Monday, April 06, 2009

Coffee Crisp, Aero bars, lifetime poo output

Bingo of the night so far:

RIDICULE (101 points) - against Kate E.

High-scoring words of the night so far:

ZAYIN (320 points) - against Jesse J. [two 4W]
EWES (360 points) - against Amy R. [4W, 5W, 3L on W]
ZOEAL (136 points) - against Sherry-Ann B.-P. [4W, 2W]
TANTRUMS (105 points) - against Angie G. [5W used twice over, hook off NAY for a plural]
MONTANE (132 points) - against Kari-Lynne C. [3W, 4W]
EXACTA (425 points) - against George M. [two 5W]
UNCRAZY (105 points) - against Valerie S. [3W, 3L on Y]
RIDICULE (101 points) - against Kate E. [bingo, 4W, hook off RID to make RIDE]
RAJA (210 points) - against Vanessa S. [4W, two 2W]
FEAZE (180 points) - against Margaret S. [two 3W]
OLIVE (250 points) - against April C. [two 5W] {a good deficit-erasing word!}

Corey's review of Coffee Crisp and Aero bars:

[21:25:16] Corey: I had a Coffee Crisp today, and just started on an Aero... Aero is pretty good
[21:25:51] Corey: Coffee Crisp, too. I thought it would be TOO coffee for me, not my favorite flavor, but the coffee part is kind of subtle.. not bad at all
[21:29:23] Corey: okay, I may have to find a local source of Aero bars if such a thing exists :P
[21:39:56] Flami: learning about martyrs: are you sure that such a thing would exist?
[21:42:37] Corey: Wikipedia says you can get them at places that sell imported stuff. so maybe, I don't know
[21:45:38] Flami: so are there any stores in the local malls which sell imported stuff?
[21:47:26] Corey: not that I know of off the top of my head, but probably. there's actually a shop in town with nothing but imported candy.. I could try there.. I was there once, but it didn't seem like they had more than one or two things from tons of different countries. my dad thought it was dumb and wanted to leave almost right away.. so I didn't look too closely, I guess
[21:47:33] Flami: (this cherry coulis-Chili bar is NOT doing it for me)
[21:47:35] Corey: we were looking for some fancy chocolate or something for my mom
[21:47:59] Corey: but everything just looked like standard candy you'd get at a normal store, not fancy things. so maybe that's where I need to look
[21:48:39] Corey: they had Russian stuff, Middle Eastern stuff... things from everywhere. but from what I saw, just one or two things from each place
[21:48:55] Flami: (I thought it would be chili flavor, but the cherry is filling the bar, if you know what I mean)

Facebook quizzes taken from Quan and Gretchen:

Leslie took the You Are Best Known For... quiz and the result is Your Overall Personality. You are a sensible person. You think, and then take any further steps. You love honesty, and would love it if the other person was honest too. You welcome criticism with both hands open.

Leslie took the What will happen to you in 2009? quiz and the result is You will get a new piercing / tattoo! The adventurous side of you will make you get one! They're not as bad as you think! (HAHA, I DON'T THINK SO!)

Leslie took the What flower represents you? quiz and the result is Rose. You are are more of a loner. You can do very well on your own for quite some time. You are very cautious about who you choose to let into your life. The friends you have made, however, are very true and dear to your heart.

Leslie took the Would you be compatible with me? quiz and the result is Awesome Girlfriend / Best Friend. It's not too often that you meet people that have as much in common as we do. Maybe it would be worth it to give it a shot? At the very least, we would no doubt be incredibly good friends.

Poo nugget for Monday, Apr. 6: Doo You Know? - Life's Work! The average lifetime production of poo: five tons. 150 grams of stool per day multiplied by 365 days per year multiplied by 80 years = 4380 kilograms (9656 pounds) of stool. A vegetarian diet can produce fifteen to twenty tons over a lifetime!

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