for you! You probably live in a city that is mostly white. (Two things: I don't TRY to be black, and my city is almost all Asian!)

Leslie took the Mensa IQ Workout and scored a 123. Her IQ of 123 is in the top 80%, which is significantly higher compared to the average Facebook user (IQ of 107).

Leslie just took the "IQ Test" quiz and the result is 130+. Genius! You are absolutely brilliant. You should be changing the world with your intelligence.

Leslie just took the "What Magical Creature Are You?" quiz and the result is You are a Witch. Double, double here comes trouble. Tricky and witty are totally you. You know who you are, and are more than comfortable with your masterful skills. The only thing you need to worry about is finding that special someone who loves you for you, and isn't always calling you a... let's just say it rhymes with witch.

Leslie took the Which Canadian Prime Minister Are You? quiz and the result is John Diefenbaker. None of them thought you could do it. They were all against you. But now, by God, you're Prime Minister! You've shown them all. If that's JFK on the phone, tell him to GO TO HELL!!!

Poo nugget for Friday, May 29: They're Looking For A Few Good Men - Who says the United States Army doesn't have a sense of humor when it comes to poo? Standard-issue toilet paper is affectionately referred to as the "John Wayne" because "it's rough, it's tough, and it don't take shit from nobody."

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